![]() EighteenA Chapter by allieverwantedKellen chuckled as he guessed, “You’ve come up with a new thing to do today, haven’t you?” “Actually, yeah. I want you to take me to the Dark Kingdom.” His smile faded. Who told her? Then he notice that Philip was looking down guiltily. I never should’ve left her with him. He focused back on this new predicament, “Darling, that may be difficult. . .” She raised an eyebrow, “And how so?” “It’s hard for light faeries that aren’t the Light King to come to the Dark Kingdom.” Please listen, I’m not going to put your life in danger so you can come. “Hard? Oh, dark faerie powers,” she frowned. “Yes,” he mused, “dark faerie powers.” “That’s stupid,” she grumbled, “I can’t seem to be able to do anything with my Dark King and his empire. There has to be some way I can be with you, being a light faerie sucks.” He laughed and kissed her pouting lips, secretly enjoying the taste of her frustration, “I’m glad you’re acknowledging that. I can’t promise that you’ll be safe at my kingdom. I would do all I could to protect you, but even then some of my fey could go to extremes and I won’t allow you to get hurt. It’s not a risk worth taking.” He shuddered to think of what could happen if she was immersed with his fey. What happened with David would be a minor issue compared to that. She nodded. He was sure that she was beginning to realize how important her safety was to him. He felt bad influencing her that way, and how easy it was getting to do so. She was becoming much to reliable on him, and as much as he relished that, she was starting to lose her independence. Something that was starting to worry him deeply. First to go will be her willingness to leave and wanting to be without me. Before long she’ll lose herself and be a toy, her body will still be there and she’ll share it, but her mind will be gone. I can’t let it happen. Not again, not to her. “You sure you wouldn’t rather be alone?” He offered, trying to discourage her gently. She paused, and the look of hurt in her eyes slammed into him, “Do you want me to be alone?” Philip’s eyes instantly flickered toward him, worry present in them about how he was going to respond. The lunch must have made them closer. Last time I leave them together. “No. I just don’t want to deprive you from having some time to yourself,” he explained. I wanted to seduce her, why am I feeling so bad about it? I should be taking advantage. He remembered the first night they slept in the same bed together, she was scared of him then. I’m to blame. Anything that happens from here on will be my fault. She wasn’t buying it, “What do you mean?” He shook his head, “Let’s not concern ourselves with that right now. I’m going to take you out to dinner.” She waited a moment but seeing as that was the only answer she was going to get nodded, “Okay, I’ll go put on something nice.” As she left Philip watched him, somehow knowing what it was that he was thinking, “She’s strong enough for you.” “She can’t be, she’s not even strong enough to be a dark faerie.” “Kellen, you shouldn’t worry about her dying or becoming a mindless slave,” Philip told him calmly, which annoyed him. “Then what’s the other option?” He demanded harshly. Philip didn’t answer,and Kellen figured it was either because he didn’t have an answer or because Darby had walked back in. He went with the first guess. “Well, come on then,” she smiled kindly, pulling an arm into a coat that covered her deep blood red dress. She didn’t even hesitate to see whether or not he was going to follow her out. She just knew he would. And he did. Darby was puzzled at Kellen’s sudden change in attitude. He still tenderly rested his hand on her lower back, guiding her through the restaurant but the arrogant and passionate smile and fire in his eyes were gone. Replaced with it a miserable frown and guarded eyes. Right as they sat down she said, “I’m sorry for whatever it was that I did.” He was startled by her apology but then he laughed, “Love, what in the world are you sorry for? You haven’t done anything wrong.” “Then why are you so angry and sad all the time?” He raised an eyebrow, slightly amused, “You think that because I’m a little upset that you’ve done something wrong?” “Well. . . yeah, I do,” she blushed, she felt foolish now but it was really starting to weigh on her. “I’m under a lot of pressure right now. I apologize for having it bother you, I wasn’t thinking about the affect of that on you.” “So, you aren’t mad at me,” she clarified. He laughed again. “Not at all.” A smile broke across her face in relief but she sheepishly changed the subject. He didn’t take the bait as he went on, “Don’t be embarrassed. I’m happy you told me, I’m not used to focusing on how my actions affect you. There hasn’t been anyone I let in close enough to have to worry about it. If I do anything that troubles you, please, let me know.” She nodded as he kissed her fingers carefully, as if she was delicate and could crumble at any moment. Suddenly a shadow casted over them. Kellen looked up in impatience at the interruption but she froze in fright. I didn’t think he’d come here. “Can I help you?” Kellen asked. When he wasn’t utterly vulgar he could be dangerously polite. Both flowed easily out of his perfect mouth. “I hate to interrupt your date,” Travis sneered, “but I have to inform you that your girlfriend isn’t what you think she is.” Kellen was completely entertained as he replied, “Oh? And what exactly is she?” Travis snarled, “She’s a damn faerie. I don’t know how she hid the wings and tattoo, but she is one. I went to school with her before she transformed.” Kellen smiled then, it was menacing and cruel, revealing why he was the Dark King and just how in control he was of the darkness that consumed him, “And do you know what I am?” Travis was confused at first but suddenly his eyes widened and fear was clear in his voice and face, “You’re not. . .” His grin widened, “I’m the Dark King. May I help you?” Travis took a step back but held his ground, “You don’t belong here. This place is for humans only.” Kellen sat back in his chair, “I’m in a good mood so you should probably leave while I’m still allowing it.” “Don’t order me around,” Travis said through grit teeth, “I’m not going to obey some winged monster, you don’t own me.” Kellen stood up now, “Don’t test my patience, mortal,” he said in a low threatening voice, “I don’t want to get violent, especially in front of a lady, but push me any further and I will cause you harm and I won’t care who’s watching.” “Lady?” Travis chortled, “She’s nothing but a dirty demon, her beauty is nothing but a trick, take that away and your left with one grotesque creature.” “You should stop being a dumb a*s, it’s bad for your nose,” he stepped closer, darkness not bother to be hidden anymore, “yeah, I’m going to break it.” “Faerie boy, I’d like to see you try,” Travis smirked at the challenge and she could taste his rising excitement. At first she was to shocked to speak, but now that they were talking about fighting she knew she had to do something. Kellen only needed ten seconds and Travis would be seriously hurt or dead, it wasn’t fair to leave him at such a disadvantage. The only way to stop the fight that was sure to occur was to get Kellen to back down, which wasn’t going to be easy. She grabbed his hand and applied enough pressure to get him to glance down at her, “Sit down,” she told him, “everyone is looking at us.” “Stay out of it, Darby,” he growled. She got up now and put a hand against his cheek, getting his attention back, “Let it go, finish eating, and then we can go home,” she directed him, kissing his neck all the way up to his cheek. He was silent, eyes still locked on Travis, but after a moment he responded, “He insulted you and me. I’m not about to let that slide.” “You have too. Do you want to add arrested for assault to the list of what we’re going to do tonight? Or do you want to go home with me,” she widened her eyes and stared at him sultrily. This pause was short, Kellen turned to Travis and said, “You’re not worth it.” He shrugged, “Another time then, when your thing is gone.” Kellen looked ready to rip his head off and she could tell she was losing the battle. She placed her mouth on his, using her addictive light to stun him and keep him on her. She could feel that he didn’t want to let her go but reluctantly he pulled away and backing away from Travis, sat back down. She beamed and joined him, “I’ll ask for the check.” He nodded, keeping an eye on Travis. Even though the dinner was a failure Darby couldn’t help but feel proud. He could’ve simply lost control but instead he was in the car beside her, his hand rubbing her leg. And for a Dark King to do that, she knew it meant something. Kellen knew he had made the right choice. He could fight any night, but Darby allowing him to get closer to her was something special. She pulled him on top of her as they fell back on the bed. Her lips trailed from his jaw and finally met his. He let her take charge, he was willing to be her slave. She peeled off his shirt and his wings wrapped her tighter to him. When he reached for her dress he felt her hesitate. He wanted to ignore it and keep on savoring her tattoo against his skin but it felt more like it would be violating then sensual. “What’s wrong, love?” He murmured in her ear. “Nothing,” she whispered, not at all convincingly. He pulled back and sat against the pillows to give her more space, “Don’t lie to me, Darby, we both know that’s not going to work.” She slowly met his eyes, “Honestly? I haven’t really gone this far with anyone.” “I’ll take it slow, tonight we’re only going as far as you want to go. Whatever you’re comfortable with,” he promised. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, “Really? I never would’ve expected that to come out of a man’s mouth.” “Some of us are gentlemen,” he reminded her. She smirked, “And of course you are one of them.” “Of course,” he chuckled, running his fingers over her tattoo, tracing it back up to her neck as he gradually got closer to her, “ now tell me, what is it that you want?” She thought a moment and he occupied himself with kissing her neck, “I want you to be happy,” she finally decided. “Darling, I’m only going to be happy if we do this on your terms. We have eternity to work it out.” “Thank you,” she whispered, taking his hand and made it peel the straps of her dress off her shoulders. He met her lips once more as his wings brushed against her bare chest. She’s worth waiting for.
Philip’s eyes widened in disbelief when Darby told him about the confrontation at the restaurant. He stared at Kellen, “You backed down?” Kellen shrugged, “Priorities.” Way better than a fight. “That’s the first fight you’ve walked away from since I met you,” Philip thought wryly. He didn’t see the importance. A choice between Darby or a fight, who wouldn’t pick her? “Sorry your dinner was ruined. What did you do instead?” Philip asked. Kellen smirked while Darby looked down blushing. Philip cleared his throat uncomfortably, “Oh.” Kellen laughed, “It wasn’t quite like that.” “Well anyways, any plans for today?” “Actually,” Darby began. Kellen groaned jokingly, “I swear, when she’s finally out of ideas, I’ll be out of my mind.” She scowled at him as she finished, “I’m staying home. I don’t know what the Dark King plans on doing.” He kissed her cheek, “I’ll stay with you, if someone needs me Philip will take care of it,” he shot his advisor a grin. “But if he’s doing all the kingly stuff, shouldn’t he be king?” She teased. “He’s too old,” he joked. “Ha ha,” Philip said sarcastically, “and I’m also not annoying enough.” She giggled and traced the tattoo on the back of Kellen’s hand. The sudden urge to be with her took control of him, he turned toward Philip, “Philip,” he started sweetly, coating his words in sugar, “could I bribe you into going away?” Philip rolled his eyes, “Sure, I was just going to go to the kingdom anyway. Then I’ll stop by the bar.” “Will you be home tonight or must I have to wait to see your smiling face until tomorrow?” Kellen checked, stretching his legs out across the couch. Philip shrugged, “Depends on who I meet.” After he left Darby laid her head against his shoulder, “He was engaged.” “I know,” he sat up and pulled her into his lap. “He’s never going to fall in love with someone at a bar.” “He doesn’t need love. Besides, he can’t love, so it would serve him no purpose.” “He was human at one point in his life, those emotions can’t just go away,” she pointed out. “After a couple of centuries it does,” he told her. She was quiet, but he could see she wasn’t convinced. She pushed him down on his back so he was staring up at her, “Would you really have fought Travis?” She asked. “In a heartbeat. After what he said about you, I would’ve killed him.” She cocked her head, “Literally?” He thought a moment, “Maybe.” “Then it’s a good thing I interfered before you got hold of him. You would’ve done much worse than Seth did,” she laughed. He stopped, “Pardon?” “When I was human and at a park in my hometown Seth saved me from Travis. He. . . it would’ve been bad if Seth didn’t come. In the end Travis received a black eye and a couple of burns. I can’t imagine what you would’ve done to him.” I would’ve had to kill him, and it wouldn’t have been pretty. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was happy that the Light King was the one to be there, “That son of a b***h, if I knew that last night I don’t know if I could’ve been able to walk away so easy.” “Easy?” She laughed, “Maybe to you it was. But I didn’t know what to do to get you to leave.” “Really?” He stared at her, “You seemed to have it all figured out. And it wouldn’t be to hard, you’re a very good distraction.” “Hmm, I wasn’t aware of my power,” she mumbled, leaning over him. “Unfortunately, I was all to conscious of it,” he kissed her neck. “Well, I’m still a little surprised that you wouldn’t just have Philip fight him for you,” she chided, “give you more time to sit around drinking.” “Hey,” he nuzzled her neck, “I do more than drinking mind you. And I do all my own stunts anyhow.” She smiled but it quickly dissolved into a sigh, “I wish we could do something for him. He shouldn’t waste his life on one night stands.” He forced himself in an upright position, “You can’t honestly be suggesting that we find his soul mate and give him a happy ending. Life as a dark faerie doesn’t work like that.” “Have you ever tried? Maybe you just think you can’t. Mind over matter.” “Trust me, hon, it’s true.” Sorus knows how much I want to love you, but I can’t. If there was a way to love I would’ve found it. “For everyone?” “Yes.” She paused, “Even you?” The question was innocent enough, he knew that one day it was going to come up. He wanted more than anything to deny it, to take her in his arms and tell her that he loved her. But all he could do was just tell her how much she did mean, and he knew that for a light faerie, it wouldn’t be enough. She needs love, even if I can’t be the one to give it to her. He wasn’t sure if he could get the word out knowing full well that once he said it everything that he had built up for himself would crumble to the ground. “Yes.” © 2011 allieverwanted |
Added on October 10, 2011 Last Updated on October 10, 2011 Author![]() allieverwantedElmira, ORAboutI'm Aliya and I am sixteen. Writing is my passion and I plan on becoming a published author someday. I have written six books (mind you only three of them are any good) and am working on my sevent.. more..Writing