The beast loved beauty, his nits knew that.
But perhaps he loved her too much? He wanted to gobble her up so she could never leave him like he often thought she would.
As unconditionally loving as Belle seemed surely everybody had their limit when enough would be enough and it would be time to flee.
The nits could see.
As the two lovers danced cautiously the nits itched against Belles beauty making her pull away slightly.
"It's not you, it's me." She explained, irritated she scratched the pain.
The nits felt sorry for The Beast, it was clear to him now he had realised that he would never be able to love her without hurting her no matter how much she endured he just had to let her go.
The beauty did not understand, she broke like rocks to sand ready to be washed out into the sea a forgotten memory of their once true love.