![]() 14. A Good ReportA Chapter by halflives![]() I was mad at Jocelyn, so I made her get beaten up.![]() *In Seattle, Washington* *JJ, Jocelyn and Jack are standing on the porch of the latest victim’s house. The latest victim, Amanda Justin, is twenty-one and had just moved out of her house and into an apartment. JJ is looking slightly nervous and grave, but otherwise calm. Jocelyn is chewing on her nails, looking at the door with a solemn glance. She’s nervous as to how the family will react upon telling them the news. Jack is not paying attention at all to what is going on. He is staring at Jocelyn, trying slowly to put his arms around her. When she notices what he is doing, she pushes him into one of the beams that holds up the porch. The whole porch rocks violently* JJ: Hey, watch it, guys! Jocelyn: HE WAS TRYING TO SEXUALLY ASSULT ME! JJ: What? Jack: I WAS DOING NO SUCH THING! Jocelyn: *rolls eyes* You don’t believe him, do you, JJ? JJ: … *doesn’t answer* *The door opens. An older woman, presumably Amanda’s mother or aunt, stands there, staring at the three with a dumb look* Woman: Who are you? JJ: *holds up her badge* I’m Agent Jennifer Jareau, and these are AIT Jocelyn Sterling and Captain Jack Harkness. We’re here about your daughter, is it, Amanda Justin? Woman: Yes, she’s my daughter. Have you found her? JJ: Well… That’s just the thing. *peers inside* May we come in? Mrs. Justin: Yes, please. *opens the door wider* *JJ, Jocelyn and Jack walk inside. Jack sits down on the couch, taking the only seat available. Jocelyn looks around desperately for a place to sit, but doesn’t find one. Jack grabs Jocelyn’s hips and pulls her downwards, forcing her to sit on his lap. JJ gives them both a disapproving look, and Jocelyn mouths her innocence* Mrs. Justin: You said that you found Amanda? Where is she? When can I see her? JJ: You see, Mrs. Justin, we found your daughter. But she’s been murdered. Mrs. Justin: *stutters* W-what? JJ: There’s a serial killer at large in Seattle, and Amanda has been his latest victim. I’m part of the BAU team, the Behavioral Analysis Unit, and we’ve been called in to deal with the man who murdered your daughter. Mrs. Justin: *tries to find words* *fails* *grabs Jocelyn and throws her across the room* Jack: JOCELYN! Mrs. Justin: THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! *slaps and punches Jocelyn repeatedly* *Jack attempts to pull the woman off of Jocelyn, but JJ stops him* JJ: Let her get her emotions out. Jack: But she’s hurting Jocelyn! JJ: Jocelyn can take it. *Mrs. Justin continues to maim Jocelyn until Jocelyn is lying broken on the floor with a bloody nose and a swollen eye. Nothing is obviously broken, but she’s in a lot of pain* Mrs. Justin: *erupts into tears* I’m s-so s-sorr-ry…!! JJ: It’s all right, ma’am. We can take you to see your daughter as soon as possible. Mrs. Justin: Oh, I have to call her father. He’s in Canada on a business trip… Oh… *sobs again* JJ: Would you like us to leave? Mrs. Justin: Y-yes p-please… *is still crying* JJ: Okay. I’ll send some police to pick you up later and bring you to see your daughter. *forces a fake smile* C’mon, Jack, Jocelyn. *JJ, Jack and Jocelyn leave* *On the way to the SUV* JJ: You did good in there, Jocelyn. Jocelyn: *is nursing a bloody nose* I didn’t DO anything! JJ: You just let her beat you up. Don’t deny it; I know you could have stopped her. But you let her get her emotions out on you. That’s true bravery. Jack: That’s my Jocelyn~ *attempts to hug her* Jocelyn: *pushes Jack into the nearby shrubbery* JJ: *looks at where Jack has landed* You, not so sure. Trying to sexually assault your stalking victim while we’re trying to let a mother know that her daughter is dead? Not kosher with me. Jack: *gives puppy dog eyes* JJ: *sighs* *extends a hand to help him up* Jack: *slides an arm around JJ* Y’know, you’re not so bad. JJ: *pushes him off* *turns to Jocelyn* I can see why you hate him. Jack: HEY! Jocelyn: *high-fives JJ* You’re still my hero. JJ: I think I’m going to tell Hotch good things about you. Jocelyn: *fist pump* YES! Jack: What about me? *puppy dog eyes* JJ: *gives in* I’ll give him a good report. Jack: YES, I GET TO BE ON A TEAM WITH JOCELYN! Jocelyn: …? Jack: The annoying guys in crime drama TV shows everyone always ends up falling in love with! JJ: ...Not true. Jocelyn: Yeah, not true. © 2011 halflivesAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on May 1, 2011 Last Updated on May 1, 2011 Author![]() halfliveswolf's trapAbout❝when you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different. someone better. when that person is taken from you, what do you become then?❞ hi i'm olivi.. more..Writing