Mathematically in love?
Every day in their lunch break,
She would put her headphones on
And drift in an off-field calculus,
Trying to find the
right expressions
In the quadratics of her life
She’d close her eyes
And think of the boy in her geometry class.
She’d try to add up the ways to say hi,
And subtract the humiliating probabilities.
She’d write updates in her journal,
About the guy who triples the speed of her heartbeat
And graphs a different point in her day
Imagining an algorithm for the two of them
In the bathroom after class,
She’d study her triangles in the mirror
And find reasons for her plans about the boy
Sitting behind her in geometry to be congruent
When she saw him leaning on the wall
Watching the Romeo and Juliet play from afar, they spoke
And at that point, she found out that
They have a common denominator after all
Like her, he was a critic
And with the intensity of actors
Plotting every lovely scene they watched
The students cry with the last line
She went home after with a grin in her face
Reduced her worries to its simplest terms
And mastered the equations of his smile
And his non-factorable ideas stuck in her mind.
Later, she’d write on her journal
Expanding the scenario with every detail
Thinking how her life could be as simple as
The square root of four.