

A Chapter by allieverwanted

When Darby woke up she was calm. She could now focus on what she needed to do and evaluate her choices. The one thing she did know, though, was it wouldn’t be safe for her to be in daylight with wings. 

Where can I go that would be safe?

She was also hungry, but not for food, that idea repulsed her.

Then, what do I eat? 

She had no answers. So, she wrapped her wings around her body and pulled on a coat, concealing them. 

If only I could get rid of the tattoo. 

She spent the day sitting there, thinking and listing in her mind all the things she was going to need. The day went by slowly but the fear of moving kept her there and soon twilight finally came.

That was when she got up and walked around the park more. She knew she needed to leave here. The memories were becoming to much for her and she wanted to find a place that she felt she belonged. Something in her heart was telling her to go back to Elmira. 

The flight back was easy, and when she landed she wasn’t even out of breath. She stared up at the ominous trees in front of her and the same part of her leaped inside her chest.

I can do this. I need this. Something is waiting for me.

But she was hesitant. She had no idea what it was that drew her here, and it scared her.

Then she heard a familiar voice, “Well, what are you waiting for?”

She paused as the boy jumped down from one of the trees in front of her. He shook his deep black hair from his face as his midnight blue wings unfolded around him. His tattoo were vine like veins that swirled on his pale face. His black eyes were mocking and swallowed the soft sympathetic gleam as he looked her over. he had an arrogant air about him that she recognized as he waited for her answer.

“Who are you?” She asked, unnerved by the presence of another faerie. But her eyes searched him suspiciously.

Is this the stranger? 

He grinned, “I think you remember.”

“But, you were human.”

“Nope, I just hid my wings and tattoo. I’m Kellen, the Dark King.”


“I’m Darby.”

“I know.”

“How? I never told you my name before.”

“You’re the last transformed mortal, of course I know your name.”

She scowled, “Why am I the last?”

“You’re special,” he replied simply.

“Change me back,” she demanded, “you turned me into. . . this, now turn me back. I’m nothing to you.”

Kellen looked amused by her command, “I can’t. Our God transformed you, not me, and I can’t turn you back.”

Her anger evaporated as soon as it began, “Well, now what do I do?”

He sighed, “You know what empire you’re on?”


“Have you met any other faerie?”
“Besides you? No.”

“Do you know how to use your glamour?”

“Uhh. . . no.”

“Have you done anything?”

“I can fly.”

He snorted, “Wow, you mastered the easiest thing, impressive.”

“How am I supposed to know what to do?! It’s not like you give out instructions! As a king shouldn’t you be somewhat helpful?!” She shouted in frustration.

He rolled his eyes, “You got a lot to learn.”

She glared at him, “Could you at least tell me what it is I eat?”

He muttered something incoherent but she thought she heard the word “hopeless.”

Even if Darby didn’t know anything, Kellen was surprised how fast she caught on. He fed her some of his personal emotions then answered her seemingly endless questions.

“What’s glamour?”

“It hides your tattoo and wings, and can alter your image so you aren’t recognizable if your out with mortals.”

“What did you mean by empire?”

“They’re two empires, I lead one over the dark fey while Seth,” he noticed her perk up at the name, making him grimace, “rules over the light fey.”

“What’s the difference?”

“The dark fey are crueler and scarier, sinners, stronger, seductive. The light fey are happy and carefree, filled with passion, love, and sunshine. Although the light side does have quite a temper,” he chuckled, “the dark fey are more relaxed. They’re positive and negatives to both empires, we balance each other out.”

“Why do you kill people?”

“It’s not always intentional, and when it happens it’s normally at the fault of a dark faerie. Mortals can’t handle the things we can, they’re weaker then us. Sometimes accidents happen,” he thought about last night’s girl, Sara, and scowled.

“Try to make them stop, you’re their king, they have to listen to you.”

“That’s another difference. The Light Empire has rules, Seth makes sure they follow them, and they do. We don’t have any rules, the dark fey do as they please. Of course, if I gave them a direct order they would haver to listen. But I don’t find the need to.”

“You’re a pretty lousy king,” she stated.

“You’re a pretty lousy faerie,” he reminded, “it’s the way things are, as long as they don’t commit mass murder than they’re fine. Besides, Sorus made it so no more mortals will be purposely killed anyway.” 

“What makes you think they’ll listen to him?”

“He’s our God, your God now.”

“Oh. . . how do I know which empire I’m on?”

“The kind of emotions you can taste. The different empires taste different emotions.”

“Can you help me figure out which empire I’m on?”

“Tomorrow,” he promised.

I don’t want to know if she’s Seth’s. I just need one night with her before I know that she might not be mine.

© 2011 allieverwanted

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Added on October 10, 2011
Last Updated on October 10, 2011



Elmira, OR

I'm Aliya and I am sixteen. Writing is my passion and I plan on becoming a published author someday. I have written six books (mind you only three of them are any good) and am working on my sevent.. more..

One One

A Chapter by allieverwanted

Two Two

A Chapter by allieverwanted