![]() TwelveA Chapter by allieverwantedDarby heard voices and that pulled her from her sleep. She sat up and moaned, her head was pounding and she saw empty liquor bottles littered all around the room. Did we drink all of those? She got up from off the floor, her dress from last night still clinging to her skin. And found Kellen arguing with some authoritative faerie. “What’s going on?” She asked in slight annoyance, they were making her head hurt worse. “We’re broke,” Kellen groaned. She stared at him, “Broke? What? You’re a king, you have to have money.” “None with me, and we’re in a huge debt to Eric.” “So, we’re in trouble,” she stated, eyeing the faerie. Kellen noticed and explained, “This is one of my guards, apparently we had a visitor at home that we missed and he’s pissed,” he closed his eyes, “just like Eric, I bet he’s on his way up right now. We are so screwed.” “Don’t worry, Eric will understand. You can get him the money once we get back home,” she hugged him. He kept his arms around her, “Eric has rules, you pay upfront. He runs a casino so he doesn’t joke with money, we have to pay him now. The only reason we even got out of the bar without paying him back is because he lost us.” “But we don’t have the money, what are we going to do?” “Stay put until Philip comes.” She nodded and waited with him for Eric to arrive. When he did he seemed a little put off by seeing them in faerie form. “Where’s my money Kellen?!” He demanded, he was much scarier now than he was last night at the casino. “My advisor is bringing it. He should be on the plane over right now,” Kellen explained calmly. Since when did Kellen talk to Philip? I must’ve been out for awhile. . . “I don’t know what kind of faerie spell you’re trying to put me under but if I don’t get my money I’m not afraid to turn in you or the girl.” Darby cowered into Kellen’s chest. This new threatening side of Eric intimidated her. Kellen can handle him. “Darby, why don’t you go back to sleep. I’ll take care of this,” Kellen told her, not taking his eyes off Eric. She wasn’t tired anymore but she was grateful for the escape out of the conversation. She sat back down on the bed and closed her eyes. In the darkness behind her lids she had calmed way down. Sure, they were broke, in debt, and hungover, but she was certain Kellen would figure it out. Unfortunately the more relaxed that she became the more frantic she could her Kellen’s voice become. Especially now that it sounded like at least three more men had joined in, wanting their money. How much did we spend last night? Finally Philip arrived and the whole atmosphere seemed to settle itself. With this newfound relief she decided she might as well get up and defend Kellen. With Philip in the room Kellen straightened and seemed to pull it together. He paid off the debts quickly and apologetically. When they had finally left and it was just the three of them in room Philip began to lecture them on how irresponsible they were and how much trouble they would’ve gotten into if he didn’t come and save their asses. “Sorry,” they mumbled sheepishly in unison. “Well, we better go home now, before you get in any more trouble. Besides we need to get ready for tomorrow,” Philip picked up her backpack. “What’s going on tomorrow?” Darby asked curiously. “We’re going to a celebration of life,” Kellen answered, still glaring at Philip like a student who got punished in front of the class. “Like a funeral? Why?” She frowned. “One of Seth’s faeries was killed by a mortal a week or so ago and it’s my duty as king to attend,” he explained sullenly. “Am I going?” “I won’t stop you if you want to go.” “I’ll come,” she decided. It’s bound to be better than staying at the flat or with the guards. Philip and him shared a long look. “Lets go,” Kellen told her quietly, moving towards the door.
Kellen popped four Ibuprofen into his mouth. You’d think that I’d start getting immune to hangovers by now. Darby leaned against him, “How are you feeling?” “S****y,” he replied, kissing her forehead. “We should stop drinking.” He snorted, “Yeah, like that’s going to happen.” “I just think you need to be more careful so you don’t get so drunk. Especially in places like Vegas. Bad things can happen when you get as drunk as we got last night,” she seemed genuinely worried, it intrigued him. “Would it bother you?” He teased. “Yes,” she curled up closer to him, “you’ve been to vegas a lot. I’m sure I wasn’t the first girl you took there, got drunk, and made out with.” Sadly, not even close. “What are you asking?” She struggled to find the right words, “Well, I guess I figured if we were. . . together you shouldn’t be sleeping around with anyone else,” she murmured. He tasted the jealousy, and it surprised him, even more so that she thought he would cheat on her. I don’t do that, I do break up with someone for someone else but never cheat. It hardly ever works out. “Trust me, you’re the only girl in my life right now,” he leaned his head down on hers and played with strands of her luscious hair. And I want it to stay that way. © 2011 allieverwanted |
Added on October 10, 2011 Last Updated on October 10, 2011 Author![]() allieverwantedElmira, ORAboutI'm Aliya and I am sixteen. Writing is my passion and I plan on becoming a published author someday. I have written six books (mind you only three of them are any good) and am working on my sevent.. more..Writing