Sun and Moon

Sun and Moon

A Poem by aLonelyPoet

recently my one and only happiness has been taken from me leaving me in darkness and fear.

I never knew how much love I had inside of me until I met him. I have probably said this before but this time I mean it. HE had shown me the beauty of everything. He was accused of cheating and I was destroyed but he calmly held me and told me one thing I will never forget no matter what "You are my sun and moon." He recently was ripped away from me,with an accusation from someone trying to ruin my life like they have tried more than once but this time it hurts. While he sits waiting for something I am forced to hope soon I will see him before it's too late and my first words to him will be "Oh my god I love you" Because no matter what happens I will always love you because you are my sun and moon. Without my sun and moon I will not be able to see the light of the sun and I will never see the beauty of the night sky. I might see him today and if he decides that it is not  worth the  pain and heartbreak the promise ring on my right hand will be useless to me, but I will keep it anyways. If he decides that we can do this together I will flaunt this ring as a trophy of "yeah right  now we aren't doing so great but I've got something to look forward to in life and yes I will have to be forced out of bed today tomorrow I will rise because tomorrow is one more day closer to the rest of my life and the rest of my life sounds so sweet." Because I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Without him my world is in black and white he brings color to my life. He makes the annoying chirping of early morning songbirds a little more tolerable because I too rise early to watch his chest rise and fall with his breathing. To watch his eyes flutter open slowly drifting back into our cruel reality but it's a little better because I'm the first thing he sees. And I am greeting with a tired smile and a kiss this is how I start my morning. As of right now I wake up and stare into the darkness wondering if I have any motivation to get out of bed sand get dressed. I know I need to be optimistic and hope with all of my heart that he still loves me and we can still grow old together maybe even look back n these days and laugh, but right now the fear overwhelms the good as i fight to keep my sun and moon.

© 2017 aLonelyPoet

Author's Note

Im just venting It might not make alot of sense its early and I am nervous. He's in a holding cell for right now and Im dying to see him.

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Added on March 19, 2017
Last Updated on March 19, 2017
Tags: help, sad, love




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