25. Final

25. Final

A Chapter by alison13












     “Good morning,” I yawned. I never felt this sleepy before, and to think that I even had five hours of sleep. I even remember not having to sleep at all, having a concert and taping of my CSI guesting after.

     “What happened last night?” Jacque asked, impatient for gossip.

     “Went to concert, eat, walk, talk...” I yawned again.

     “You’re making it sound boring! What did you talk about?” she said, eager to know everything.

     “Stuff,” I shifted my gaze to Troy stepping out of his car. He doesn’t look sleepy unlike me, and as usual, his beauty was effortless.

     “I’ll leave you now,” Jacque giggled as she walked across the parking lot and looped her arm around someone.

     “Hey, it’s nice that you ditched the glasses,” he smirked.

     “Wow, that’s the greatest ‘good morning’ I ever heard,” sarcasm filled my voice. I looked closely to his face to see the bags under his eyes. Behind his charming looks, I can tell that he didn’t sleep well. “How many hours did you sleep?” I asked as he pulled me closer. I threw my arms around his waist as I looked at him.

     “I don’t know, three hours? My mom called to check on us and even accused me of being the reason why Taylor’s not home. Do I look like a babysitter?”

     “She didn’t go home?” I asked as if he didn’t just say it; and like I have no idea about it.

     “Well, her assistant said they had dinner last night, but the guards never saw her went out,” he said brushing his lips to my wig.

     “Isn’t she supposed to be in a dark tinted car or limo anyway?”

     He was silent for a moment. “Yeah, I guess so. Besides, why should I care anyway, right?”

     “You two fought again?” I took my arms off him. “I can’t believe you!”

     “You and my mom are alike... why am I always wrong?”

     “Because you’re obvious,” I looped my arm around his. “C’mon we’ll be late for class,”

     He stayed disturbingly quiet as we made our way to English class. “Hey, what’s up with you?” I asked before entering the room.

     “Nothing,” he murmured not looking at me.

     “That doesn’t look nothing to me,” I cupped his chin down so he could face me.

     “I’m just tired of being wrong. It’s her fault and I’m the one wrong.”

     Okay, that’s stupid; I know he didn’t do anything wrong, but how did that became my fault? He’s the one who’s giving me a cold shoulder. “Is it because of what I said? I was only kidding; I didn’t know you’ll take it seriously. I’m sorry,” I said instead as I run my fingers through his soft hazelnut hair.



     By the last rang of the last bell, I headed to Stacey’s again. I forgot my clothes, though I would just say that she could keep it, since last night was the only time I used it. When I stepped down the cab, my personal phone rang. I already saved the same contacts from my old phone to my new one, using Stacey’s phone, so I was surprised when I saw Jeff calling. I haven’t heard from him ever since he and Sophie went back to college; he’s already in his third or fourth year, I think, in business management.

     “Hey candy pie, guess what?” Jeff’s voice was full of enthusiasm.

     “What?” I asked as I walked my way toward Stacey’s house. She opened it quickly and smiled.

     “I’m staying in San Francisco! I’m arriving today,” he said earnestly.

     “Really? Omigod, that’s great!”

     “So, are you gonna see me later? Or little miss sunshine too busy to dance in the rain?”

     “Of course not! What time is your arrival?”

     “Hmmm, around five thirty or six...”

     “That’s great!”

     “Call you later, ‘kay? Bye...” he said ending the call.

     I closed my phone as I looked to Stacey. “Jeff is coming here,” I grinned.

     “Really?” Stacey said not hiding the excitement. I figured that she has a crush on him last summer. And as far as I know, he’s single... and so is Stacey right now.

     “I know, right? And you’re coming with me,” I smirked.

     “Really?” she repeated with a grin.



     We reached the airport by quarter to five, just in time for Jeff’s arrival. There are a lot of people, but as far as I know, none notice me. And if they did, at least they’re not approaching me.

     “Hey,” I said hugging him tightly. “I miss you so much!”

     “Miss you too sugar pie,” he said as I let go.

     “Oh yeah, you remember Stacey,” I said motioning to Stacey.

     “Yes, of course,” she turned to her. “Nice meeting you again, mademoiselle,” he reached for Stacey’s hand and kissed it gently. I can feel Stacey heating up already.

     “Nice meeting you too, monsieur,” Stacey said flashing her sweetest smile.

     “So, how long are you gonna stay here?” I asked when he let go of Stacey’s hand.

     “About three weeks,”

     “You’re in college, right?”

     “You’re mean. I already graduated.” He laughed. Well, that’s not what everybody else knows. “So, where do you guys want to have dinner? My treat.”


     We ate in a Mexican restaurant since it’s his favorite. He told us all about his “adventures” in college, which is really amusing and hilarious. By the time we were finish, it was eight pm. Jeff is staying on a hotel about forty miles from Stacey’s house. He didn’t exactly say why he’s here, though I can sense that he’s tired of college. Stacey drove me home, with Jeff in the backseat. When I stepped out the car, Jeff shifted to the passenger’s seat. I’m guessing that after a few more days or weeks, they’ll be dating; I hope. As far as I know about Stacey, she likes to take things slow for a while, and Jeff doesn’t give me a single hint if he likes Stacey or not. Last summer, he treated her like how he treated me when I first came to the family; just how you say hello to someone you just met in school.

     It wasn’t that hard to like Jeff and Sophie. They’re both very open and amendable. I’m not like Cinderella who had been hated by her stepsisters; I was the complete opposite. They treated me like I’m really their own sister, and Roger treated me as his real daughter. Ever since my parents divorced, I rarely have contact with my dad, though I never hated him for leaving us and going with another family. I guess that’s just how life really goes. Sometimes good things go so that better things can come. I didn’t mean that I like that my dad left us for me to have a much nicer family, but it’s just like what Marilyn Monroe said; everything happens for a reason. My dad left us so that my mom could meet the right guy for her; someone who would love her eternally, through the ups and downs. I can honestly say how my mom suffered after my dad said that he had ran out of love for her.

     I felt her pain, but I never stop believing in love; especially when my mom fell in love again. It just proves that no matter how long you stayed in a relationship, if you weren’t meant for each other, and then it wouldn’t last. And right now, I can truly say that Roger really loves my mom, and vice versa. I believe in love, but I don’t exactly believe what experts insist that a person has to fall in love seven times before he or she finds the right one, because I know that you couldn’t tell if he’s the right one; you’ll just feel it when it’s right.

     I know that Stacey was right when she said that what I felt about Paulo was only infatuation and not love. But I’m not sure if she’s right about what I felt about Troy; they say that infatuation can only last for maximum of three months, and if it passes to that, then it’s love.

     I headed to my room, feeling exhausted for a second. I felt like falling asleep in a little more while.



     It’s been two weeks since Jeff arrived. Since then, I mostly go home by ten pm. I’ll be on school until the class is over, and Jeff would pick me up and we’ll be hanging anywhere we want; as Taylor of course. I told him that I’m disguising as Lauren, and of course I wouldn’t forget to add: It’s mom’s plan. And he just laughed.

     We’d also been hanging with Stacey a lot, except when she needs to run some errands. I can say that we were mostly found in Mexican and Italian restaurants, ice and roller skating rinks, bowling alleys, and ice cream parlours. On the two Sundays that he’s been here, we went to the church, then to the park and watch some shows. As for me and Troy, he still didn’t talk to me, and I didn’t bother trying to talk to him. When I’m Lauren, it’s usually go to school, then leave. I spent the Saturday nights with Troy, watching movies, then eat in random restaurants and have a walk.

     “Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” Troy asked before we went to English.

     “Of course, what for?”

     He led me to our usual spot, under the oak tree, where no one can see us. “Well, it seems like you’re avoiding me,”

     “What? We always go out on Saturday... nights,”

     “Yeah, on Saturdays... but on weekdays, it’s like we’re just an acquaintance. We go to English, just say hi and walk together. To chemistry, we just talk when there’s an activity, or if I ask you something I didn’t understand...”

     “You know that Ms. White does not allow talking in class,”

     “Yes she does...”

     “Well, I don’t know that,”

     “And on lunch, you just talk to me when I ask something,” he said like a kid.


     “And who’s picking you up anyway? He doesn’t look like your brother,”

     Great... he noticed Jeff driving his car; I don’t even know how he bought it and how much he really has... or maybe he just has credit cards.

     “That’s my cousin,” I sighed.

     “And we don’t even hangout after school anymore,”

     “My cousin is only staying for three weeks, okay? I haven’t spent time with him since last summer and I really miss him. After three weeks, he would probably go back to Washington or Paris, I don’t know. But I know that I won’t see him for a long time again,” and that’s true. Jeff mentioned to me once that he’s also planning to stay in Paris for a while.

     “Oh, I’m sorry.”

     “Troy, Troy, Troy...” a voice from behind mumbled. “Why are you saying sorry to that girl?”I looked behind to see Mitch.

     “Mitch, stay away from this,” Troy muttered.

     “Don’t worry, you’ll like what I’ll say,” she smiled crookedly then turned to me. “Sorry honey, I love you, but I have to do this. No worries, this is the final one,”

     “What are you talking about?” Troy said before I could.

     “Well, I’ve been doing a lot of observation and I also learned that you’re mad at Taylor McKenzie,” she flickered to me. I suddenly felt shiver run down my spine. She knows. But how?

     “What are you talking about?” he repeated.

     “Just wanna help you sweetie, and for you to figure out why Lauren here is avoiding you,” Everything happened too quickly that I didn’t have time to let it sink to me. She walked toward me and effortlessly pulled my wig off. She pulled it so hard that even my cap fell off.

     “Game over, b***h.” She said and handed the wig to me and walked away.

     “Troy I...” I let my voice trail off.

     “Stop... you are unbelievable,” he said keeping his voice low, that if it weren’t too quiet, it’s almost inaudible. “You know what? You’re the best actress. You know what else you got? The best liar, for making me believe that you’re telling the truth and you’re the best friend and girlfriend I could ever have,” he applauded sarcastically.

     “Troy, I’m sorry,” I wiped the tears before they overflow. The last thing I want is for him to think that I’m being a drama queen.

     “Please, just leave me alone,” he said following Mitch’s trail.

     I fixed my wig and headed to English as Jacque went to my side. I can tell that she senses that something went wrong, but she’s understanding enough not to ask about it. I want to cry if I weren’t in school right now. There are always a few tears that wanted to roll down, but I just closed my eyes to stop them.

     By Chemistry, Troy kept a visible distance from me. He was seated on the edge of the table, and I know that if Ms. White granted his request to change partners, he would. When Ms. White gave a sheet of paper for us to answer, I just answered all the questions and gave it to him to be checked and I rested my head on my folded arms for the rest of the period.

     By lunch, Troy didn’t sit with us as I expected. Mandy tried to ask me about him but Jacque hushed her.

     “It’s fine,” I smiled convincingly, though it didn’t reach my eyes. “I know that it wouldn’t take long before he would... realize the truth,” I murmured.

     “What truth?” Mandy asked persistent to know.

     “That... he doesn’t fit with someone like me,” I lied. I still don’t know when I’ll tell them that I’m really Taylor, but I know that it’s not now. Besides, I’ll be leaving in two short weeks. They don’t need to know those stuffs anymore.

     “What are you talking about? You two were the cutest couple in the campus! And everyone knows that...”

     “Like what you said, we were the cutest couple,” I said emphasizing the word ‘were’.



     When the last bell rang, Jeff decided to pick me up again. It’s only then that I let my emotions flow. Jeff didn’t ask me any questions; instead, he just let me cry and said that I could tell him all about it when I’m ready. He did the same thing like what he did when Sophie got broken-hearted; he just drove anywhere, without stopping, and without a direct plan where to go. I leaned on the window as I wiped my tears. He’s car has extra-dark tinted windows, which was the best part of it. Jeff offered a bottle of water, though he still didn’t say a thing.

     “Thanks Jeff,” I finally said as I drank the bottle.

     “So, can I know what made you cry? I never saw you weep like that before. You didn’t do that in your past relationships... so, what happened? Did a cute little puppy died?”

     “How can I cry when you and Sophie always make me laugh whenever my relationship didn’t work out? And I guess ice cream and pizza did help me back then,” I said ignoring the ‘dead-puppy’ thing. I never cried for those little things; just once.

     “This is different, is it? It’s not the kind that you just make funny videos and you’re fine already,”

     “How can you tell?” I looked to him.

     “For starters, you never cried like that. So tell me, who’s the lucky sucker who deserved to be cried like that?”

     I hesitated for a second. “Will you beat him up if I tell you who he is?”

     “Maybe,” he flashed his playful smile.

     “Then I won’t tell you who he is,”

     “You still love the jerk?”

     “He’s not a jerk... or a sucker,” I murmured. I don’t know how he can easily change me for a few weeks. I remembered calling him a jerk the first time I was here and now I’m defending him to being called of that.

     “Fine. But how can I know what happened if I don’t even know him?”

     “It’s not important anyway; he just found out that I’m the best liar he could ever have,”

     “That’s what he said?” he asked almost not looking on the road.

     “Almost,” I let out a heavy sigh. “I’m hungry... let’s eat,” I grinned.



     He drove me back home, after staying on the parking lot of Wal-Mart. We lay on top of his car as we ate beef jerky and muffins. I even forgot my problems for a little while. We also bought sour candy ropes and tootsie rolls.

     When I entered the house, I was about to head to my room when Zoey called me out. “Taylor, is that you?” she said from the kitchen.

     “Um, yeah...” I walked toward her.

     “Is there something wrong with you and Troy?”

     I didn’t even hesitate to answer this time. “Honestly... yes,” I breathed. “Nothing is right anymore between us,” I said and walked back to my room. I don’t know if I’ll go to school tomorrow. It would be senseless anyway. But then again, he’s not the first reason why I attended school.



© 2011 alison13

My Review

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dang it. no more chapters. :(
great job, can't wait to read more!

Posted 14 Years Ago


I love this sooo much!!!

CanNOT wait to read more.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 18, 2010
Last Updated on March 12, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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