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Ch. 1

Ch. 1

A Chapter by Ashley

Elise was walking down the hallway to have new college dorm room. She was excited she finally got to move in with her old friend Jamie. She didn’t like to stay by herself. Elise was majoring in commercial art. Ever since she was little, she loved to draw, and her mother told her she had natural talent. Elise pushed the thought of her mother out of her mind. Instead she unwillingly focused on her headache and went to go lay down. She had a splitting headache, and it wasn't the first time in the day she had one. As she opened the door to her dorm, the clock flashed 4:30 p.m. She sighed. I am so tired, she thought to herself.


As soon as she drifted off, Jamie, Elise's roomate, and her best friend, Stacie, barged into the room. These were Elise’s closest friends, besides her boyfriend. Stacie was studying science, and she wanted to become a pathologist. She was amazed by how diseases could form, build up, then be destroyed. Jamie was studying the art of fashion. She wanted to become a fashion designer, and actually was making major headway. She had an internship at one of the biggest designer industries.


"Oh my God!" Elise shot up in bed, intense waves of pain shooting through her head, "What the hell are you doing?" Jamie and Stacie seemed to not even notice her.


"Yeah, I know. I can't believe she-," Stacie said.


"It's not her fault, I guess-," Jamie stuttered.


"Don't stick up for her. She got what she deserved."


"But...but, you know it's no fair, she was going out wi-"


"...with that scum bag, yeah yeah. She should have known. He's infamous around campus. He has a really bad rep, Jamie."


"Ummm...Hello?!" Elise yelled. Aparently, they were still ignoring her.


"He's a stalker. We warned her. We warned everyone else, Jamie. He. Is. Dangerous."


"I hope she doesn't get hurt. Did you hear that one rumor? About-"


"Oh my God. The one that he supposedly killed-"


"Okay," Elise was getting ticked off. "Get out!" She screamed.


Jamie and Stacie paused, and looked at her.


"Get out now. Please. I have splitting headache."


"Sorry, we didn't mean to be so loud." Jamie giggled. They began to grab some cd's, and then they left, closing the door quietly. Crreeeeeeeekkk. Trying to close it quietly also meant slowly. The sound echoed through her ears. Click.


Finally, Elise thought. She laid back down trying to get comfortable. Drowsiness took over her eye lids, making them heavier and heavier. Her face was nuzzled into the pillow, and she was listening to a soft buzzing, vibrating noise.


Elise's eyes flashed open. Dizzy, she sat up. "Come on." She let out a whine. Why can't I just get some rest? She thought oh well, I'm doomed to be in pain.


She dug through her bag, and the sound was closer. Bzzzz. Bzzzz. "Who is calling me?"

Bzzzz. Bzzzz.




"Hey, babe. How are you?"


"Oh, hey. I'm kinda crappy. I have a really bad headache."


"You want me to come over?"


"Won't you get in trouble?"


"Nah. Don't worry about it babe. Just take something, and I'll be right over."


"Okay. The door will be unlocked. Just walk in. Lock it after you're in. I don't want Ms. Annoying Mouth to come back in."


"Ok, babe. Love ya."


"You too. Bye."


Click. Elise shut the phone. That was Kaeden. The love of her life. They had been going out for a little over a year now. And Elise was very proud of herself. It was the first relationship that she hadn't screwed up. There was something different about Kaedon, and Elise had noticed it since the moment she met him. He always made her smile, and laugh. And, he had always been there for her. She owed him so much, yet she could never seem to repay him.


Kaedon was studying to be a doctor. He was always interesting in mathmatics and science and he figured he might as well make use of his talent. Kaedon was a year older than Elise, so naturally he was a grade higher too. Elise, Jamie, and Stacie were all in there sophmore year of college, while Kaedon was in his junior.


She went to the kitchen, and pulled out Ibuprofen. Grabbing a glass of water. One, two and three pills. Good, she told herself, keep them down. She was never good with pills. When she was little, they made her sick. Like, puke sick.


She went back on the couch, and started day-dreaming. She closed her eyes, and saw Kaeden. "You're here quick."


"I wanted to see you babe." His lips were so smooth, so lucious as he whispered those words. Oh how she wanted to taste them. His deep rich brown hair just flowed with his body, perfectly in sync. The way he moved, was so rythmatically tuned, from one side to the other, he was so smooth, so graceful.


A light tapping on the door awoke her. "Hey babe." Kaedon kissed her on the cheek. "How's your head?" His lips moved there.


"Hmmnn...It's getting better. Don't forget to-"


Pop. "Lock the door? Done."


He moved toward her and sat by her. Wrapping his arms around her, and she just lay there, memorizing his scent.


It smelled sweet and cunning, and she couln't put a word to it. It drew her in though. She didn't want to move, the scent paralyzing her. She looked into his eyes, deep blue. So sound at the surface, but so devious deep down.


He smelled her hair, and lay his head on hers. Gently, he began to kiss her head. Slowly moving down to her cheek. Then, her lips. He stayed there for a second. As he started to pull away, Elise grabbed him by the back of his neck.


"Geez, Liz." That was his nickname for her.


Elise giggled. "Sorry." You just taste so good, she though. She was just staring at him, smiling.


A wide smile spread across his face. "What are you staring at?"


"Oh, nothing." Elise kissed him tenderly. "Absolutely nothing." She just laid back on him, her head resting on his shoulder.


"You know what?" Elise said.




"I love you," she smiled.


"You do now? Well, maybe," he kissed her, "Maybe I love you too." He kept kissing her gently, but continuously, not letting up. His hands, placed gently on her face, slid to her neck. Grabbing her. Pulling her in. And she faught from becoming entirely his. She kept kissing him, though. She was enjoying it. Kaeden slid one hand to her lower back. Grabbing her. Embracing her.


Kaeden managed to position Elise with her legs over the edge of the couch, and her head on his lap. He kissed her forehead.


He paused. "How's your headache?"


"Yeah. It's just about gone." She giggled.


"Good," he said, kissing her on the forehead again. Then again on the cheek. Then her lips. But he didn't stop there. Now, her neck. He went for her lips again, and they stayed there. They kissed for awhile, and Elise enjoyed their enjoyed there connection.


She barely ever got to see Kaedon anymore. Actually, she never even hung out with Jamie and Stacie anymore. Everyone was so busy with college and work. When you’re a college student, and you’re trying to pay for it without any help, it takes a real toll on your money and your schedule because you have to work all of the time.


“You want to watch a movie?” Elise asked with piqued curiousity.


“What movie?”


How about Romeo and Juliet?? I love that movie…and I was wondering if we could watch it?” Elise giggled.


“Sure, why not. Besides, it’ll kill some time.”


Elise got up and popped the movie into the dvd player, and sat back down with Kaedon, after making popcorn. They watched close to the whole movie, but Elise ended up falling asleep on Kaedon’s shoulder, and then Kaedon, after getting bored of no one to talk to, fell asleep also.


All of a sudden….BANG! BANG! The door sounded like someone was trying to punch it down.


"Oh my gosh..." Elise jumped up awaking Kaedon. "Sorry baby. Someone is here. Go hide for a second.” She said to Kaedon. "Hold on a sec." She said the person behind the door.


Kaedon went in the bathroom, and Elise hurried to make her hair look presentable. I can’t believe we fell asleep, she yawned.


Elise grumbled as she opened the door. Jamie was there with her back turned to the door, talking to Stacie. Elise coughed and they just started giggling. Jamie turned around.


"Sorry. Forgot my running shoes."




"Wanna come running with us?"


"No, thanks. Kaedon is supposed to come over soon. Maybe next time."


“Are we still up for dinner tonight?” Jamie asked, curiosity in her eyes. “I really want Kaedon to meet Carlos and Renz. Ok?”


Ok. We’ll see you there around eight?” Elise answered. I actually hadn’t told him about it yet, she laughed to herself.


Jamie walked in to grab her shoes, and Elise went to go clean up the popcorn all over the couch.

"Wow…you made a huge mess,” Stacie laughed.


“I know,” Elise answered, “I am going to clean it up before tonight. By the way, I found your shoes,” she said pulling them out from underneath the couch.


"Thanks! See ya later!" Jamie said.


"Bye," said Stacie.


"Yeah," Elise said embaressed, "bye."


The door shut, and she locked it again. Kaedon came out laughing.


"Wow, that was close," he laughed with tears in his eyes. He grabbed Elise around her hips. "So, what are we going to do now?


"Hmmnnnn," she giggled. "I don’t know."


"Me neither."




We could always clean up this mess," she laughed.


Kaedon laughed. “In your dreams!”


Elise smacked him playfully. “C’mon, I have to clean it up before they get home!”


"I'm kidding. So, where do we start?"


With the popcorn in the cushions of the couch. Of course.”


“Next time we throw popcorn, let’s do it in a movie theater. Ok? So, what are going to do after we’re done?”


"I was thinking dinner?"

Dinner? Okay, I guess. Where?"

         "I don't know. Actually Jamie and Stacie were going to meet us up there today after they get done running. So...I was thinking...."

          He kissed her gently and pulled her close to him. "
We could go with them." He smiled. “Of course.”


After they finished cleaning up, Kaedon gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Elise giggled. “We should start getting ready then. Don’t ya think?”


“Well, what are we going to where?” Kaedon asked, letting everyword dangle on his lips.


“Just where something nice. Pick me up at seven thirty. We have to meet them there at eight.”


“Ok. I love you, babe,” Kaedon kissed Elise on the forehead. “Bye.”


“Love ya too. Bye.”



© 2008 Ashley

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Added on October 19, 2008




I'm a writer, and love music. (: I'm a nice person, generally, and yeah. more..

Ch. 1 Rediscovery Ch. 1 Rediscovery

A Chapter by Ashley