![]() Ch. 9A Chapter by Ashley
Jamie was panicking in the back seat. Stacie was quiet and had her head down. Carlos, at the wheel, had both hands tight, and was staring intently at the rode doing seventy-five miles an hour on a road where the speed limit was forty-five.
Stacie looked up and saw lights fly by her on both sides. "Slow down!!" She screamed. Her eyes were wide with fear and her hands clutched herself as to protect herself. "You're going to fast!!"
"I don't wanna die, yo! You're out of yo mind if you think I'm gonna slow down!!" Carlos snapped back. Yeah, they were running, they weren’t actually sure from what, but they knew they had to get out of there.
"Hey!" Jamie yelled from the back seat to Carlos. She looked at Stacie. "Are we going to die?" she asked through tears.
"I don't know. I have no idea,” Stacie said quietly.
Silence was in the car for awhile. Everyone was scared
Everything was going so fast. Elise and Kaedon were gone, and who knew if they were even still alive right now. Plus, Renz was dead. Some jackass killed him. A*****e, Jamie thought…
“What are we going to do, if,” Jamie swallowed the lump in her throat, “if he finds us…and he wants to kill us…” Tears rolled down her cheeks.
“It’ll be ok,” Stacie turned around and wiped off her tears with a napkin, “We’ll figure something out.”
They just sat there for a little bit, and Carlos seemed to be picking up speed instead of slowing down. Cars flew past them, and lights became even more of a blur.
“What the?!?!? Why are you picking up speed??” Stacie yelled at Carlos.
“I don’t know!!” He yelled. “The brakes, they’re not working!!!”
“WHAT?!?!?” Stacie yelled.
Everyone started panicking. You could smell the adrenaline rush in the air.
“Hit the brakes!!” Stacie was screaming. “Hit them now!!!”
“I am!! They’re not working!!!” Carlos was pounding his foot on the brakes and the sound vibrated through the car.
Ninety miles per hour……
As they sped up, Carlos’s eyes were wide open on the road, trying to avoid oncoming cars and just making sharp turns. C’mon, just slow down a little, please, Jamie asked God in her head. I don’t want to die….
One hundred and ten miles per hour……..
Jamie started crying. “Oh my God….”
One hundred and thirty miles per hour……..
Time went slow for the next few seconds. One moment everyone shot up in the seats and everyone saw a man in mysterious man with an evil smile, though it was not the same one with the firebird, standing in the middle of the road in front of the opposite exit. They could see every car drive by, and see every store and every blur of light.
The next moment, Stacie was screaming “Emergency brake, emergency brake!!”
The next moments were a blur. It went from everyone screaming, to mysterious man disappearing. It went from speeding past the man to trying to turn faster than the speed they were going. Then, it went from a head collision into a wall to explosions erupting from the hood of the car.
Carlos pulled the emergency brake a second before they hit the wall. The front end of the viper hit the wall, and the car sparked before the front exploded in flames. The front hit the wall, and made a ccrruuunnnccchhh noise. The car folded up on its side.
Stacie managed to climb out the window on her side, and turned around to the burning car. She pulled Jamie out of the back seat. When Stacie went back to go get Carlos, Jamie sat there and held onto her arm. They looked at each other, and their eyes said what they could not say out loud. The flames ripped through the air lighting up the painful abrasions on their bodies.
“No…..” Stacie whispered, “NO!”
Jamie sat there and held Stacie and Stacie held Jamie and they cried. They were both covered in blood, mud, oil, and had various burns all over their bodies. Their dresses were torn revealing now bruised and broken skin. Blood dripped from their foreheads, and lips. Burns were scattered across there arms and legs.
“We have to get out of here. Now,” Stacie coughed through her sobbing tears.
“I don’t,” Jamie choked, “don’t wanna…wanna die.” She spit out in bursts of sobs.
They grabbed each other’s arm, and despite where they were, no cars were around, it was only them and burning car.
“We’ll make it out of this,” Stacie said.
They started walking together, because they wanted to get as far away as they possibly could. The only thing that was pushing them on is how they didn’t want to end up like Renz or Carlos. Jamie and Stacie could both feel each other’s pain when the thoughts lingered.
“Stacie….,” Jamie whispered, “Do you think Kaedon and Elise are ok?”
“We can only hope. I have no idea what’s going on right now. Why us?” Stacie let out a much needed sigh.
When Jamie looked at Stacie, past all of the blood and cuts, her face was so tired and worn right now. This was definitely something they would never be able to forget.
“I think my house is somewhere close up here. We just need to go a little further.” Stacie said.
“Okay. I hope we can make it there.” Jamie said with her and Stacie’s arms still linked.
They sped up there walking a little bit. Truth was, none of them wanted to be out here. Especially when the only thing really leading their way was the moonlight.
A few cars started passing by them, shining bright lights onto their beaten faces. Sadly though, none of them stopped.
Images ran through Stacie’s head about the car, and how it all happened. She started freaking out, and started crouching down holding her head and screaming.
“I can’t take it! Make it stop!!!” Stacie cried. Out of Stacie and Jamie, Stacie had always been the strong one. She was the one who was there for Jamie, who would always help her out, and talk to her. But now, Jamie was the one who was in that position and she had no idea how to comfort her. Both of their boyfriends had just died tragically in mere ‘accidents’, as someone on the outside would describe this.
“It’s going to be ok. C’mon,” Jamie grabbed a hold of Stacie’s arm and helped her up. “We’ll make it. You can do it.”
Stacie fell onto Jamie and started crying.
“I can’t take this. I can’t believe this happened. I just…I don’t know what to do. What are we going to do?” Stacie sobbed.
“We’re going to go to your house, and we’ll sleep on it. C’mon,” Jamie said as she started walking with Stacie. “We’re almost to your house. We’re going to be fine.”
They continued walking until they got to Stacie’s house. Jamie had been here so many times, she already knew where they key was, and she let them in and locked the door.
“See, we’re here now. We’re going to be fine now.” Jamie comforted Stacie.
They sat down at the breakfast bar, and looked at each other. Black circles were forming underneath their eyes. Dried and caked blood covered their bodies, and their dresses were torn to no end.
“Let’s go clean up,” Jamie said to Stacie to break the long silence. We need to work though this, she thought.
They helped each other to the bathroom and started up the running water. Jamie helped Stacie pull of her dress carefully, so she wouldn’t break scabbed over skin. Because of the mud and blood, the dress stuck to her, and Stacie whimpered as they took it off. Stacie helped Jamie with hers, and it went the same way. When Jamie went to take off her underwear, she noticed her left side was bleeding somewhat heavy.
“Ah…damn it. Stacie…can you help me please?”
“Oh my gosh. Yeah hold on. I need to get a towel from the closet first.”
When she came back, Stacie held around three or four towels.
“First, let’s get the bleeding to stop.”
They applied pressure to the open wound, and then they both got into the tub of water so they could easily help each other clean out the wounds. It was a long process, but they were eventually able to get the blood and dirt off.
They dried off, and went into Stacie’s bedroom, so they could find loose clothes to wear, to avoid opening any more wounds back up.
“Everything is going to be ok, right?” Jamie asked nervousness in her voice as they lay down in the bed.
“I hope so. C’mon. Let’s get some sleep. We have to go find Elise and Kaedon tomorrow. Good night.” And with that, Stacie turned out the light.
“…Good night….” Jamie whispered, and hid herself under the covers. © 2008 Ashley |
Added on October 19, 2008 Author![]() AshleyBrooksvilleAboutI'm a writer, and love music. (: I'm a nice person, generally, and yeah. more..Writing