![]() TwoA Chapter by allieverwantedDarby awoke to Christopher throwing a pillow at her head. She groaned as she rolled over to look at him. “Happy Birthday, eighteen year old,” Christopher grinned, jumping down on her bed. “Go away,” she grumbled, propping herself up on her elbows so she could see the time behind him, “Six? Christopher, really?” She glowered, the one thing she was looking forward to was sleeping in. “Sorry, but I wanted to say hey before I had to head off to the university. Mom and Dad are both gone for work. And if I got you up now than I could make you waffles before my class.” She debated a moment between actually getting up for those yummy waffles or chucking a pillow at him and going back to sleep. It was a tough decision. But finally she sat up, “Alright, I’ll be down in a second.” He laughed and got up, leaving swiftly before she had the chance to hurl a pillow at him anyway. Groggily, she stumbled into the shower. As the hot water did it’s best to wake her up she smiled. Now that the frustration had worn off she was excited that Christopher decided to check in on her. She had a feeling that was going to be the only “happy birthday” she was going to get this year. Once the hot water had ran out she changed into her sweats and an oversized t-shirt. Then just pulled her thick, long, raven black hair into a bun on the top of her head. No need dressing up. When she opened up her blinds she was surprised to find a necklace on the sill. Confused, she picked it up and inspected it. It was a small black onyx wing charm strung on a simple chain. How did I get this? I don’t remember owning this? Maybe it’s an early birthday present from Mom or Dad? But she was tempted and put it on. The stone was smooth against her skin and a little jolt ran through her. Positive that the reason for the shock was because the rock had been sitting near the cold window, she ignored the sensation and went downstairs to Christopher. As she walked into the kitchen he was dishing out the waffles. He hadn’t shaved yet and a stubble of blond beard covered his jaw. Grinning, she sat down at the table beside him. “You sure you can handle being here alone today? I’ll be checking in on you between classes and Mom or Dad will be coming in during their lunch break. But are you going to be okay?” He checked. “I’ve been staying home alone since I was twelve. I can handle myself.” “Yeah, but you weren’t wanted by the fey then. Things are different now. Personally, I think you’d be safer at school, more people around, but I know Dad’s not going to listen to me. I just have to make sure my Sorella piccola is safe.” She smiled at the italian words for “little sister”. Something that he always found enjoyment in pointing out. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. And, if I were you I’d get going, if you want to get to the University time and get a clean shave in before your class starts.” He looked at the clock behind him, “Damn it, I thought I had way more time,” he shot up, “see you tonight,” he kissed the top of her head, “stay safe.” She nodded, giggling at his horrible tracking of time. Being on time wasn’t exactly one of the things that her brother was known for. As she heard his car drive off she put her dishes away and sat on the couch, unsure of what to do now. Stupid faeries. I can’t even leave my house. She still felt pretty tired, and decided she might as well catch up on sleep. She laid down and curled into the couch side and slowly started to doze off. She was standing on steps of a giant granite temple, staring up at stained glass window of an eclipse. Below the window was a marble slab that held two lit candles. One glowed with unbelievable brightness and warmth while the other light seemed hazy, swallowed up by blackness. “Can you feel yourself transforming, Darby?” A soothing voice asked behind her. She spun around to face the noise and she saw a faerie standing behind her. His gleaming white wings spread out around him as his black eyes twinkled. She couldn’t speak. “We’re waiting for you,” he smiled, “there’s no need to be afraid anymore.” She took a step back, forcing herself to try and feel panic, because she couldn’t believe that the smile actually comforted her. . . Darby jolted awake. She got up and grabbed a soda from the fridge, forcing her body into a caffeinated craze, hoping that would be enough to keep her from sleeping again. She wanted to dismiss it as a regular dream. After all, it was probably her mind reacting to her fears and surroundings. But it felt so real. She didn’t think she had that good of an imagination. She shook her head and took another long gulp of soda. The liquid bubbled as it trickled down her throat. These stupid faeries are getting to me. “Darby?” Mom asked uncertainly as she entered the house. “In here,” Darby shouted from the kitchen. Mom gave her a relieved hug, “Did you have fun?” “Being locked in the house, oh I had loads of fun,” she replied sarcastically. Mom gave her an apologetic look, “I wish there was something else we could’ve done. But this was our only option.” Christopher has an opinion on that. “It’s fine. Gave me time to make dinner,” she motioned to the set table beside her. “Miele, you didn’t need to do that. It’s your birthday.” She shrugged and went back to cooking. In the end it didn’t matter that she started the cooking early, they still weren’t able to eat until eight. Christopher was late. “Sorry, sorry!” He called out as he busted through the door, “I know I’m late.” Darby smiled at him, “Thought you had more time?” He grinned sheepishly, “It was only five when I left the university.” She rolled her eyes as he slid in next to her, “You have a good day?” She grimaced, “What do you think?” He snickered, “Best get used to it. Let’s hope my gift will make up for all the crap that you’re going to have to deal with this year,” he winked, “and my tardiness.” “Then it must be one hell of a gift,” she joked, but it did perk up her curiosity enough to get her through dinner. After Christopher cleared the table her parents handed her their gift. An envelope with fifty dollars in it. She accepted the money graciously, she could always use more cash, yet she couldn’t help but wish that she had gotten a more sentimental gift. Christopher handed her a WalMart bag, attempting to hide the smirk at her raised eyebrows. Carefully she drew out the item only to laugh in disbelief. “I can’t believe you! I only mentioned it once, and I wasn’t even talking to you!” She beamed, admiring the long, silk, strapless, black dress. “Now you can’t say that I never listen,” he winked. She hugged him as Mom brought out the cake. Darby took one glance at the candles and knew exactly what she was going to wish for. She closed her eyes and thought as hard as she could. Don’t have me become a faerie.
© 2011 allieverwanted |
Added on October 10, 2011 Last Updated on October 10, 2011 Author![]() allieverwantedElmira, ORAboutI'm Aliya and I am sixteen. Writing is my passion and I plan on becoming a published author someday. I have written six books (mind you only three of them are any good) and am working on my sevent.. more..Writing