![]() Thirty-SixA Chapter by allieverwantedSeth knew that the Dark Monarchs were coming, but not even that knowledge prepared him for actually seeing them together. I chose this for them. They were holding hands as they breezily walked through his kingdom wielding an unseen power that struck all his fey and left them cowering. Seth straightened up and released his hold on his light, trying to balance the darkness that was approaching. He hated admitting it, but the Dark King and Queen looked like they were made for each other and have been together their whole lives. She’s absolutely gorgeous dark. But it was still nearly impossible for Seth to take her in fully, all he could focus on was her tattoo that was now entwined with the Dark King’s royal color. All the changes were overwhelming, yet amidst all of it he still saw hints of the faerie he fell in love with. She smiled when she saw him and that kept him from losing his sanity. “Seth,” she greeted him with a hug. “Hello, Darby,” Seth forced a smile, “wow. . . you certainly have changed a lot. In a good way of course,” he added, watching her a moment longer before addressing Kellen. Kellen nodded once before looking away. “I hope you aren’t busy, I just had to see you,” she went on like everything was normal. “It’s fine. Man,” he laughed, “you look ravishing dark, I’m glad your body accepted the change so well.” “Thank you,” she blushed, “and me too, I just wish it was easier on Kellen.” Kellen gave her a pained look. “Darling, I’d prefer it we kept this story just between ourselves.” “It’s not that big a deal,” Darby rolled her eyes, “he fainted,” she told Seth. He had to grin. “Really?” Kellen scowled, “Sunshine, that wasn’t a regular change. You didn’t experience the agony. . . trust me, you wouldn’t have lasted any longer than I did.” Darby kissed Kellen’s cheek. “Cool it.” Kellen smirked at Seth as he kissed her fingers, one of which held a ring. He looked away. This is my kingdom, I won’t allow him to torture me like this. Darby picked up on the tenseness and glowered at her mate. “You aren’t helping,” she growled. Kellen smiled angelically. “I didn’t come to help, I came to mock.” Darby then gave him such an unnaturally menacing and fierce glare that Kellen immediately shut up. It was then when it fully dawned on Seth that she was the Dark Queen. It was her purpose as a faerie and the darkness flowed as perfectly in her blood as light ever did. This realization pained him more than he had expected. “I’m sorry,” he spoke up, “but I have to go.” He looked down as he walked off so he didn’t have to see her hurt expression. “Look,” Kellen sighed, “I’m going to give you guys a chance to talk. Okay?” Seth stopped and nodded. Darby kissed him once more before she nearly skipped up to Seth. But even with his back turned he could still taste the true extent of their love for one another. More than anything I’ve ever felt. Silence filled up the space between them as they sat down in the cool, fresh grass. “Seth,” she began, “I really appreciate this.” He shrugged, “Figured if we were all going to be together forever we might as well be friends.” Or at least learn to get along well enough to not rip each others throats out. She hooked her arm in his. “We are friends.” “I meant Kellen and I,” he chuckled. Her face lit up. “That’s great!” “I didn’t say it was working.” “But you’re trying, that’s sweet.” “I miss having you around.” “I miss you too,” she admitted, putting a strand of dark hair behind her ear, “but whenever you need me I’ll always be there.” Seth gave her a tiny smile. “You’d be the first I’d call.” She mirrored his smile. “Likewise.” “Oh, make sure you see Montana before you leave, she misses you too.” “I will. And don’t worry, I’ll visit all the time.” “Honey, don’t make promises you can’t keep,” he sighed. “I will be able to keep it. Kellen can’t tell me what to do, we’re equal and he knows that.” “It’s not just Kellen to keep in mind here. You’re a Queen now, you’ll have to take care of your empire, much less come visit mine,” he reminded her. Darby grew somber. “I’ll always have time for you.” “I know you think that now, and I’m sure you will visit. I just don’t want you to feel bad when you don’t do it as often as you envisioned, because you won’t.” She faltered, “Oh. . .” Nice going, Seth. “But we do have eternity, I’m sure we’ll see enough of each other that we’ll both be sick,” he massaged her shoulder. She laughed. “Seth, you know I love you, right?” He smiled wryly. “Yeah, I know.” Darby met his eyes. “Do you forgive me?” “For what?” “For hurting you and making this mess.” Always blaming herself. . . we all had a part in how it played out. “Darby, I hurt myself. You did nothing wrong, it’s what Sorus wanted for you. And all I wanted was for you to be happy, and you’re happy right?” She nodded. “Yeah, I am. A lot,” she leaned against him. He put an arm around her as it became quiet again. But it was a comfortable quiet, just two friends lying in the sun. This is how it was meant to be. “I remember when you first brought me here,” Darby mused, watching the crowd of faeries twirling by as a drum circle in a nearby meadow thudded rhythmically, “we went dancing.” “And I told you I loved you for the first time,” Seth smiled fondly at the memories and the emotions that came with them. “I was so scared,” she recalled, “you were so perfect and I wasn’t over Kellen. I didn’t know if I’d be good enough for you. . . looks like I wasn’t.” “No, that’s not it,” he laughed, “it was Kellen, through out everything you never did get over him. And I knew that, I just hoped that maybe I could make a difference.” “You did, Seth. You made everything so much easier, and you don’t realize it but you made living without him manageable. I wouldn’t have made it as far as I did because you cared for me, I couldn’t have gone through it alone and come out on the other side as whole as I did without you. And I’m never going to forget that or regret our time together and the way you made me feel. It may not have ended exactly the way we planned on it, but they’re still our memories,” she held his hand, “no one can take that away from us.” He smiled at her. “You made me feel like I was more, more than just a king or a faerie. I could make it through anything as long as I knew you believed in me.” “It’s not going to change.” Seth sighed. “Everything changes.” Darby shook her head. “Not us.” He chuckled and kissed the top of her head, “No, not us.”
“Seth?” Kellen began uncertainly, “Can we talk?” Seth looked over his shoulder at the Dark King and nodded. “Go ahead and sit down.” Kellen laid down on his back and after a moment of silence said, “I’m sorry.” “What?” I wasn’t expecting that. “I said I’m sorry,” Kellen smiled, apparently enjoying the shock value. But then he sighed, “I know that I haven’t always been. . . the best to you. But that’s going to change, I’ve changed.” Seth didn’t know what to say, finally he forced out, “Why didn’t you tell me you could love?” “Because I was trying to figure everything out myself, I needed to make sure it worked before I made the big announcement.” “You started a war on me because you couldn’t love, do you have any idea the damage you could have caused or what would happen our world?” Not to mention that killing me would help you in any case. Would’ve been more beneficial to start a war against Sorus. “Yeah,” Kellen said, “I would’ve died.” Seth stopped. He’s messing with me. “How do you know?” Kellen propped himself up. “Sorus told me. That’s why he helped me break the rules.” “Oh.” Nice to know Sorus doesn’t have favorites. “He wanted to stop the war,” Kellen clarified, “he didn’t want us to destroy ourselves. He wasn’t taking sides.” Seth grinned, the words sinking in. “So, I won?” “You would have, yes,” Kellen grumbled. He laughed. “You know I’m never going to let you live this down, right?” Kellen laid back again. “I decided it was the least I owed you.” Seth nodded and sat back as well, “How would I have won?” “Anthony put Darby in danger and instead of fighting I tried to help her. I let my guard down and you took advantage.” “You would have died to save her,” Seth closed his eyes. “I wouldn’t have regretted it either,” Kellen admitted. “I know that sounds horrible, seeing as being King the empire comes first. . . but it would have meant nothing without her alive.” “Then why try to kill me?” “Jealousy, I suppose. You gave her what I wanted to give her, and I hoped that with you out of the picture, maybe I could change her so I wouldn’t have to lose her.” Seth glanced at him, “You know that was a really stupid plan, right? I mean, all the things that could’ve gone wrong and then what would happen to our world?” Kellen nodded, “I know it was. But I had to do something.” For someone who couldn’t love, he still had all the idiocy and poor thinking that someone in love would have. “Well, I’m happy that it all worked out for you.” Kellen laughed, “Seth, that is such bull s**t. Come one, it won’t kill you to yell at me or throw me a punch, I won’t tell Darby and I know I deserve it.” “Kellen you are the most vile, obnoxious, immoral, a*****e I have ever known. I loved her, you knew I loved her. And we might have been able to make it, if you didn’t go seeking her out. . . she could’ve been the Light Queen. I wanted her so bad, and you took her away from me. I had to let her go, I couldn’t live with her knowing how she felt about you. She would’ve been miserable because she didn’t want to hurt me. And I’ll always wonder what could have happened if you didn’t get in the way. I’ll have to deal with that forever,” he paused, “but I’m not going to hit you.” Kellen was silent during Seth’s speech and when he finished, he spoke up, “I’m not disagreeing with any of that. I know I fucked everything up for you. But, just listen to my side. You aren’t the only one for Darby, you’ll find someone that’s meant for you; I’m not the only one for Darby, she could have lived with you and had been happy, or imagine if she didn’t transform at all, she’d be just as happy with a mortal; but you know this as well as I do, Darby is the only one for me.” He makes a good point. . . “I know you’ll take care of her,” Seth finally said. Kellen’s face relaxed into a smile, “I will. We will, she really does love you and wants you in her life. And I’m more than okay with that.” “I appreciate that.” “Well, we’re going to be together for a long time, I’d rather do it as your friend than your enemy. Plus, It’s better for Darby if we get along.” “No more wars then?” Seth asked. “Not unless we’re on the same side,” Kellen agreed. “Of course,” Seth winked, “because we’d all know I’d win.” Kellen snorted. “Hey, don’t forget, I did win all the other ones.” “So? I won the one that counted,” he beamed. Kellen rolled his eyes. “Whatever floats your boat, Sunshine.” Ugh. “That better not become a permanent nickname,” he groaned. “Why not?” Kellen teased, “I think it suits you.” “You make it sound like sunshine is a bad thing.” Kellen laughed. “It’s because it is.” Seth rolled his eyes. “And eternal darkness is just peachy-keen.” Kellen grinned and stood up. “ Well, I should go, I’m sure Darby’s just dying of anticipation of knowing what happened between us.” “Was this her idea or yours?” Seth asked hesitantly. “Mine.” “Oh.” Kellen snickered and helped Seth to his feet. “Yeah, surprised Darby too. But it needed to be done.” Seth nodded. “Guess I’m going to be seeing you a lot now.” “Most likely,” Kellen moved to leave. “Hey, umm, I want you to know. . . I do hope you two are happy together, you both deserve it.” Kellen beamed. “Thank you. And, Seth, you need to forgive yourself for it. It was out of your control, you did everything right. Besides, you’ll find someone who is just as addicted to light as you are one of these days. Took me this long to find Darby, yours is just around the corner.” “I’d like to believe that,” Seth mumbled. “Then do, you’re the one who’s getting in your way of it.” Seth shrugged. “You just wait, kid,” Kellen promised, “but I have to say, it was nice talking to you. It’s a good feeling, not wanting to kill you.” Seth chortled. “Yeah, It’s kind of a relief.” “Well, good luck to you, remember, if you need anything the Dark Empire is glad to assist.” “I know, thank you.” Alone again, Seth sat in his throne watching the colors orange and red paint the sky as the day drew to a close. He was left with way to much to think about and not sure how to process it all. It’s hard to imagine, the Dark and Light empires have never been allies, let alone be friends. He breathed in and the sweet smell of the coming fall and sighed. Summer is coming to an end. That was when his vision started to flood and all the colors and scents blended together. When the world stopped blurring Seth found himself staring into the eyes of his God. “Sorus?” Seth questioned in surprise. Sorus smiled. “I think we need to talk and I didn’t want to wait until your next visit.” Seth looked away from him. “Well, you got what you wanted, the war is over.” Sorus nodded, “Yes, but I’m afraid that in doing that, it worked out less than fair for you.” Seth shrugged. “It is what it is.” Sorus kept his gaze on him. “Kellen and you worked things out.” “We had to.” “Now, that’s not necessarily true. You could have been angry and cruel. Kick them out of your Kingdom, start a war even,” he winked, “but you didn’t.” “Thats not who I am.” Sorus beamed. “Exactly.” Seth stared at him. “I don’t think I’m understanding your point.” “The point, is that you got through this with grace and dignity. And I’m very proud of you.” Sorus is proud of me. “Really?” Seth questioned in disbelief. “Of course. Seth, I didn’t turn my back on you to help Kellen; even though I’m sure it looked like I did to you.” “Never,” Seth told him, ignoring the fact that that was exactly what it looked like to him. Sorus chuckled. “Your time is coming, Seth.” Seth raised an eyebrow. “My time?” “Just be patient.” Haven’t I always? “Alright, I can do that,” Seth decided. Sorus smiled kindly. “It’s going to all make sense, why everything turned out the way it did.” “Look, I know that it happened for a reason, that it’s better this way, but nothing is going to change the fact that I got screwed over,” Seth explained in exasperation. Sorus took a breath. “I understand. But if you only give it time I can guarantee it’ll work out.” It’ll work out. Eventually, things will go my way. “Humor me,” Sorus told him. Seth laughed. “Fine. I’ll take your word for it.” Sorus’ laugh echoed as Seth’s vision once again began to fade. “And remember, with the Dark Empire opening itself up to light, to keep the balance the Light must accept the dark.” “Wait, what does that mean?” Seth called out to the blur. When his vision cleared he was back in his throne, the sun set, and his question unanswered. © 2011 allieverwanted |
Added on October 10, 2011 Last Updated on October 10, 2011 Author![]() allieverwantedElmira, ORAboutI'm Aliya and I am sixteen. Writing is my passion and I plan on becoming a published author someday. I have written six books (mind you only three of them are any good) and am working on my sevent.. more..Writing