![]() Clarity FoxA Story by Our Stories Lengthen Like Shadows“Have you ever wished you could go back in time to stop a mistake form changing your life?” “I do.” When I was little my parents died and left my in the custardy of my Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Liam the two coolest people I have ever had the pleasure to live with. Now we have taken up resends in little town off the broader of Missouri called Harp Valley with a whopp’in population 3, 487 people this town can easily take the cake for the more corniest place I have ever lived. We move for a 2 bedroom condo in Queens, New York to a 19 century Victorian house with dust hard wood floors, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms two upstairs and one down stairs, that seemed more than a little creepy. My lack of control over my action had us moving all over the country. Before here it was New York, then California, and so forth you could say I’ve lived my hold life out of boxes. “At least I have my own bathroom this time.” When I got done un-packing my aunt knocked on the door and came in. “So. Do you like your new room?” “With a little paint and a touch of me it will be good as new.” “So what are you thinking?” “I think this is going to end badly.” “What do you mean?” “This is my fault that we keep moving and I do want you and Uncle Liam to keeps up rooting your lives for me.” “Clarity Jennet Marie Ann Fox this is not your fault if anything its Malcom’s. Now get some sleep you have school tomorrow good night.” “Goodnight.” But she was wrong it was my fault everything was my fault and all because of the power my ex-boyfriend Malcom gave me. 2 year ago I met Malcom in L.A. at the dinner were I worked. He was sitting in one of the booths all the way in the back of the dinner. When I saw he had this alluring dark side about him the made my heart stops. I thought he was just another a*s whole and he wasn’t at the time “I want to talk to you but I can’t from the words I want to say way.” So I took a deep breath and said “can I take your order?” he was wearing a black leather jacket, white t-shirt, sunglass, and a smile bright that could and would blinked you from a distance. “I can’t make up my mind… what you would suggest?” he said looking for under his sunglass. “Umm…I don’t really eat here but if I was hungry I would order the banana nut pancakes with extra whip cream. But that’s just me.” “Then I‘ll have that.” "Is that it?" When I said that question it seemed like I was asking for more than just his order. I hadn't been living in L.A. a month and I was already falling into the trap of some bad a*s on a motor cycle which wasn't uncommon on this side of the world. But it was uncommon to me because around this time I never even kissed a boy let alone dated one. Looking at him search his menu looking for something else I search him looking for flaws, imperfection something that would tell me that he is not as perfected as he seems and as I looked I founded him doing the same to me. I look down at my feet awkwardly. Then he said,” add anything else you thing is good.” “Okay I’ll be right back.” When I walked a way to gets his order I felt him starting at me. He stared there until my shift ending. He was the most interesting person I seen. the way he cut his pancakes, the way he sat in the booth, the way he order his coffee a black caramel latte with a shot of vanilla. Gave it a way that he clearly was from around here and for me being fresh off the plane my impression of the “L.A. lifestyle” was pretty accurate. He was nothing like the preppy, pricy, people I went to school and in a way that made me want him more. After that he came to the dinner every day. It was like he was there just to see me and I feel that way. For week we played “the can you guess what I want game”. Until one day he wanted waited for me outside after my shift. "So what are you doing out here in the cold?" A man said behind me as I got the keys out of my car to unlock my car. I turned around and it was him the guy form the dinner. He was wearing a red v neck t-shirt blue jean and he signature leather jacket. Looking at him I was lost for words even with his eyes under his sunglasses I could tell he was looking me up and down. It took a long time but I finally spoke. "Hi." I said a little too enthusiastically. "So what are you doing out in the cold." "Trying to get home if I could every get this door open." I hear his footsteps as he came closer to me. When he get to my side I look up at him he's tall about 6"1 I can barely see feature, but his seem so beautiful to me in the moon light. He reaches for my hand and takes my keys and I let him something I wouldn’t normally do. "It looks like you need help." "Didn’t anyone tell you its bad manner to take things from people you don’t know?" "And who said I didn't know you." "Last I recall you and I have been playing dinner dash since the day you walked in that place and the only words you every say to me where I can’t decide what I want to order and more syrup please." "That doesn't mean I don't play attention your name is Clarity Fox and you moved here from New York." I looked up at him with surprised he knew my name that was big and he knew were the name of the last city I lived which was even bigger and kinda creepy. Who was this guy and why did he take time to learn this about me and if he wanted to know why he didn’t just ask. "Well you certainly do. If you don't mine I like my keys so I can get home." I reached out my hand and he laid the key in my palm. A smile form on his lips. I was defiantly right that boy had the whitest, brightest teeth I had ever since in my life. I didn’t know what to say to him next all I could do was hold his gaze. After another few minutes the quite was becoming awkward so I broke with one of my weird head gesture and fumbled my car door open. When I got in my car he shut the door for me. Walking across the street he turns back at me and grin. I rolled down the window. “Hey! Same time tomorrow?” At first he didn’t say anything; he took off his sunglass and said, “Of Corse see you tomorrow.” I couldn’t stop smiling, the whole drive home all I could think of what could and would happen tomorrow and how stupid I was for not asking him his name. But I for the first time in a long time was happy to wonder what was going to happen the next day.
“Did ever your ever want a latté so bad that it made your stomach hurt and your taste buds ache when you saw one of your teacher drinking a total gross black coffee with no sugar or cream.”
“Mine did.”
My first class was Spanish 2 , I was late when I got to school I had to the front office and that took half of first period to striated out my schedule but I wasn't in a hurry to get on with this torcher. when I got to the class I knocked on the door and waited for someone to come, it took a minutes for someone to come and to be honest I wanted to wait outside that door forever. But my hope of that was lost went the door magically open and a tall, dark hair, blued guy stood in front of me. We locked eyes and I could tell he was the thinking the same thing I was “were did you come from.” Then the teacher called form inside the room. I walked in and the guy who opened the door for sat in his sit. I gave the Spanish teacher the note I got for the Principles office as she read it I looked around the room and more than a few pair of eyes were looking back at me. It looked like every other classroom I ever been in windows, desks, and the smell of drama fuelled a fire under everyone’s a*s. When she got done she called the class to action. " La clase exchuen. nosotros neva persona hay. Will please introduce yourself to the class," she said to me and every part of me wanted say no. But the other bigger part of me that loves attention it won this round. I looked at her asked did she want me to say it in Spanish. She responded with Si (yes). Well that was great i only had one year of Spanish under my belt and I could barely write it let alone speak it. But there was no time to back out I took a deep breath and began to speak. "Hola. Mamo Clarity Fox. Soy de California." Everyone looked at me like I was from a different planet and maybe I was. No one responded they all just started the teacher said something else in Spanish she sounded like a drunk Mexican hooker. Then she told me to take a seat I walked down the ail and sat down in the second seat in the 4th row right next to the guy that opened the door for me. Everyone was quiet they all seemed to be taking a test and form the expression on some of my new class mates faces it looked like some of them weren’t doing so hot. A girl sitting three desks over from me looked like she was going to break her pencil with her teeth, the boy two seats back from her was a few tugs a way from being bald, and another boy all the way in the back by the walk was sleeping with his head laying back against the walk. Clearly he wasn’t going to ace this test. The teacher was drinking coffee at her desk which make me want a latte so bad it made my stomach turn. The teacher and I locked eyes when she looked around to make sure no one was cheating, the teacher spoke to me. "Senorita," she said. "Si Senora." "No las gafas se sol en la clase." she was telling me that I couldn't were my sunglasses in class I walked up to her desk and crowed down next to her so no one could hear me and I took off my glass and looked in her eyes the magic started swirling inside of me and I felt my eyes get hot. Like they have done times before when I have done this to a person. I spoke to her in a whisper and said," it a medical condition I ‘am sensitive to light that why I wear sunglass don't ever ask me to take them off again please." She nodded her head in agreement. After I sat back down at my desk the bell rang for me next class. I was the last one out as I left the Spanish teacher wished me well to my next class. She didn’t know anything that happened or seemed to and that how I wanted it. The rest of the day went well accepted the fact that I had to use my power on all me other teacher like the Spanish teacher Ms. Martin. But for the most part it was okay. At lunch everyone broke into group the jocks at one table, pricey and pretty girls were at another in center of the lunch room I found a table at the edge of the lunchroom closest to the door. I looked around the room and everyone was lost in conversation and I had feeling they were talking about me and I could read their thoughts so it was defiantly about me and they all said the same thing. “Who is she? Where she come from?” Their thoughts got so loud that I had to put my headphones in just to stop my head from spinning. As eat my lunch the sound Secondhand Serenade blasted in my ears and little by little people stopped looking at me. But at the end of lunch when I through my trash away there was still one pair of I eyes staring at me and their belonged to one of the jock sitting at the table in the center of the room They belong to the guy that sat next to me in Spanish class. When I got home aunty Jen was cooking up a storm in the kitchen and Uncle Liam was trying to ignore the smell. My aunt Jen and uncle Liam have been together since there junior year of high school he was a heath nut jock consumed with how much he bench press let alone who he was taking to prom and my aunt Jen was a free spirted go with the flow type that didn't care anything about sports, dances, or how calories where in a hotdog. After almost 10 years of being together their still in love with each other. My aunt Jen is a Cater and my uncle Liam is a personal train or as I like to call them the Bill &Kate of all matches. “Well something smells good," I said closing the door behind me and leaning my back to it. "So how was it?" my aunt yelled form the kitchen. “Just like every other school I’ve been to.” “Aww it couldn’t have been that bad?” “It wasn’t bad I’m just tired of being the peg of everyone’s curiosity and I ‘am so over my powers, I just hate it so much.” “I swear I ever see that b*****d ex-boyfriend of yours again I will ringing his neck.” My uncle Liam said and from the expression on his face I could tell he meant it. If I were Malcom I would hate to be on my uncle’s bad side. The last time I saw mad was when we went to the movies. We went to see a romantic comedy that I don’t remember the name to but it was a total bust. The only funny part of the movie was the end when guy purposes to girl after he admits to her that he slepted with her sister. Then in the rise of emotion she become utterly furious and karate chops vertically down his face and walks off into the sunset with her not- girlfriend. Well I don’t know what going on in Hollywood but the people must be really bored or just stupid. After the movie Uncle Liam and Aunt Jen went to pull the car around while I want to the bathroom. Which I re thought after getting rattled by to people having or trying to have sex in one of the stalls. Which is pretty bold if you ask me. The old me probably would have thought I was disgusting, but since I came into my new lease on everything I thought was gross or disgusting lite a fire under my curiosity. I stood on the curve by a light post waiting for Uncle Liam and Aunt Jen to bring the car around. Which was parked all the way at the opposite end of the lot. Uncle Liam always parked at the opposite of parking lot he said, “I needed a little excise I my life.” But that was something we clearly didn’t agree on, I hated excise and It wasn't like I needed it anyway one of side effect of my new transformation was that I have a hot rockin bod and that got me into a lot of trouble . As I sat on the curve waiting for my aunt and uncle to pull up a black Jeep whipped about the curve and roughly stopped in front of me. “What the hell is your problem?” I yelled jumping out of the way. There were 2 guys in the Jeep they didn’t notice me until I knocked on the window. When they rolled down the widow I just started yelling like a crazy person and didn’t care if I made a seen. When I was done they were quite for a moment and they looked at each other and smile then back at me. The one on the passage got out of the car and shut the door. “Hey honey looking for a good time?” the guy said as he came toward me. “Sorry sweetheart you’re not my type.” I said backing up slowly. He looked at me at like a stole his last beer and grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him so close I smelled the alcohol seeping out if his pours in his skin in the glow of the street light I could see he more clearly . He was wearing a black sweatshirt, dark jeans, and a red ball cap. His eyes were black at the sky, his skin was pale and the smell of cheap beer was rolling out if his mouth so fierce it make me sick. When I started to pulling away he gripping my wrist got tighter and his other hand yakked at my shirt. “My, my, we a got us a feisty one here.” He says yakking hard on the hem of my shirt. “Let me go my aunt and uncle will be here any minute.” He stared down at me with dark eyes and everything in me turns cold and I start to shiver but I try and keep my face normal but inside my heart was racing and all I could think was what was I going to do? And my aunt and uncle were sure taking there sweet time. At that thought he pulls me into a hard kiss, his lips were salty, his breathe was hot and I want to cry he going kidnap or rape me and no one would know until it was over. In my mind I thought that was unacceptable I was going to fight back so kiss him back I get his tongue between my teeth and bit don as hard I as I could.
© 2014 Our Stories Lengthen Like Shadows |
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Added on December 2, 2014Last Updated on December 4, 2014 Author![]() Our Stories Lengthen Like ShadowsNew Madrid, MOAboutI am very emotional & writing is very close to my heart. I am 17 years old and everything about me is crazy, annoying, and all over the place. So I thought if I wrote it all down I would be able to .. more..Writing