Tips to Pick Up the Best Telephone Answering Service in the UK

Tips to Pick Up the Best Telephone Answering Service in the UK

A Story by Allison David

These are some questions that bother business owners in the UK. Well, there are several myths about these virtual services and breaking these myths is very important.


You may have heard about the virtual receptionist services, but you may be a bit hesitant to use them. There are several questions that business owners have when it comes to hiring virtual receptionists. Some of these questions are: Will these receptionists match the quality of my current receptionists? What if they leak valuable company information to customers? What are their costs? Are virtual receptionists efficient in handling calls under pressure? What are the roles and responsibilities of the virtual assistant or receptionist?


These are some questions that bother business owners in the UK. Well, there are several myths about these virtual services and breaking these myths is very important. When you compare the quality of the virtual assistant or receptionist, you will find that they are highly trained in soft skills. They are UK nationals employed at the virtual UK offices. So, there is no problem of British accent at all. When you have a lot of load in office to take customer calls, you generally tend to hire temporary employees.


This can prove to be very costly as the temporary employees demand a lot of money. To reduce overhead count, you can opt for the virtual assistant or receptionist services and pay them much lesser as compared to the temporary employees. The virtual telephone answering services in the UK generally work on the ‘pay as you go’ model. According to this model, you don’t have to pay a fixed amount for the services every month.


You will have to pay only for the days that you opt for the virtual services. The cost of the virtual telephone answering service will increase when you hire more number of virtual receptionists. This very good when you have an emergency or business exigencies that are unavoidable. For example, when you give an advertisement in a newspaper for the product or service that you are selling, you can expect a high call rate. Customers can call even during odd hours.


Hence, you will have to be totally prepared for such emergency situations. The virtual receptionist services are offering 24/7 support. So, you will not have a problem in taking customer calls. Another example of using these virtual services is for outbound b2b telemarketing. There are many times when you need telecallers and you may not get them. In such instances, you can approach a good virtual office service and get the desired services.


There are some virtual office services in the UK that are offering combined virtual receptionist and office assistant services at lower and affordable rates. When you start a business, you will have some business goals and objectives. These goals and objectives need to be communicated to the virtual office or receptionist services. If there is some training that needs to be imparted to these virtual receptionists, then you will have to give it to them at the earliest. The training to the virtual receptionists or assistants can be done online or you can call them to a mutually convenient place. These training sessions need to be very brief and formal because time is a premium when you are training the virtual office employees.

© 2014 Allison David

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1 Review
Added on May 5, 2014
Last Updated on May 5, 2014
Tags: telephone, answering, service, virtual, receptionist


Allison David
Allison David

London, United Kingdom

I am Allison David, an marketing export, from London UK & CA. I just love to share content/things over the web thats featuring physiotherapy, Health, wedding dj, computer repair, travel and Business I.. more..
