![]() True GoldA Story by alpha_darkFigures slender and dark shift
shape, contorting to the needs of the terrain. They are wary of the bright eyes
that search these warm nights, inauspicious glares looking to reveal the truth
of those seeking emancipation. No matter the decade, country, city or town,
young boys from this continent always fear the price of forgiveness. The price
this evening is True Gold " mother’s gold…and having escaped the inept watch of
a least favoured uncle the run begins. As thin legs and flat feet beat the
ground perpetually, they effortlessly navigate the uneven, cracked dirt road of
their rural province. The purple twilight is a canvas for a dying flame and its
air feels calming; cooling the heat of guilt that often emanates from the brow
of sinners and delinquents alike. Whichever title more relevant is an after
thought, and the only information concerning the youthful mind is the search
for the forgiveness held inside mother’s True Gold.
All Dialogue Translated from
-“Yaya hurry up! You’re so slow!” -“It’s not fair you’re older than me!” -“If your skinny legs make us not get back in time, I’m blaming it all
on you and I’ll laugh as I watch you get beaten with the belt.” -“Well Mummy said that I’ll be faster than you one day!” -“Not if I eat all your meat! Now hurry up, we have to get back before
she arrives!”
The boys, using shortcuts tamed over years of juvenile adventuring, are
nearing their destination, a great river that separates two cities with a
colonial history akin to sibling rivalry. It was at this location earlier that
day that the first of several bad decisions was made…
-“Eight, nine, ten, eleven, TWELVE!” -“See I told you I could do twelve.” -“Yes you are so strong on pushups…but can you do a cartwheel?” As Yaya
watched Julie the love of his very brief life effortlessly spiral across the
riverbank, he could not enjoy her grace as it were meant to be, because all he
could think is of outdoing her with another more audacious feat of his own. But
just as he was about to interrupt her gloating, his eye flicking subconsciously
to his brother. He was standing several meters away with another, engaging
deeply in what appeared to him as the kind of heated discussions they’ve had
about which character of their animated fantasy show was stronger. He was not
very good at reading teenage body language…because second later his brother and
the other were kissing. In his shock he quickly looked at Julie and exclaimed -“Look, look!” -“What?” -“Can’t you see? They’re kissing” -“What? You’re so silly, you’re obviously just making excuses because
you can’t beat my cartwheel, see - I am the best!” -“NO, watch this!” After ten more minutes of their blow-for-blow battle
of physical aptitude, Yaya began to tire. As he did awkward silence befell
them, not even the vehicles passing on the dirt road behind them could shatter
the mute sphere they found themselves in. He attentively observed her slowly
catching her breath, and for a fleeting moment something sparked in him, a
slight, supple bolt of pubescent sexual awareness. However before the onset
hormone shift could take place the feeling was gone, and he noticed her facial
expressions of boredom. Worried that she would soon leave, he rummaged through
his cluttered mind for anything interesting. And in a corner reserved for
secrets and guilt he found it. “Julie I forgot to tell you, I found something
amazing.” -“What?” -“It’s a magic artifact…” -“What’s an ar-ti-fact?” -“It’s something that looks normal but has special powers.” -“What kind of special powers?” -“Erm like making you fly, breath under water or run really fast.” -“Hahaha I don’t believe in things like that.” -“Why not? They’re real, even my mum says so, you know my uncle even has
some he said the doctor gave him to make strong with women.” -“Strong with women?? Maybe you need that because you can’t even beat me
in a fight.” -“I don’t need to because I have True Gold.” -“Show me.” -“Yes but you can’t tell anyone about it…even my brother doesn’t know
that I have it.” Yaya walked towards Julie, reached into the abnormally deep
pocket of his dusty shorts and pulled out his closed fist. Inside was the
treasured artifact. Was he was trying to build suspense, or maybe just
attempting to prolong her company…either way she wasn’t a patient girl and
demanded to see the so-called True Gold. -“Let me see it then?” -“Yes but be careful, I found it hidden in my mum’s room…she keeps it
hidden because she says that if she takes it to work, it will reveal her
secrets” -“So its power is revealing truth? That’s rubbish; I thought it would be
something cool like the power to run faster than a cheetah.” -“It is cool, just look at it.” Yaya opened his now sweaty palm,
exposing the True Gold to the elements and watched Julie’s face as her eyes
absorbed its latent sun colored gleam. She took a second before reacting, and
then looked up at Yaya smiling with deep maternal warmth far beyond her years.
Now back at the same place a different tone fills the night…
-“Have you found the True Gold yet??!” -“No, not yet!” -“Look harder, Yaya! -“Why did you even take it? You know how important it is to mother, she
is going to kill you if you don’t find it.” -“I know, I know, but I swear I put it back in my pocket after showing
her.” -“Why even show her?? You want to impress her? Didn’t your twelve
push-ups do that?? Would have been
easier to just kiss her.” -“No, that’s disgusting, she’s my friend.” -“Well if you don’t find it you won’t live to see her again. Lets check
by the bushes by that river edge.”
Two spirits connected by the psychological chains of blood and history
search the topography of their surroundings for salvation…so desperate, they
kneel in the moist earth, plunging fists into its loose top soil hoping to feel
the familiar shape and texture of the lost treasure. The search was prolonged
and intense, to the point that fingers were beginning to cramp under the
previously soft resistance of the land, and without the sunlight to aid them,
eyes were functioning at below optimum capacity. Surrendering to their fate
seemed inevitable, like the exposing teardrop of the melancholy first blink.
However just before the acceptance of all that could befall them, Yaya’s mind
twitched… -“Hey, stop digging in the dirt like a dog, I have a thought…” -“What?” -“You know…I think that girl you’re so fond of has probably taken
it…maybe to give to her boyfriend.” -“Shut up, she doesn’t have a boyfriend, and anyway I don’t believe she
would take it.” -“Yaya I don’t think you can take that risk…” Begrudgingly he had to
accept that there was great validity to those words, and so he stood up,
covered in dark mud like a child role-playing a Navy Seal’s secret incursion
onto foreign land. After taking a few moments to mentally map out the route to
Julie’s house, he began a slow defeated jog towards his new goal.
Thirty minutes later he arrived at the edge of the city center… The city
lights that were like small, glowing fireflies at a distance had now become
clear beacons of commerce and life. Cars of varying size and make zoomed by
while food vendors proclaimed the excellence of their barbecued poultry, and
shop retailers the complex quality of their fabric; the night was saturated
with the intent to sell. Most in his proximity ignore him, after all what use
is a child with no money here? Tired from his travels, the young boy walked
slowly across the wide concrete road onto the pedestrian path. -“Be careful Yaya! If one of these cars hit you you’ll end up looking
like yesterday’s goat.” -“I know, I’m not blind.” -“Yeah yeah…so where does your pretty thief live?” -“Whatever, she is a good girl, I’ll show you…Just follow me” -“When do I not little brother…”
Finally outside the place he was told she lived at, and it looked very
different then he’d imagined, the large stone building of modern design was
somber and less inviting than he felt it should be. Not letting that
peculiarity slow his mission’s progress, he rang the doorbell. Temporarily
forgetting his age and place he was oblivious to how this situation looked.
Before that knowledge could grace him, the front door opened…a mountain of a
man stepped forward into the night-light.
-“Boy, why are you ringing my door bell? -“Sorry sir, but can I speak Julie?” -“Who?? Listen I don’t need lost street boys waking me up for no reason!
Please go away.” -“I’m not a street boy, I have a house and it’s nice, we even have a big
TV.” -“What are you talking to me about your TV for? I need to sleep. If you
want money go and polish some drunk business man’s shoes” -“Sorry sir I just want to speak Julie Mokemo, doesn’t she live here?
She told me she lives here.” The large man kissed his teeth…scanned him
thoroughly and said -“Boy, I don’t know any Julie, but there is Charlotte Mokemo who runs
the house of ndúmbás across the road
over there” -“House of what?” -“Don’t worry you’ll see when you get
there, plus I remember hearing that Charlotte had a daughter so maybe that’s
the Julie girl you’re looking for” -“Ah thank you mister!” -“Yeah, just make sure you at least wash
your muddy hands before you go in their, now go away” Yaya barely hearing the
man’s advice rushed across the road to where he had pointed. Directing his
older brother to keep up, he arrived at the open door in a pant, still
blissfully unaware as only a child can be of how wrong it was to run around a
city centre covered in mud stains. He locked onto the first person that looked
his way and said. -“ Excuses me, madame, have you seen Julie
Mokemo? I need to ask her something important!” -“Slow down young one, you can’t speak to
a lady like myself without introducing yourself first like a gentlemen.” -“Sorry, My name’s Yaya and I lost
something, and really need to find it. I think Julie might know where it is,
can you please get her for me?” -“Okay, well firstly my name is Genevieve
and it’s a pleasure to meet you, even if you look like you just crawled out of
a river. Secondly, if you’re referring to my boss’s daughter she obviously
isn’t here. This is no place for young ones.” -“But, I have to find the True Gold or…” -“True Gold?? What is that?” -“It’s special gold that has magical
powers, it reveals the truth of your heart.” Yaya heard his brother’s voice in
the back remark, “So that’s why you wanted to show it to that pretty thief”.
Ignoring it he continued his pleas. -“Madame, please help me find her, she’ll
know where it is. The man across the road said that she might be here.” -“Calm down…What I can do is ask Charlotte
too come and see you, in fact we’re not that busy at the moment just go up the
stairs into her office. Just don’t get any dirt on the walls!” -“Okay, thank you”
As the answers to all his questions
approached like a stranger in the dark, he hoped they lead him to the truth and
thus the forgiveness he ultimately sought. As he ascended the slim creaky
stairway, he remembered the door lady’s words and kept himself as far from the
walls as three-dimensional flesh and bones allowed. As he reached the first
floor he saw Charlotte’s office door in front, and on either side the hallway
extended further than his expectations of the building’s capacity. He was
pleased to be getting closer to Julie, however loose of a thread that sentiment
was. He tried to wipe his hands clean, but the mud has dried and without the
softening caress of water would remain so. Giving that up he raised his hands
to knock on the door, preparing in his mind what he’d say to Julie’s mother.
Just at the moment a familiar voice calls out in a loud shrill from down the
left hallway. -“Yannick!!, what are you doing here??”
The boy turned to his left the see an anguished face appear from between a door
left slightly a jar. “What are you doing??” The woman ran out grasping her soft
lacy gown tightly, grabbed Yaya by the shoulders and shouted at him, “ Why are
you so filthy?? Do you know what time it is?? Why are you not at home?! I told
my useless brother to watch you!” -“ Mummy…do you work here? Is this the
restaurant? I couldn’t tell, sorry but I came to find Julie.” -“Charlotte’s daughter?? Why would she be
here?? Why are you not at home? Start explaining yourself Yaya, or I’m going to
get very angry!” -“I’m so sorry mummy but I…I accidently
took your True Gold, I didn’t mean to and then I think I lost it…” His voice
started to quiver like the soft vibrations in the air before a downpour, he
used all his strength to hold it back. -“Accidentally?? Did you take my wedding
ring from my room Yaya, and now lose it?! Do you know how much it’s worth??” -“I know it’s special, you always say…I’m
sorry…I will find it!” -“How will you find it out at night like
this?! You can’t even tie your own shoe laces.” -“That’s why Simon is helping me find it,
he came with me, and even helped me dig for it.” The boy’s mother paused,
taking several seconds to regain control of her emotions, then knelt down to
eye level and with a deep empathy saying quietly” -“Yannick, are you seeing your brother
again? I thought that had stopped?” -“Why does he have to stop? He’s my
brother he’s always with me mummy.” -“It’s not good…I know how much you loved
him, he and your father were my world too...but we have to be strong and move
on…they’re not here to help anymore, we can only rely on each other.” -“But…I like him being here…he’s the only
person that plays with me anymore…” Yaya couldn’t hold back the tears
anymore…any thought of letting the spirit of his brother go broke his small,
fragile heart. Seeing the hands of despair begin to reach across her son’s
mud-patched face, she stopped her suggestions. Grabbing his hand passionately
his mother stood up. -“Stop crying Yaya, we’re going to find my
ring, ‘C’est du vrais Or’ so we can’t
just let it vanish, can we? Yaya looked up at his mother, his tears breaking a
path through the dry earth on his face. -“Yes…True Gold.”
The End © 2017 alpha_darkAuthor's Note
Added on January 22, 2017 Last Updated on January 22, 2017 Tags: short story, relationships, loss, love, pain, africa, congo, brotherhood, inner city Author