![]() 19. Shooting and Spazzing... Courtesy of Mayisha KhanA Chapter by halflives![]() Depressing chapter D:![]() *In Seattle, Washington*
*Gideon’s squad, along with a few other officers in standard, FBI body armor, sneak in towards where Sheriff Nathaniel said Jessica Watts had been captured by he and Detective Elroy. Each of them are holding a handgun, in a group. Gideon is in the lead, followed by Jack, Mayisha, JJ, and Jocelyn*
Gideon: Sheriff Nathaniel!
Sheriff Nathaniel: I’m here!
*They follow the sound of his voice to reveal Detective Elroy out cold on the ground, her body bruised and bloody as though she had been beaten, but obviously still alive. Above her, each holding a gun, Sheriff Nathaniel and the woman that the squad guessed was Jessica Watts are there, pointing their guns at unconscious-Detective-Elroy’s head*
Gideon: *threatens his gun* Sheriff, what are you doing?
Sheriff Nathaniel: She killed Deputy Rock… I can’t…
JJ: *as soothingly as possible* What HAPPENED, Sheriff?
Sheriff Nathaniel: She -- oh, she calls herself a Detective, but she’s far from -- wanted to interview Deputy Rock. I don’t know why, don’t know how, but… For some reason, she was convinced it was him… She was so sure, in fact, that she took the law into her own hands. She shot him twice… Oh God, her face. When she found out the killer was a woman. She tried to hide it. Not even confess her sins. God, that’s just-- *frustrated sigh* Jessica promised me revenge if I kept her under cover until today… When she’s just had enough…
Jocelyn: *is angry* THEN WHY DID YOU CALL US?!
Sheriff Nathaniel: Before I kill her, you need to know what she’s done. *snarls*
*Suddenly, Hotch, Morgan, Prentiss, Reid, Megan and I appear behind him and Jessica, each pointing a gun at the two*
Hotch: It’s over, Sheriff.
*Without even a moment’s worth of hesitation, the Sheriff and Jessica Watts empty their bullets into Detective Elroy’s head, murdering her violently*
*As soon as they are finished, the team takes down Jessica Watts. Mayisha, crazed and seeing red, lunges forward and leaps on the Sheriff, pushing him down to the ground, punching him and slapping him, seemingly hurting him everywhere at once. She begins hitting him angrily with the butt of her gun, which is still in her hand*
Hotch: Smith, get Khan. *is scared of her*
Me: *solemnly looking from Elroy’s destroyed body to the spazzing and violently screaming Mayisha, who’s now shooting him senseless until his chest explodes*
*I walk over to Mayisha and the shell of what used to be the Sheriff and, as calmly as I can, pull Mayisha away from the body before she can do any more damage*
Me: He’s already dead, Mayisha! *she pauses* He’s already dead!
Mayisha: *throws her empty gun at the mutilated body* He deserved it.
Jocelyn: *stares* You killed him.
Mayisha: *looks away*
*The BAU team sees Jessica to the station. They then split into SUV’s. When everyone is choosing who they’re riding to the plane with, I ask to be put with Hotch alone*
*With Hotch and I driving back*
Hotchner: What is it?
Me: What’s what?
Hotchner: You asked to be alone with me.
Me: I wanted to talk to you.
Hotchner: About what?
Me: …it never gets easier, does it?
Hotchner: No, it doesn’t.
Me: What Mayisha did… that’s was wrong. But I’d never seen her go that insane.
Hotchner: This job can change you.
Me: Not THAT much.
Hotchner: You’d be surprised what some of us have done. Jason had his famous “meltdown”.
Me: Meltdown?
Hotchner: It’s not my place to say. Ask Jason.
Me: Oh, so you tell me than you say you can’t?
Hotchner: *repeats* Ask Jason.
Me: Right…
Me: Did we do it?
Hotchner: Did you do what?
Me: Make the team.
Hotchner: I’m going to send in an excellent report to the head of the FBI. Hopefully she’ll send in yes.
Me: I hope so.
Hotchner: Everyone craves this job… It’s good, but I don’t understand why.
Me: It’s the knowledge of not just knowing who and how, but also why.
Hotchner: Yes.
Me: I, uh…
Hotchner: Yes?
Me: *laughs* Do you ever get annoyed with all these questions?
Hotchner: I feel it’s my place to answer whatever questions those under me needs to know.
Me: I knew there was a reason why I love you so much.
Hotchner: Now, you said you have a boyfriend…?
Me: *is hopeful* Are you asking me out on a date?
Hotchner: No, I’m just wondering why you have such an interest in me if you have a boyfriend.
Me: *is disappointed* Oh, you guys are both awesome.
Hotchner: You know what?
Me: What?
Hotchner: You four did good today.
Me: *laughs* And what about Jack?
Hotchner: …I think he should just stay as a consultant.
Me: *laughs again* Agreed.
Me: I guess there are some perks to this job.
Hotchner: Yes. Yes there are. © 2011 halflivesAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on May 4, 2011 Last Updated on May 4, 2011 Author![]() halfliveswolf's trapAbout❝when you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different. someone better. when that person is taken from you, what do you become then?❞ hi i'm olivi.. more..Writing