30. Arrival

30. Arrival

A Chapter by halflives

*In Denver, Colorado*


*The nine arriving members of the BAU (Hotch, Prentiss, Morgan, JJ, Jocelyn, Megan, Reid, Mayisha, and Gideon) and the insane, stalker consultant Captain Jack Harkness step out of the plane. They are immediately greeted by the Detective on the case*


Detective: Hello, you’re the BAU, I presume? *Hotch nods* I’m Detective Powers, the head Detective on this case. According to the new body just found, we’re guessing that this is a cult--


Hotchner: Can we speak about this in a private place?


Powers: Oh! Oh yes, of course. Duh. *hits himself on the head* The station is just a mile from here. *turns around and walks to his own SUV*


*There are three other SUV’s waiting. Hotch, Megan and Gideon take one, JJ, Prentiss and Morgan take the other, and Reid, Jocelyn, Jack and Mayisha take the last. Hotch calls the others on the way there*


Hotchner: With our respective teams, we go to the spots I’m telling you. Megan,

Gideon and I will go to the site of the murder and check around it. Morgan’s team, go talk to the latest victim’s parents. And Reid’s team, go to the station and set up.


Everyone: Gotcha.


Hotchner: *under his breath* Gotcha, gorgeous…


Gideon: What’s that?


Hotchner: Nothing, nothing…


*Hotch, Megan and Gideon arrive at the scene of the crime. The body is gone, but police tape still lines it. There are still a few police officers here and there around the site. One of them greets Hotch, and Hotch goes off to talk to him. Gideon and Megan approach the hole in the ground. It’s deep, a few feet*


Gideon: This wasn’t dug recently.


Megan: I’m sorry?


Gideon: Look at the dash marks on the side wall. *points* And the dirt that now covers it. That means that this hole was dug a while ago.


Megan: So the, uh, UnSub dug this a while ago.


Gideon: Yes, and it was done at one time. That signals it was done by more than one people.


Megan: We have more than one killers.


Gideon: Yes. *stands up* I need to get into the hole.


Megan: Why?


Gideon: I think I can see something at the bottom.


Megan: Something the police haven’t already seen?


Gideon: They haven’t taken a too good a look yet in the hole because they were saving it for someone that knows what they’re doing. Can you ask one of the policemen for me?


Megan: What, are you too scared? *teases*


Gideon: No, I’m climbing in. *leans in*


Megan: Agent Gideon!


*Gideon leaps from his spot and lands down in the hole. He looks up at her*


Gideon: I’m all right.


Megan: Don’t, don’t do that!


Gideon: *raises a single brow* Do what?


Megan: I won’t be here to catch you every time you decide to JUMP out of a SPACESHIP!


Gideon: I’m sorry?




Gideon: Sorry for what?


Megan: Jumping out of a spaceship!


Gideon: I jumped out of a--


Megan: NEVERMIND! What do you see?


Gideon: Err… *is confused* Hold on. *leans down and pulls out something*


*It’s a knife. It looks almost cult-ish, as Detective Powers had said, with strange marking on the side. Gideon tosses it in his hands, as if he’s feeling it’s weight, and then he holds it up to Megan*


Gideon: Can you reach it?


Megan: *stretches* Hold on…


Gideon: Never mind, I’ll climb up and give it to you.


Megan: No, wait! I can-- Ah! *falls in on Gideon*


Gideon: Oof!


Megan: *gets up* *helps him up* I’m so, so sorry!


Gideon: It’s all right… Can you get out?


Megan: *starts to climb up* *slips and falls* Ooh, sorry, no.


Gideon: It’s okay. *falls on his own attempt* We’re stuck.


Megan: Don’t you have a cell phone?


Gideon: Don’t you?


Megan: Ugh! No.


Gideon: Don’t all of the kids these days have cell phones?


Megan: I do, but not with me.


Gideon: Well where is it?


Megan: …The SUV.


Gideon: Great. Well that’s not going to help us, is it?


Megan: …nope.


*Gideon and Megan begin shouting. But no one comes…*

© 2011 halflives

Author's Note

O.o So Gideon and Meg are stuck in a hole together... How will they pass the time? And without Gideon's expertise, how will the case go? Will they be found? Or will hotch and the others just assume they left!
Kudos to the people who got the Doctor Who quote!

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wait, where'd hotch go?? wasnt he with gideon and Meg? eh, oh well.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Yay more!

I have no clue what they'll do. But them getting trapped is awesome:D I wonder if they'll be found...........

Posted 13 Years Ago

Gideon is not that reckless. Except for when he went like insane.

Posted 13 Years Ago

HAHAHA DOCTOR WHO QUOTE *dies of a spaz attack*
And I'm kind of scared to see what Megan will do to Gideon if they don't get out of the hole soon....
AND YOU WROTE MORE! I'm so proud of you. Now keep writing. XD

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 17, 2011
Last Updated on May 17, 2011

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