![]() Thirty-FourA Chapter by allieverwantedWhen Kellen woke up Darby was still asleep on his chest. He tried not to disturb her as he gazed at her. Even sleeping her cheeks had a faint blush to them. An angel. He stroked her wings gently and she lifted her head slightly to look at him. “Good morning, love,” he murmured. She kissed his chest up to his neck. “It is isn’t it?” She smiled at him. The best morning I’ve ever had the pleasure of encountering. But before he could continue living the dream he had business to take care of. “I think you have some explaining to do.” She sat up and her wings instinctively wrapped around her body and with a smile he peeled them back. She blushed and said, “Well, yesterday after I was released Seth and I had a. . . talk. Basically he told me that I should go to you,” her hand caressed his chest, “that I loved you more than I could love him.” “You weren’t meant to be a Light Queen.” “I know,” she gave him a soft smile, “but that doesn’t mean I’m going to shut him out, he’s my best friend. And I know you guys don’t get along perfectly but I need him involved in my life.” He nodded. “Absolutely.” I want that for her. After all, she’s had worse influences. He sat up and pulled her into his arms, afraid that she might once again vanish from his grasp. “I know my place now,” she finished. With me. Forever. “I have to admit,” he told her, “I wasn’t expecting you to come.” She leaned her head back against his shoulder so she could meet his eyes. “You’re the kind of man someone doesn’t get over. And that was one of the reasons I think that Seth told me to leave.” Even though Kellen knew Seth didn’t tell Darby to go as a favor to him, he still felt that he owed the Light King a debt that he could never pay. “Lets not talk about him today, it’s just you and me now.” Though he meant the words to be said affectionately there was an edge when he mentioned Seth and Darby smirked when she heard it. “Does he make you jealous?” She teased. “Extremely. All the time he spent with you. . .” Kellen didn’t want to imagine what that entailed, “we have a lot of making up to do.” “Sounds good to me,” she nibbled on his ear lobe, “any ideas?” He had a few. But there was one thing pressing him that he had to have cleared up before he could fully convince himself that there could be a happy ending for them. “I need to talk to Philip, but I have one.” She gave him a funny look. “Alright.” He chuckled. “I guarantee it’s nothing like what your imagining, love.” She giggled and swatted his hand. “How is he doing?” “Fine,” he shrugged, “but he’ll be excited to know that you’re back in our lives. He really cares for you.” Her face lit up at that and she responded, “Especially because I won’t allow you to lay a hand on him.” “Maybe if you were there you would have seen what happened,” he flashed her a grin. “Sorry, I was a bit busy getting shot at,” she said in a breezy enough tone, but at the reminder he pushed her hair back to reveal the scar. She closed her eyes. “ I hate it. I’m grateful that I’m alive and all that, it could be much worse and everything, but I don’t care. It’s ugly and gross; I can’t stand having you look at it.” “It’s such a small price to pay for your life,” he told her, his voice sounding distant to his ears. “I know,” she shook her head, “but it doesn’t change the fact I have a hideous remembrance.” “Love, it really isn’t that bad,” he began only to stop. Darby wasn’t going to understand that or the fact that no matter what happened to her he was always going to think she was beautiful. He decided a different approach, “It symbolizes that you’re a survivor. That you were meant to be alive and with me,” he kissed the puckered line tenderly. “I’m glad you adore it so much,” she rolled her eyes. “I adore everything that makes you who you are.” She sighed. “I still hate it.” “Hating it won’t make it go away, sweetheart.” “I don’t care.” Of course she doesn’t. “Well, since I’m getting no where with this conversation why don’t we get up?” He asked. She moaned. “Why can’t we just lie here all day?” He laughed. “And waste the day?” She gave him a pointed look and sprawled out beside him not looking willing to move at all. “I have to talk to Philip,” Kellen gave her a kiss, “hurry out to me.” “I will,” she promised, running a hand through her dark messy hair. He picked up a pair of jeans from the floor and threw them on as he entered the living room. He jumped onto the couch and flipped the remote in his hand before turning the television on, killing time until Philip to come in. He heard the shower spat to life and assumed that was where Darby was. The news was the channel left on and Kellen flipped until he found a reality show that amused him enough to keep his attention. Mortals are silly. He didn’t have to wait long, within ten minutes Philip had walked in. He gave Kellen a once over and said, “Who was it?” Kellen raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Excuse me?” Philip sat next to him. “Who spent the night?” A grin lit up Kellen’s face as he said, “Darby.” Philip stared at him a moment. “I’m serious,” Kellen laughed, “she did.” How sad, my advisor thinks I’m losing my mind. Philip gaped. “Really?! I’m gone for one night and I miss everything. What happened?” “Apparently Seth broke up with her and told her to come to me. And she did, we started where we left off.” “Is she okay? About Seth, I mean.” “Yeah,” Kellen paused a moment, “We didn’t exactly talk about it. . . she said she wanted to remain friends but other than that. . .” Damn it. That should have been the first thing I did. Philip must have recognized Kellen’s anxious look because he patted his hand. “Hey, you’ll have plenty of time to talk about it.” Kellen nodded. Philip smiled. “Well, I’m glad she’s back. You’re so much more pleasant when she’s around.” “Thanks,” he uttered sarcastically, “but how did you know that-” “Kellen, I’ve been with you over a century, I know when you’ve had sex.” “How?” The idea completely boggled him. Philip took a second to process his word choice. “The shadows that you normally carry around tend to fade a bit. And when Darby was around the affect was the same, needless to say when she left the shadows were heavy and darker. I should have guessed it was her in the beginning, the shadows are very visible; besides the wings, you just look like a vulgar and imperious eighteen year old.” “You don’t look any different,” Kellen noted. Philip shrugged. “Actually, I need to ask you about something.” “Oh, so this pleasant conversation wasn’t just to socialize, you want me to start work again,” he sighed, in mock exasperation, “really, Kellen, we must discuss my hours.” Kellen ignored him. “I want to make Darby my queen.” Philip watched him, “You do realize she has to be a dark faerie for her to be your queen.” “And that’s why I need your wise insights. If she accepts it, do you think her body and mind can handle the change?” Philip contemplated that. “I don’t know. She made you able to love, and Sorus obviously has plans for her. Like he said, she’s special. The last transformed mortal. And if she was able to make the Dark King love, she should be strong enough to be your queen.” I won’t lose her. Not after all of this. “Philip!” Darby squealed joining the conversation oblivious to the conversation before hand. She threw her arms around him and he hugged back, though a bit shocked by the gesture. “I’m glad your back, Darby. I missed you.” “I missed you too. And I promise that as long as I’m here I won’t let Kellen abuse you any longer,” she shot Kellen a dirty look that he returned with an unwavering smile. “That is appreciated,” he rubbed his jaw and faked a wince. Darby gave it a kiss. Kellen laughed. “Darling, you make it sound like I mauled him. It was one punch.” She looked at him disapprovingly. “Okay okay! Sorry! Now will you come here? I have something to ask you,” he apologized, just trying to get her next to him. She sat in his lap. “What do you want?” Kellen took her hand. “Would you consider being my Dark Queen?” Darby’s eyes widened in shock. “Really, Kellen?” He chuckled. “Why would I joke about that?” She rubbed her thumb over his fingers and smiled. “I’d love to. But, don’t I need to be a dark faerie first?” “A minor detail,” he assured, “we can change that.” Kellen saw in her eyes that she was aware what that meant. “I don’t want to be like Scarlet,” she murmured. “No one wants you to be like her,” Philip spoke up, “and you won’t be.” Darby nodded, eyes downcast. “Love, we’ll make it work,” Kellen promised. “I want to be your queen, more than anything. . . I just don’t want to lose myself in the change,” she shuddered delicately. “I will do all in my power to keep it from happening,” he told her, hating that he couldn’t promise anything, because he wasn’t quite sure what would happen. And that scares the hell out of me. “Darby, I highly doubt that anything like that would happen. When it does, it’s always to a faerie who wasn’t completely well at mind. This change is going to be different than any other one ever performed.” “How?” She questioned. “On a normal change the king who is receiving the faerie injects his blood into the faerie. That mixes with the blood already present and the royal blood takes over the body, changing them into the other empire. Most of the times the change works flawlessly. The only way you can generally notice the change is in the tattoo, which is different for each faerie but it’s enough to show that it’s not exactly a natural born faerie to that empire. But there has been occasions where the body won’t react well to the new blood and we either have to remove it and hope that that reverses it or let the body work it’s way through it. . . which doesn’t always end well. There is always a risk involved.” Darby closed her eyes. Kellen could feel her weight the pros and cons, making him feel all the more guilty knowing that it was because she wanted to truly be with him. Sorus, you wouldn’t let her get hurt, would you? Please, take care of her. “What would make this change different from the others?” She asked after a moment. “Kellen’s blood is bound with his love for you, putting that blood into you would make the connection with your body all that more strong. That is what would make this special.” She nodded. “Alright.” “Alright?” Kellen questioned. “Let’s do it.” “Really?” He checked. Not even with his arrogance was he positive that she would choose it. She’s made me think about things differently. “Of course.” “Then let’s go,” he stood up. She gave him a curious look, “Where are we going?” “The Dark Kingdom.” The Dark Kingdom was everything Darby imagined it to be and more. It was located in the deepest and darkest part of the heavy wooded forest. The castle was made of obsidian and fog settled above the ground. The gates that surrounded the kingdom was based on old gothic architecture that complimented the metal chandeliers that hung from tree branches, giving the land an eerie breathless glow. My home now. Dark fey stalked the floors and as their King passed, his arm protectively around her waist. They all eyed her with him; expressions ranging from disinterest to amused to faeries licking their lips. Darby didn’t want to admit it, but she hated being around them. They absolutely terrified her. But if she was going to be their queen then she had to have confidence. Which was going to be difficult seeing as she felt them drink her fear thirstily. Kellen must have caught scent of it to because he kissed her cheek sensually, and in that moment their love radiated. All the cruel and taunting expressions faded into confusion. Kellen smiled, “My fey, you can obviously tell that this mouthwatering sensation isn’t an emotion you’ve ever experienced. It’s love. Sorus has granted me the amazing gift of love and I am in return sharing that with all of you. Darby is my lover, soon to be queen. And with that, no one is to harm or touch her; if this is violated the punishments will be fatal,” his smile was that of a twisted sadist, “I suggest you take this seriously. So, pass it on.” The dark faeries paused taking it all in. But the threatening glares Darby received moments before were gone as they obeyed their king. “That was amazing,” she whispered to Kellen. He chuckled. “They will listen to you soon enough.” “Really? You think they will?” Darby questioned skeptically. “I do,” he said, opening a back door to the castle open for her. It led to a room that smelled strongly of incense and Darby assumed it to be the room that the changes were made. Philip was standing beside a counter that was filled with medical supplies and in the dim light looked almost menacing. When he saw them he smiled, “Are you ready, my highnesses?” “Yes,” they spoke in unison. Philip nodded, “Excellent. I’m going to put you two in different rooms to make the procedure. . . easier on both of you. Darby, would you mind waiting in the other room a moment?” She faltered, uncertain. “Go on,” Kellen urged, kissing her, “it will be fine.” “Alright,” she squeezed his hand, “when I see you again I’ll be your queen.” A delicious shiver ran through her as she said the words.
Kellen sat down on the long padded bench and closed his eyes. “Please tell me this won’t hurt her.” “It won’t hurt her.” Kellen opened his eyes long enough to see if he truly meant it. Satisfied with the answer he settled back again. “You’re the one who’s going to feel the most of it,” Philip went on, prepping the equipment. “Worse than a normal change?” Pain is nothing. “Much worse.” Kellen shrugged, not excited with the idea but not appalled by it either. “Okay, better me than her.” “Remember that,” Philip advised him, sticking the needle into the tattoo that spiraled up his arm. Kellen cried out then grit his teeth to choke back the scream that was trying to escape his lips. He felt like the flesh on his arm was being ripped off and leaving a scolding fire that burned his broken skin. Better me than her. I can handle this. I can- The strangled noise that came from his throat stopped his mantra as the blistering fire spread throughout his body clinging to his insides. “Be strong, Kellen, you can make it through,” Philip encouraged. “Y-you’re killing me,” Kellen panted. “Think of Darby.” Darby. It’s for her. Binding her to me. My Dark queen. But Kellen couldn’t find it in himself to believe in those words. All the love that he had welcomed into his body, he felt it leak out in the crimson vile. His world was black, devoid of nothing but this torture. “You’re almost there,” Philip’s voice melted inside Kellen’s head before disappearing into nothing. And that was all he remembered. The sweet silence of nothing. “How is Kellen doing?” Darby demanded in a panic as Philip walked in. I heard his cries. “Once he wakes up he’ll be weak and nauseous, but it’ll pass,” he answered in exhaustion. “Wakes up? What happened?” Her voice rose. “He passed out three-fourths of the way.” “From the pain?” Darby bit her lip, eyes widening. “Yes. For him it was,” Philip searched her expression, “uncomfortable.” Uncomfortable! He sounded like the life was being torn from him! “Philip,” she forced her voice to stay steady, “If I’m going to be your queen you will have to learn to tell me these things.” He bowed his head in recognition, “My mistake. The pain for him this change was excruciating, I didn’t think it would be as bad as it was.” Darby thought she saw him swipe away a stray tear. Kellen doesn’t just mean something to me. Seeing him like that had to have been just as impossible for Philip. “But I thought you said that the change doesn’t normally hurt.” “There’s nothing normal about this change,” Philip laughed darkly. “Why?” Her forehead creased in perplexity. “There was a reason why Sorus made you a light faerie,” Philip sat down and Darby in return followed suit. “You didn’t have enough darkness in you to be dark. And as we discussed, there is always a risk in changing. Turning you dark, it could kill you. Which is why we did everything possible to keep that from happening. We took more of his blood in the hopes that the love that flows through him could be enough to change you and counteract some of the darknesses affect so your body could grow into it. That’s why it hurt him as much as it did.” Darby had to remind herself to breathe. “I didn’t think. . . I knew this was a big deal, but I didn’t realize that it would hurt him.” “He was willing to do it for you, in fact, he preferred it. Just so you wouldn’t have to deal with it.” She tried to laugh, but the sound didn’t convince herself. “Of course he did.” “We don’t want to have what he went through be for nothing,” Philip patted her knee, “are you ready?” She nodded. “How much is this going to hurt?” “It shouldn’t at all. Changing is different than transforming.” “And Kellen, he’s going to be okay?” She checked. “Yes.” She took a steadying breath, “Then. . . I’m ready.” Philip didn’t allow her the time to change her mind; he pulled out the needle and when she caught sight of the blood her stomach churned, but the thought disintegrated as soon as the needle pierced her skin. Darby’s body collapsed against the chair. There was no pain, like Philip said, but there also wasn’t anything. Only darkness. At first she was terrified, the sense of claustrophobia weighed her down as the world was blocked from her eyes; even though she forced herself to look there was nothing to see. But the longer she stayed without the light the more comfortable she became with herself and surroundings. Her body finally began embracing the darkness as it seeped into her veins making her feel whole, she didn’t realize that it was missing in the first place, but being conjoined again made her body hum. As the darkness made her strong and cradled her she could sense Kellen’s presence. She felt his steady breathing and heard his heart beating inside his chest. She wanted to stay there with him, blind, yet so aware of his movements and hers in response to his. But the darkness started pulling back and she brought herself to where she knew the light would be. Cloudy figures appeared, and she blinked away the last of the darkness that cloaked her eyelids until she could see everything. © 2011 allieverwanted |
Added on October 10, 2011 Last Updated on October 10, 2011 Author![]() allieverwantedElmira, ORAboutI'm Aliya and I am sixteen. Writing is my passion and I plan on becoming a published author someday. I have written six books (mind you only three of them are any good) and am working on my sevent.. more..Writing