

A Chapter by allieverwanted

Kellen knew it was up to him to stop the war. That if he didn’t his whole empire would die and time was ticking away. But there was still the question of how he was going to end the war.

So, I love Darby. At most that makes everything all the more complicated.

He had debated talking with Philip about what Sorus had said. But Kellen knew deep down that his advisor couldn’t help him with this, he was on his own. His only hope was to get to Darby before someone fired the first shot.

Easier said than done.

Scarlet’s irritated voice broke through his thoughts, “Are you going to pay attention to me?”

“Sorry,” Kellen looked over to the faerie that was sprawled out provocatively on his couch. “What do you want?”

She sat up and handed him a glass of champagne, “To wish you luck.”

He accepted the glass and lifted an eyebrow, “Shouldn’t you be giving the fey a pep talk?”

“I’m not the king,” she told him.

Kellen shrugged, “Fair enough.”

“But,” she twirled a strand of her red hair, “I wouldn’t mind being something else.”

“And what’s that?” He played along, sipping the glass.

“Your queen.”

“I’m not looking to share my power with anyone,” he said nonchalantly, downing the rest of his glass.

Scarlet smiled, “You know you couldn’t have done any of this without me.”

“I know, and I gave you your reward for that.”

“You need me,” she persisted cooly, closing in on him.

“I don’t need anyone,” he stepped away to refill his glass.

“You say that, but I can taste something different about you. Something almost light,” she cocked her head. “It’s quite hot actually.”

Mhm, not the word I’d use for it. 

“Scarlet, I’ve changed,” Kellen began hesitantly.

She nodded, “I’m aware of that. Let me change you more.”

“I can love now,” he went on.

She assessed him before reaching up and pulling him down to her, “Good,” she murmured.

He pushed her away, “You don’t understand. I love Darby.”

Scarlet laughed, “Seth’s girl? Honestly, Kellen, she’s gone. Are you really going to spend the rest of eternity pining after her when she’s happy with someone else? Move on,” she put his hands around her waist, “you can’t honestly say that she could do the same things to you that I could.”

“I don’t know if she can or not,” he replied cooly, “she never put out.”

“Is this what the whole thing is about?!” Scarlet exclaimed in exasperation, “You’re going after her because she didn’t sleep with you?”

“No. I’m going after her because she’s the only one who didn’t say she loved me after I pleasured her. She expressed her love with words and emotion.”

“That makes her a saint?” 

Kellen took a long drink and tested his words evenly. “No, It just doesn’t make her a w***e.”

Scarlet stared at him before slapping him across the face.

It didn’t even faze him, “You should leave.”

Scarlet chucked the glass at the wall and stomped out as it shattered.

Kellen poured himself another drink and closed his eyes.

How am I going to do this?

Kellen’s heart thudded in anticipation as he overlooked his army. They all wore the same malicious mask as they stood at attention. He drummed his fingers on the arm rest of his throne.

If I’m going to do something I better do it now. Once the first shot fires I won’t be able to do much to stop it.

He got up and strode past his guards and Philip before taking off. He moved slowly taking in his surroundings and procrastinating what he knew would be a daunting task. He really didn’t have a plan, much less, a good one. He needed time.

The one thing that I’m running out of. For an immortal, those are odd words to say.

He saw Seth and Darby watching the light army from their thrones and felt a pang of smugness. Tradition called for the first battle to be in the presence of both kings to remind them of the loss and pain involved with a fight. Something that the Light King always took harder then Kellen. The thickness of the scents was always overwhelming and made a delectable meal. Even though he found himself eating with his eyes closed, terrified to see which one of his faeries provided the meal. But after the first battle, the army was allowed to fight without the presence of their king, though the king still hung around the army to boost morale and help heal the wounded.

Then Kellen paused.


He turned his attention to Darby and a sickness set in. Her hair was already beginning to get golden tints and her skin darkening.

Seth made her the Light Queen.

All hope was gone. Darby was lost, they would fight, and he would die.

Darby looked up and caught his eye and in that instant three things happened. She smiled, and everything that happened between them melted away; he felt the taste of love overwhelm him; and a gun fired.

He closed his eyes, ready for the pain to pierce through his skin. But it never came. He opened his eyes to see Darby collapse in Seth’s arms.


He dropped to the ground and was about to sprint to her when he realized that Philip, his guards, and army were right behind him.

Philip placed a hand on his shoulder.

Anger overtook Kellen. Blind rage that consumed and fed off the darkness that circled in his bloodstream. He spun around and yelled, “Who fired the gun?!”

There was silence as Scarlet stepped forward calmly.

“Destroy her!” Kellen snarled at Philip.

Philip didn’t move, “Kellen, be reasonable.”

“Reasonable?! She killed Darby!” Kellen was at a loss at how his advisor and friend was acting, “Why the hell are you disobeying me?!”

“She’s not dead.”

Yes, she is. I saw her body drop. She’s gone.

“Do not disobey me!” He roared, “When I get back Scarlet better be dead or you will join her!” He made a move toward the Light army who was frozen with their guns raised.

“Restrain him,” Philip ordered the guards.

Kellen scowled at him as the guards seized him, “What gives you the right to command my guards?” He spat. 

“Darby’s not your concern any more. The Light King will execute you when he sees you. The war has started and you’re more useful dead than alive. Seth will take care of her. Right now you need to focus on getting out of range.”

Kellen broke free and punched him.

Philip winced and held his jaw as the guards took Kellen under control again.

“Damn it! Let me go!” He howled, falling to his knees.

Maybe if I can get there I can help her. I need to say goodbye. 

“Take him back to the kingdom,” Philip commanded, then to the army, “retreat.”

Kellen didn’t even bother fighting anymore as his guards dragged him up and pushed him farther away from the battlefield and Darby.

“Darby! Darby, stay with me!” Seth pleaded as Darby’s eyes began to close.

Sorus, please save her.

He kissed her multiple times, trying to give his queen as much light as he possibly could before they brought her to the kingdom.

“The b******s are retreating,” Anthony bellowed, “the nerve!”

Seth could care less about the war, right now all his focus was on Darby getting the help she needed. He’d deal with Kellen later.

I’ll relish the kill.

The flight to the kingdom was short and as soon as they landed Darby was handed over to Seth’s most trusted healers.

Seth paced outside the door rubbing his neck repeatedly. He lost track of the hours as they ticked by. He couldn’t bring his legs to walk past the door and down the hallway without instantly turning back around. 

When the door finally opened and one of the healers came out Seth chocked out, “Will she be all right?”

“She’ll live through it. We were able to take the bullet out without much trouble. But she will have a scar, something of a badge of honor, although I don’t know how she will take it.”

Seth felt weak with relief, “Thank you.”

The healer nodded and went back into the room.

Thank you, Sorus.

He sat down against the wall and saw Montana rushing toward him, “How is she doing?” 

“She’s going to make it. They removed the bullet and she should be able to get along just fine,” speaking the words made it more real and he found his pace begin to settle back to normal. “Did you see what happened?”

She sat beside him, “I saw Kellen coming toward you and then I heard the shot.”

“When I find out who did I will. . .” he trailed off, the venom in his voice surprising himself.

“I’m positive that the Dark King is already punishing whoever did it.”

“Kellen,” Seth snarled, “is the reason why she got shot.”

“You didn’t see how he reacted though, he looked like he was the one who got shot. I’m sure it’s killing him.”

If only.

Seth bowed his head, “I told her she shouldn’t have come, that she was going to get hurt. But she didn’t listen to me.”

“You knew you didn’t have much of a chance of stopping her,” Montana said soothingly, “she’s very determined. I don’t even know her that well and I saw that.”

He nodded, wishing that he still had the power to have refused her.

Montana stood up, “Let me know when she’s taking visitors. I need to go back down to the army.”

Seth didn’t speak as she walked away. But moments after the hallway was abandoned he felt a new presence. He looked up to see the Dark King standing beside him.

Seth shot up, “What are you doing here?!”

“I needed to check up on her,” Kellen said, face devoid of emotion.

“She’ll be fine,” Seth said, trying to keep from raising his voice, “they removed her bullet. Right now she’s in recovery.”

Something in Kellen’s eyes softened.

Seth turned away, “Who fired the shot?”


Seth’s eyes widened in surprise, “Why?”

Kellen shrugged but the motion was to rigid to be considered nonchalant, “Jealousy, I guess. But who knows, she’s insane.”

“How did you handle it?”

“We’re working on it,” Kellen said bitterly, “but apparently we can’t sentence her to death without a trial. As of now she’s being held in the dungeon. Anyway, when can I talk to Darby?”

“I’ll call and let you know,” Seth replied, horrified at the thought of him with her when she was in such a vulnerable condition.

“Oh no,” Kellen smirked, “I’m staying. I just wanted a time frame.”

“Well, I don’t know yet,” he resumed his position on the floor, “what’s so important?”

Kellen grinned mischievously, “You’ll see.”

© 2011 allieverwanted

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Added on October 10, 2011
Last Updated on October 10, 2011



Elmira, OR

I'm Aliya and I am sixteen. Writing is my passion and I plan on becoming a published author someday. I have written six books (mind you only three of them are any good) and am working on my sevent.. more..

One One

A Chapter by allieverwanted

Two Two

A Chapter by allieverwanted