22. Errands

22. Errands

A Chapter by alison13













     As we entered their house, Zoey came rushing to me. But to be honest, Troy was right; I just need to rest it overnight and now I can walk. Okay, maybe I can walk with Troy holding me on the waist, but I can still walk.

     “What happened?” Zoey asked alarmed.

     “Accidents happen,” I tried to smile, hoping she would buy it.

     “Does that accident involve Troy?” she looked at him.

     “For the second time, is it always my fault?” Troy muttered with the same tone he used with the flyers-incident.

     “It was an accident. I was rushing down the stairs and I fell,”

     “Really,” Zoey said obviously not satisfied.

     “Yah, but I’m kinda fine now,”

     “Well, did you see a doctor already?”

     “Yah, and he said it’s only a sprain, no broken bones...” and that’s the reason why we stayed for another day in the island. The doctor was H-O-T. He’s the youngest doctor in the island at twenty-seven and his name is Sam Humphrey. He offered a lunch date; with Troy including that is. Then we stayed for two hours talking which made us finish by three pm. And I haven’t packed my things yet and by six, Sam called for a dinner date; and Troy was still with us. He said the sweetest things, like I’m really adorable; which made Troy clear his throat a lot of times.

     “Thank God,” she said, breaking my thoughts of Sam. But I’m not really bothered of leaving him; after I found out that he already has a fiancé. Troy said Sam was just fascinated on how juvenile I am.

     “You better rest now, honey,”

     “Sure, um, I’ll just call my mom first,” I said though I don’t even know why I need to say it.

     I walked up the stairs, Troy still supporting me with one arm. My foot seems better already, though I still can’t run. I entered my room and sat on the foot of my bed. Troy quickly left my room as I tried to change clothes. I don’t need to rest like Zoey said; I feel perfectly fine. I searched for my other phone in my bag to call Mandy or Jacque, and was surprised to find out that Troy was calling me; Lauren. He didn’t call for the past two weeks, which were both surprising and a relief. I sneaked to the bathroom, though I’m already in my room, just to be sure.

     “Hey,” I said as enthusiastically as possible.

     “Hey, you sound happy today,” he said his tone as silky as ever.

     “Of course... especially now that I’m kinda fine,”

     “Kinda fine? What happened?”

     “Well, since I took a vacation to my uncle’s house, let’s just say I enjoyed being a kid... too much... and tripped. But that’s not really what I’m worrying about. I just can’t believe I can’t go to school for a few more days since I’m stranded here for a while.” I said, since my schedule will be fully booked up for the next few days.

     “Really. I miss you so much already,”

     “Really, I hope you’re not lying,” I chuckled.

     “Of course. Why would I lie?”

     “Haven’t heard a thing from you for two weeks...”

     “Right, I’m sorry. Just, you know, really busy. But don’t worry, I’m all yours again.” he chuckled.

     “I was expecting you’ll say that,”

     “But no jokes, not lyin’...”

     “So, how’s the island?”

     “It’s great... we, um, had a lot of fun, tried a lot of new things... maybe we can go there on summer,”

     “Like my brother would approve me,” and like I would still be here after a month. I don’t want to think about it again, on how fast it’s coming. I only have a month left and after it, I’ll be leaving again.

     “What if Mandy and the others come?”

     “I don’t think so,”

     “How about your dad?”

     “You’ll make my dad come?” I laughed of the thought.

     “No silly...” he laughed on my lame joke too. “I mean, his not as protective as your brother, right?”


     “Then I’ll just talk to your dad,”

     “What? No!” I said too fast. “I mean, he would never agree. I asked him one time if I can stay on a friend’s house which he doesn’t formally know, and he didn’t let me,”

     “Then I’ll introduce myself formally,

     I breathed. “I’ll just try to ask him,”

     “Great. Call me as fast as you can if he approves, okay”

     “Sure,” I kept my voice low this time, when I heard a knock on the door. “I better go now. Call you back later,”

     “Bye. Call me when he approves,” he reminded again.

     “Fine,” I said and shut my phone and walked out the bathroom. I took the first shirt I found in the drawer and changed into it. I washed my face and wiped it gently with the towel and took my brush as I opened the door. Zoey stood in front of me, holding a phone in hand.

     “Um, come in,” I smiled.

     “Your mom called and said that you’re not answering her calls,” she said entering my room.

     “Well, I lost my phone or left it in my suite, I think,” I bit my lip. I didn’t actually lost it, it got broken after Troy toss it on the side with my bags when he took me with him down the pool on the first day we got to the island.

     “I thought you said you’re gonna call your mom?”

     “Yah, until I realized I lost it,” I breathed. Why is her tone suddenly making me nervous? I haven’t done anything wrong and I’m not being a pain to her as far as I know.

     Is pretending to be someone a crime? Okay, pretend as a doctor, yeah. But another normal person, I don’t think so. And besides, it’s all my mom’s fault. If she doesn’t want me to pretend, then tell my mom.

     Wait, does she even know already? I know she doesn’t know anything. I shouldn’t jump into conclusions that easily. Maybe she’s just worried. I looked at her to find out that she was saying something while I was lost deep in my stupid thoughts.

     “... do you understand?” she finished, dropping her hands to her pocket.

     “Yes,” I answered though I didn’t even hear a thing. But she probably just said that my mom was worried and now she’s worried too... or something close to that; I hope. Zoey had always been the second mom to me. For the years that I’d been staying on and off in their house, she seemed to know me like mom do. And I know that even though we haven’t seen each other for a while, she and my mom kept in touch, and probably sent photos to each other. Frankly, it’s very fascinating how they stayed best friends throughout the years even when Troy and I hadn’t. Before my parents had divorced, and when everything was fine, my dad predicted that Troy and I will end up falling for each other, but our moms just laughed and rolled their eyes. Dylan’s mom isn’t that close to our moms, since she’s not with Dylan in the first place. Dylan and I are similar; came from a broken family, though he’s living with his dad. I wonder how Dylan’s relationship with his stepmom is going; the last time he mentioned her was before we moved. And his comment was “I don’t like her.” But they’d probably got along throughout the years, I guess.

     “... Harry and I will be leaving for a week,” she muttered catching my attention for once.

     “Where will you go?”


     “Oh,” probably for their twentieth anniversary.

     “And I’m expecting that there’ll be no more war, since I can see that you two are fine already,” she suddenly smiled. Back to my story about my dad predicting and such; the thing is, Zoey agreed with him... more than agreed, even supported.


     “And could you do a little favor for me? I want you to keep the house in its place until I’m back.”

     Do I look like a housekeeper? “Sure, you can trust me on that.” I flashed an endearing smile.

     “Thanks,” she sighed as if in relief. “Our flight is about an hour from now,”

     “Oh, well take care,”

     She smiled and went down the stairs. In just brief seconds after I heard the door in the first floor was closed, loud music burst from Troy’s room. I guess he’ll be taking advantage of it.

     “So I was like ‘sorry, but my parents don’t approve me,’ and he was like, ‘oh, but can we hangout maybe Saturday night?’ and I said no... But I really just don’t like him. And of course, I’m in love with Jerry...” Sarah said enthusiastically as she entered her room with a plate of nachos and a bottle of soda in hand. Guess both of them already have plans. Wait, Sarah in love? That’s new.

     I walked down the stairs, picking on what I’ll rather eat. I heard a knock on the door even from the loud music in Troy’s room. I opened the door to see Paulo standing in front of me, rubbing the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly.

     “Um hey,” I said as I flickered behind me, checking if Troy’s spying. He’ll be furious if he finds out that I’m still talking to Paulo and I’m scared that he’ll do what he said back in the island. I’m already happy that we’re back as best friends again and not frenemies... okay, so maybe there’s still a touch of it. I walked out the door, closing it quickly, to make sure that no one sees me; by no one that means Troy and Sarah.

     “Can I help you?” I asked politely.

     “I know this is humiliating, but I’m in desperate needs now, so I’m gonna take my chances. Could I... borrow some money? Sasha will be giving birth to... our child,” he choked the last two words. “Please, I promise I’ll pay you back as soon as I can, please,”

     “Paulo,” how can I say that I don’t have my money right now? It’s in my bank, and I can’t withdraw any of it since I left my ATM card back in Chicago.

     “I know... it’s foolish of me to ask money from my ex-girlfriend who probably still hates me in the inside for lying and cheating on her...” he tried to smile though his eyes are almost covered with tears. “Thanks anyway. At least you kinda forgiven me... you did, right?”

     “Paulo, it’s not that,” I breathed. “How much do you need anyway?”

     “A thousand dollars...”

     I swallowed hard. So I approximately have seven hundred dollars left in my purse. Of course, I couldn’t give my three hundred dollars that is left for my own things for the next few weeks. Call me selfish, but that’s just me. And my mom said that I should at least bring back a thousand dollars home from my six thousand dollars allowance. And from the past things that I ridiculously bought, approximately... five thousand one hundred dollars... which is not enough. Before I went here, I planned to only use at least two thousand dollars... I even expected that I won’t use it all.

     “Give me a day,” I finally said.

     “Thank you so much,” he suddenly hugged me that I didn’t have time to stop him.

     “Okay, now let go...”

     “Oh, sorry.” He sighed. “Thanks again,” he smiled my once before favorite smile as he waved goodbye and walked off.

     I entered the house as I think of where I’ll be looking for money to lend. I can ask Stacey... but she’s out of town, remember? The voice muttered to my head. Maybe Troy has some. The voice said again. Great, I’m gonna ask money to Troy to help the guy he hates. Silly, but it can do.

      I hurried up the stairs, taking one step at a time, remembering my foot. I knocked to Troy’s door and waited until he actually heard me. The sound system was turned off, and that indicated that he heard me. He opened the door, as he dried his hair with a towel.

     “What?” he asked as if he already knows that I’m going to ask something.

     “Can I borrow five hundred dollars?” I said quickly.

     “No,” he slammed the door in my face.

     “Why not?”

     “Hmmm,” he said opening the door. “Let’s see, you swiped out my card for just one day, when I needed it for like half a year or so, and you haven’t paid for it yet!”

     “But... I thought that was free,” I bit my lip. “Besides, I’ll pay you anyway,” I flashed my angelic smile.

     “Pay me first,” he closed the door again. Like I said; that smile works to anybody; except for Troy.

     “What do I need to do? Want me to run your errands for the rest of my stay?” the words skipped of my mouth immediately. I hope I won’t regret it. Besides, how can a guy have many chores anyway?

     “I’m listening...” Troy opened the door once more as his tone turned to a businesslike.

     “I’ll run your errands, do you chores... whatever,”

     “Really,” he crossed his arms and smiled crookedly.


     He took a folded paper from his pocket. “This is for today. Do it and I’ll give you the five hundred dollars,” he handed it to me.


     He closed the door and turned the sound system on again. I unfolded the paper once as it fell down by itself. I swallowed hard as I held the paper levelled to my face and it fell down lightly to the tip of my toe. This is only for today? I sighed hard and closed my eyes. Think positive, I said to myself. Half of the list is probably the grocery list. Right. Of course, there are five people plus a dog living in this house. I folded the paper and looked at the first in the list.

     Bring the dirty clothes to the wash.

     That’s easy. Wait, is this just his clothes or all of it?

     I knocked once more to his door as he opened it and handed me a huge bag. Guess he figured what I was thinking.

     “Just this?” I asked. Piece of cake.


     “I’m gonna use your car, right?” I said expecting him to give his keys; just in case he forgot that I gave it back to him even when his punishment wasn’t over before.

     “No, use the bike...”

     “What?” I shrieked. “You’re kidding, right?”

     “Do I look like I’m kidding?”

     “How far is the wash from here anyway?”

     “Just thirty miles,”

     “Come on! How about my foot?”

     He looked down for a second then looked back to me. “Your foot is already fine,”

     “No it’s not... I’m the one feeling it,”

     “Yes it is.”

     “No it’s not.” I sighed. “Look, there are a lot of things to do in your list... and if you’ll let me borrow your car, my life will be a lot easier and I can give you as many backstage passes as you want,”

     “I have no plans of going to your concert,” he chuckled. “Just do it or you can forget your five hundred dollars,”

     Remind me again why am I doing the sacrifices? Paulo is the one in need. “Fine,” I said and walked down the stairs. Okay, the thought is stupid and selfish; I promised him that I’ll help, and I will. At least you won’t be bored. The voice said in my head. Right.

     I walked to their garage to see two bikes; a navy blue and the other is tarnished gray... and a lustrous black motorcycle. I’m not sure if it’s just my imagination, but it’s as if there’s a light shimmering down the motorcycle. Troy wouldn’t be mad if I borrow his motorcycle, right? He only said that I can’t borrow his car.

     I took his motorcycle and drove to the wash. It’s a beautiful afternoon today, and there’s not much heat to make me sweat; it’s cloudless and mild, and the wind is warm and endearing. By the time I reached the laundry shop, there are not much people anymore. Some started to go out as I went in. The only ones left are a man reading newspaper with a mug in his hand, a woman about in her early twenties, leaning on the desk with the latest issue of Instyle magazine, and a boy with glasses, playing his PSP. The woman saw me and smiled as I walked toward her.

     “Can I help you?” she asked chewing her gum.

     “Um, I’m just gonna drop some dirty laundry,”

     “Right,” she took the notebook and pen lying on the desk. “Just sign your name,”

     “Right,” I took the pen and signed on the list of the people who left their laundry too. I flipped on the few pages back to see Troy’s name; more than once. I guess he really just have no time to use their wash in their basement.

     I gave her the bag as she looked at the name attached to it. “So, this is Mr. Anderson’s laundry? Should have expected this will be dropped off soon.”

     I just smiled and looked at my watch. “So, um, I’m gonna pick it up later again?” I asked clueless. I haven’t done for years now, since my mom said that I should wash my clothes myself.

     “Yah sure,” she said.

     I gave her some money, though I don’t even know how much it costs.

     “Keep the change,” I said and took the list. I wouldn’t give it all if it isn’t Troy’s money. I put a check on the first box and looked on the next. Okay, next stop; grocery. I was kinda right; some of the things that are on the list are part of the grocery list.

     I headed to the grocery store, and unlike the laundry shop, there are a lot of people in the store.

     Let’s see, what are on the list?

     Vegetables; broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes and celery. Fruits; strawberry, blueberry, banana, mango, watermelon, apple, grapes, pears, beans, olive... and the list keeps going and going. Loaf of bread, eggs, kilos of meat, chicken, beef, a box of soda, chips, taco shells...

     What the heck does Troy think? That their house is just a corner away? And he expected me to use a bike; very funny. I wanted to ask Paulo to help me, but then again, I take it back. Sure, I’m doing this to help him, and he should help me too, but there’s a possibility that Troy might see him... and he might never speak to me again and I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship; yah, torturing me right now is considered part of that.



     Driving on the way back was easy; the ‘going in the house’ was the hard part. And guess how much gentleman Troy was; he didn’t even help a single thing; even opening the door. I chose between carrying all the seven plastic bags altogether or take one by one. But instead, I carried three bags first and went back to get the four. And trust me, it wasn’t easy; carrying the bags, yeah it was... with Jasper playing around you isn’t. The two bags of dog food gave me an impromptu workout. I checked the boxes as I took a glass of cold luscious water. The next in line is giving Jasper a bath.

     I led Jasper n the back of their house and turned the faucet and attached the hose in it. As I started to bathe Jasper, I suddenly remembered myself as a child playing with Dylan’s Labrador. I’ve always been close to his dog, as if he was mine. Sometimes, Dylan even let me take him home. When I had a fever once, Christian, his dog, would stay and guard me like Dylan and Troy would do. I suddenly missed Dylan. I haven’t talk to him for a long time now, and the last time I did was before the spring dance. He did mention that he’ll be busy for the next few days. The voice in my head reminded me.

     Jasper shook playfully that brought me back again. I laughed loudly as I got wet.

     The next on the list were: feed Jasper, clean his dog house, wash the car, clean the basement, clean the attic, clean the garage... I stopped reading for a second as my head started to hurt.



     By the time I was almost over, it was already nine in the evening. I haven’t gotten any break yet except to eat dinner and drink water. My whole body is already giving up, but my mind isn’t. I put all the thank you cards from his last birthday to the envelope; which is about two hundred and three... yeah I counted. The last thing I have to do was clean Troy’s room; which isn’t easy. The bed was like it’s been under a typhoon. There are some clothes lying on the floor and on the couch, which doesn’t look like it’s filthy... he probably wore it an hour or less, or he was picking between them and some other ones. I remembered seeing this room well-organized and colossal. Now it’s like my closet back in Chicago; before I got all the free clothes and shoes from my endorsements.

     I started cleaning, tidying his bed first. I dug under the bed, to find some socks and shoes without their pairs. His Mac Notebook was under his bed too, covered with a white towel. I also found a dusty russet box locked. It seems familiar to me somehow, though I can’t remember where I saw it before. He probably showed me this once before, and I probably didn’t pay attention.

     I placed the clothes I picked up from the wash and tucked it neatly to his drawer, and hanged his formal suits to his closet. By the time I was finished, I can barely move. I’m too weary and lethargic to have another step. I sat on his now visible navy couch and rested for a second. I lay down, taking my shoes off. It’s still early, I think, and he wouldn’t be back until later anyway. If I’m not corrected, his concert is until midnight, and he’ll probably party after or something like that. Maybe a nap won’t hurt.



     I woke up, suddenly realizing that I had fallen asleep. I quickly sat up straight and looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table; it says eight am.

     Wait, alarm clock and a pillow on my hand... I’m pretty sure I slept on the couch. I thought to myself, bewildered. So, did I sleepwalk to wake up in his bed? I flickered to the couch that I should be on, to see a pillow that I don’t even remember using last night. I rubbed my eyes and look at the time again. There was a note slipped under the clock. I took it and read; it’s Troy’s hand writing.


Thanks for doing my chores. Good job.



     And the five hundred dollar bill was attached to it. I suddenly felt smiling as I got out of the bed.



© 2011 alison13

Author's Note

i wanted to use a REAL handwriting font, but it won't show to other computers.. so yeah i'm gonna go with some normal fonts... wait, the normal font appears, right? xD

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the ending of this chapter was cute.. haha..

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 16, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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