I read this as a poet/writer who has a thousand ideas, half finished works, old truths... lingering... which now need a cleansing. Dump them, start with new ideas, new works... which reflect new truths. Just my interpretation.
I really enjoyed this stanza:
Poetry must prevail
Preventing a veil of tears
Washing a painted
Canvas of ideas
Very lovely. Starting a new painting... of words.
Enjoyable read, thank you Denise. :)
I read this as a poet/writer who has a thousand ideas, half finished works, old truths... lingering... which now need a cleansing. Dump them, start with new ideas, new works... which reflect new truths. Just my interpretation.
I really enjoyed this stanza:
Poetry must prevail
Preventing a veil of tears
Washing a painted
Canvas of ideas
Very lovely. Starting a new painting... of words.
Enjoyable read, thank you Denise. :)
when i read this line Poetry must prevail Preventing a veil of tears" this reminded me of painting with words,
and your prove it with this line, Washing a painted Canvas of ideas, glossy and intentful, beautifully subtle.
Dear all,
I'm a 46 year old woman living in Europe.
My passions are: reading, writing, poetry, blogging, languages, nature, walking, making friends. Curious? Who am I?
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