19. Compromise

19. Compromise

A Chapter by alison13












     It’s the last day of school for the week, and before the spring break, but I still have no plans to make my record a little better. In fact, after yesterday, I realized that I don’t want to stay in this place any longer. I thought about flying back home already and just fly back and forth whenever I have a concert. Besides, my next concert is in two weeks, and I wonder why my mom made me stay in this city. If she didn’t make me stay here, then I should be having fun now, or later night, since Friday night is second to my favorite nights; Saturday nights are the best, of course.

     I crouched out of my bed as I heard a lot of loud laughter. Am I dreaming again? First, the Anderson’s house is the farthest in the neighbourhood, and second, Troy and Sarah is supposed to be in school.

     I looked from the window to see a tour bus and an enormous silver jeep parked in front of their house. The jeep was only filled with bags; probably food. And if my eyesight isn’t corrected, there are also two motorcycles lying on it.

     I took me a second to understand what it is; of course if they’ll be leaving, they’ll leave in the morning... we’ll leave in the morning. I took a bath and fixed myself then packed as light as possible. The only reason why I’m coming is to let my mind loose from everything that happened.

     “Hey, you can’t leave without Taylor,” Zoey muttered to Troy.

     “No worries, I’m here...” I said, taking a piece of cinnamon bread from the kitchen. I went in the bus and sat on the couch that is farthest from the others. I was right, of course; it was a tour bus, though not similar from mine. There’s no huge print of Troy’s face on the cover of the bus, or something that indicated that it’s Troy, but it’s different from the normal buses. The floor was mahogany, and it’s unlike mine that is covered with black carpet.

     I put my iPod on again and pulled the curtains facing them. I pulled my knees up to my chest as the bus started off. I looked to my phone to see that I have five missed calls from Troy. I wanted to reply to him, but Andy’s and Clover’s voices seemed too near. I can hear them laughing despite the volume of my iPod while Haven snorted. I guess they’re making fun of her again. Even though Andy is Haven’s sister, they never seemed to act like it. She actually seemed to be closer to Clover. I first met them in cruise, though I haven’t had the chance to talk to them; they’re part of the backup singers of Troy.

     I shut my phone and stared at the window like what I always do when we use my tour bus. I just like looking at the view; like the one I said Troy when I was Lauren, I love photography.

     “Stop making your life miserable,” Troy muttered, closing the curtains facing the window.

     “I’m not making my life miserable,” I tried to pull the curtains back but he clenched it tightly.

     “Oh please, you’re staring at their house,”

     “No I’m not...” I haven’t even realized that we passed their house.

     “Yah sure, and that’s why you’re listening to his favorite song,” he took my iPod.

     “What?” I listened to the song carefully to find out that I was listening to ‘Only Hope’ by Switchfoot. “It just shuffled,” I took my iPod from his hand and shifted the song. “Wait, how did you even know his favorite song?” I pulled the curtains again, this time, I succeeded.

     “Um, hello... tour mate... three years...” he sighed.

     I looked on the window again, and almost forgot that he’s sitting beside me when he took my ear phone.

     “Look,” he said after taking my earphone. “If you’re coming with us, then you shouldn’t be staying in this part of the bus,”

     “I’m fine,” I finally faced him. “Besides, I’ll be calling my friends later, and I don’t want to disturb you guys,”

     “Are you sick?” He put his hand on my neck. “You seem nice,”

     “Whatever,” I tried not to laugh.

     “Why do you love that guy anyway?”

     “I don’t know. Probably because he’s almost perfect and is everything I ever wanted,”

     “And that’s what it takes to make you cry?”

     “No... I don’t consider crying on just one night as crying for guys... I never cried for a guy,” I swallowed hard. “Except for my dad, that is.” And you... I wanted to add.

     “You didn’t cry for any other guy,” he said not as a question.

     “Never,” I looked back on the window.

     “Even a few years ago?”

     “Never... no boy existed,” I said my voice almost inaudible.

     “Would you believe me if I say that the guy you cried for before your dad still exist?” his tone similar in the spring dance.

     I didn’t answer and continued to stare on the window.


     “Please stop if this won’t go anywhere,”

     “I can explain, if you would just listen,” he sighed. “And the only reason why I told you that I was just kidding back in the spring dance when I said that I’m still your best friend is because I know that once I insert Paulo in the picture, as fast as I gained your trust, it’ll be faster to lose it, and probably harder to retrieve again,”

     “Fine... you have my ears,”

     He told me the same story he said to Lauren, though now, with details; like how he tried to follow me on the night he saw me performed in the place I was working.

     “...and when we were on the limo, I turned the stereo on maximum, as I tried to sneak out from the roof. But when I was about to jump out, my manager caught my leg. I tried to kick him but I can’t. I just said that I needed a lot of fresh air... hey, are you listening?”

     “Um yah, of course,” I said, still looking on the amazing field we’re passing by.

     “No you’re not...”

     “Of course I am,”

     He carried on with his story, though I didn’t listen that much. But I do believe him now; ever since he mentioned it to Lauren.

     “You’re not listening!” he snapped his fingers in front of me. He suddenly reminded me of the old Troy; the Troy that would actually do anything to get your attention.

     “Yes I am...” I laughed. He did it. He caught my old self back; the one who would actually laugh at the littlest things or the one that would laugh because she remembers something that happened days or weeks before. Well, I haven’t been like that since last summer with Jeff and Sophie.

     “No you’re not... because if you do, you should be shouting at me right now.”

     I can’t shout at you right now because I already did as Lauren. I already said enough, and I have nothing in mind to add. “Just tell me one thing and you don’t need to finish your story,”


     “Why the heck do you always pick on me?”

     “A very good question. That’s probably because you’re not a good sport,”

     “Yes I am!”

     He looked at me for a second as if proving his point. “And have a really bad temper... which, for people like me, is quite enjoying to watch really.”

     I hit him on the shoulder. “Respect me... I’m your mother,” I laughed remembering the summers before.

     “Yeah? Then where’s my dad?”

     “Still in Hawaii,” I said and looked down. I suddenly missed Dylan. I haven’t talked to him for a while. “How long are we going to be out of town again?”

     “About two weeks,” he said as I looked on the window.

     “How about we have a compromise? I’ll make sure you’ll forget Paulo and have fun, if you enjoy this trip?”

     “Fine,” I looked back to him.

     I took my bag to see on who’s calling me. I forgot to put my phone in silent.

     “You need a new cell phone number,” he took my phone from my hand before I could see whoever is calling.

     “Hey! I was about to answer that,”

     “You’re about to talk to Paulo? He just wants to reconcile, for sure.”

     “I won’t get back with him,”

     “So you’re still planning to talk to him?” he sighed. “Oh please... you’re too easy to fall for someone,”

     “No I’m not.”

     “Then let’s play a little game,” he smirked.

     “What kind of game?”

     “First to fall in love to each other lose...” he smiled crookedly.

     “Who invented that game?” I laughed.

     “Why, you’re scared to lose?”

     “No, because I won’t...” I lied. If you only know that I’m already a loser for a long time. “What is it for the winner?”

     “The loser will do three things the winner wants... no exceptions, no limits...”

     “Only three?” I chuckled.

     “I don’t want to list a lot of things for you to do when you lose,”

     “How will you know when it ends? When someone lose?”

     “A touch of one’s lips thou shall break the spell,” he chuckled.

     “Fine,” I sighed. “But no pretending of drowning, because this time, I won’t save you.”

     “That’s a deal,”



     The trip was awesome. We used the yacht again on the way to the island I never heard before. It took about nineteen hours before we reached our destination.

     Troy called Lauren every two hours that makes me go to the bathroom every time he calls. I just said that I got a chicken pox, to make him call a little bit less; which fortunately worked.

     I also got to know the other better; Clover is the quirkiest, and reminds me of Jacque, since they have the same hair, Toni is the youngest, and she admits that she’s a dork. Haven loves haven too, and she said that she was almost named Raven, since her dad loves raven, but her mom loves haven like her. Jason is the quiet one, though I wouldn’t consider him as a shy type. He just sat on the side, texting. Though after a few hours, when his phone died he started to join us. Andy was the most talkative; I also found out that she dyes her hair every two months, depends on her mood. Like now, she wears blonde with pink streaks, since she’s addicted to Avril Lavigne’s style.

     The air-conditioner was broken, and turned to its maximum. Whether I stepped out for some fresh air or stay inside the freezing room, I’ll still be chilled. I stayed with the heater when I got tired, and rubbed my hands together as I hugged my legs. Troy had let me borrow his blazer; the one I used a few weeks ago. I guess he already knows that the blazer I used back then was really his. I got sleepy by eleven pm. Troy sat beside me as I rested my head to his shoulders.

     I woke up at five-thirty in the morning. The heater was gone, and the air-conditioner was fixed. I collected my hair on the side as I sat up straight. Troy is still soundly asleep. I stood up and went to the rooftop as the soft cooling breeze of the morning welcomed me. There are a few seabirds that passed our yacht. The ocean was gentle with its waves as I sat on the white folding chair while my arms still hugging me. I haven’t watched the sunrise for so long, and I missed it.

     “Hey,” Troy said as he sat beside me.

     “Hey, you’re awake,” I murmured. I can tell that he went straight up here as soon as he woke like me; his side-swept bangs are hanging up. Though even if his hair is quite messy, it doesn’t change a thing; he’s still gorgeous.


     “The sunrise is beautiful,” I looked on the sky as it slowly lightens up and the sun began to rose.

     He kept quiet and still as he slid his arm down to my shoulder.

     I just cleared my throat. For a boy and a girl, that would be the perfect setting, and the perfect thing for the guy to do; just be quiet and put his arm around his girl... too bad I’m not Lauren right now.

     “I just yawned,” he said, taking his hand off.

     “Right,” I smiled.



     We arrived on the island by seven. I took my two bags on one hand, and my phone on the other. I called Stacey to ask if anything new happened, and so far, none.

     The small island was floating in the middle of the crystal clear ocean. The engine cut off shortly, and the silence filled the air; until Andy woke up, that is. We walked up the dock, and onto the pristine with sand pathway. We continued to walk as I noticed that it seemed like there are no other people other than us. No other tourist out; just a few staff members, I can tell by their ditto cerulean blue uniform. I looked a little farther more to see two pools; one oval and the other is a t-shaped, that we’re currently passing by.

     “Stop stressing yourself... like I said, we’re here to relax and have fun,” Troy said, coming to my side.

     “I’m not stressing myself,”

     “Really, c’mon,” he took my bags and phone and threw it on the side; yeah, how sad for my phone. He put his arms around my waist then suddenly pulled me to the t-shaped pool.

     “Hey!” I strewed the water to him.

     “I’m gonna show you something first,” he grinned.

     “Really... then what’s with the surprise swim!”

     “Because you need to swim to reach it.” he breathed. “Follow me,” he said and cast down the water.

     Follow? Follow where? I took a deep breath and submerged down. He smiled underwater and swam toward a hole, which I had no idea where it might lead to. I tried not to lose my breath as I swam deeper, until I reached the hole.

     “Okay, so, where’s the surprise?” I asked breathing rapidly.

     “C’mon,” he offered a hand then pulled me up.

     “So, is this the special place?” I looked around to see crystal sculptures of angels playing.

     He didn’t say a word, as if expecting me to add a little more.

     There’s a small hole on the peak which give way for the sunlight to come in. There are pebbles, which are lying on the side, changes colors from dark blue to olive, and seemed shimmering like diamonds from afar. I looked up to see some carvings on the rock, which I don’t really understand, but still somehow amuse me.

     “Wow,” I murmured under my breath.

     “This isn’t the surprise,” he whispered, his voice too close, too warm.

     “Then what is?” I asked looking at him.

     He took my hand and led me up to the boulders of rocks that are piled up as stairs.

     We reached the top to see that there was another hole, in which leads you to the peak of an actual mountain. From here, I can see the whole island. There’s a white house in the center of the island, where we’re probably be staying, a jungle-like forest near, three pools; the third one was a plain rectangular shape, a few cottage scattered around, about five or six I think, but the thing that mostly caught my attention was the sparkling silvery-sapphire ocean, that seems like diamonds scattered in its littlest form.

     It took me a second to realize how high the mountain was, and how far we are from the ground itself. Ever since I almost fell from the cliff when I was seven, I already had fears of heights.

     “Um, we should probably go back now. I’m kinda hungry,” I lied as I looked at him. As much as I adore the ocean, I’m scared to fall.

     “There’s only one way to go down,”


     “The only way to go down is to jump,” he sighed. “This path is just a one way path,” he turned to me.

     “No way, I won’t jump!” I took a step back.

     “You trust me, right?” he took my face to his hands.

     “Yah, but...”

     “Look, you need to conquer your fears now... because if not now, when will you do it?”


     “Who saved you when you almost fell off the cliff?” he looked to my eyes.

     “You,” I said still unsure of what he wants me to do.

     “And who’s here with you right now to make sure that nothing bad is going to happen?” his gaze still buried hard to mine.

     “You...?” I said in an almost questioning tone.

     “Right,” he took his hand off my face and took a step back and offered his hand.

     I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “Okay,” I took another step back and took his hand. I closed my eyes as we ran and jumped. I wanted to cry, but it never felt so good to be fearless in my life.

     We landed on the warm ocean, as I decided to submerge for a moment. It never felt so good; and now, I can do skydiving. Yeah, the first thing I’ll do when I come back is skydiving.

     “Taylor?” I heard Troy’s voice even underwater.

     I swam up, not realizing how deep I sank in. “Hey,” I laughed. “Let’s do it again!” I said like a kid who took her first slide on the pool.

     “Do it again? You scared the life of me! Don’t you know how long you stayed underwater?”

     “I can keep my breath for a pretty long time,” I said. But he’s kinda right; I don’t really know how long I stayed under. “Besides, you’re the one who wanted to jump,” I smirked.

     We headed to the white house, both soaked. There are a few people vacationing like us after all. The house was more like a hotel in the inside, though they did a great job of making it homey.

     “Here you go, Ms. McKenzie,” a guy about Troy’s height said as he slid a bathrobe on me.

     “Um, thanks,” I said and smiled.

     “Here’s the key to your room. Your bags are already in your room,” he flashed a smile. God he’s gorgeous! He showed off his two dimples in each side that compliments his sweet smile.

     “Snap out of it,” Troy whispered to my ear. “You are truly embarrassing,” he laughed as soon as the guy left.

     “Shut up,” I sighed. “I didn’t even get the chance to know his name,”

     “C’mon,” he took my hand and led me to the elevator. “I thought you’ve learned already?”

     “He’s different,”

     “Like other guys aren’t... of course he’s different. Nobody’s the same,”

     “Whatever,” I sighed. He’s cute but not my type anyway. “What floor are we in?”

     “Eight,” he muttered. I didn’t even know that this can reached up to the fifth floor. It doesn’t seem that high from my first view.



     The island may seem small, but trust me, looks can be deceiving. It’s larger than the past islands I’d been in. And not everything that I saw on top of the mountain are all there is. There are some boutiques, okay; it’s loaded with boutiques, which was the best part. The second best part was the food; everywhere you go, there will always be free taste, and you’ll end up buying it anyway. And if the food wasn’t purchasable, you’ll be disappointed since it’s really delicious. Troy muttered that I look like a kid going back again and again for the free taste. But what can I do? It’s really luscious.

     We bought some new clothes; well, mostly me. I became persistent to him on buying me some souvenirs, which of course ended up having my way and him losing a hundred dollars.

     “That’s enough!” Troy muttered when I touched a khaki fedora.

     “I was just looking at it. Besides, we need it when we visit the jungle-like forest,”

     We? I don’t need hats,”

     “That’s too bad,” I took the fedora and put it gently on him. “It looks good on you,”

     “That won’t work,”

     “But, why?” I played with his collar.

     “Stop that!” he took my hand. “Fine, here.” He reached for his wallet again.

     “Nah, I’ll buy it for you,” I said remembering our little game.

     “You have your money and you wasted mine?” he shrieked.

     “You didn’t ask,” I bit my lip then bough the hat; even if it’s fifty dollars.

     We explored the small jungle that ringed the rocky peak. We also visited the parrots that lived in the canopy on the south end of the island. And at the end of the day, we swam with the porpoises that played in the warm shallow water.

     I found out that even though the island is quite huge, there are only a few people staying like us; about twenty that is. And the rest are staff members and the owners of the boutiques. As the night deepened, we were already sitting on a log, forming a circle on the bonfire.

     I watched as the fire crackled, settling lower toward the sand. Sparks blew up in a sudden puff of brilliant orange against the dark sky, which of course no doubt amused me. I wonder what time it is already. Ever since we went back to the house, or hotel, and change, I lost track of time.

     “Hey,” Troy said as he slid beside me with a bottle in each hand.

     “I don’t drink,” I muttered.

     “That’s just coke,” he laughed.

     I took the bottle from him and smelled it first. “Right,” well, the bottle doesn’t look like its coke, so don’t blame me if I hate alcohol. I looked around to see that everyone left the circle except for us.

     “Taylor!” Andy called out. “Smile!” she said and placed the camera in front of me.

     “Can I see?” I asked after a second.

     “Here. Keep it first... we’ll just play for a second,” she handed me the camera and winked as she ran off leaving her flip-flops.

     I looked at the photos and laughed on some stolen shots; especially Troy’s... not that he looks like a clown or anything, I just love his expression. Someone told me before that photographs capture the greatest moments and you can really see the beauty of a person in stolen shots. But I gotta say, even if Troy has no idea of these shots, he still have the same effect on it.

     “Hey, is that me?” Troy asked, crouching behind me.

     “No,” I lied. “Go away,” I bit my lip as I tried not to laugh.

     “Let me see,” he tried to take it from me.

     “Stop it!”

     He reached for the camera until we both fell down on the sand. I tried to crawl out, but he’s way stronger than I am. I tried to sit still, covering the camera, as he tried to take it from me, his arms around me.

     “Delete that!” he muttered.

     “No way! This’ll be going to twitter first,” I laughed.

     “No way!” he tried harder to take my hands from the camera.

     He suddenly titillated me on my right foot, which is the only spot I have my tickle, and which no one else knows I have; okay, I also slightly have on the ears, when someone breathes on it.

     “Hey! Stop it!” I tried to stand up but he pulled me back, now closer.

     “Delete it now,” he whispered to my ear with a chuckle.

     “Fine, there...” I pressed the delete button in front of him. “Happy?” I said. At least the next photo was Haven, and he won’t see the others.

     “Good,” he suddenly pushed me effortlessly. He stood up and began stretching.

     I stood up and handed him the camera. “Here, just give it back to Andy,” I carried my flip-flops and started to walk on the seashore.

     “Where are you going?” he said coming to my side again.

     “I’ll be back later,” I murmured. I hugged myself, feeling the warmth of my white long-sleeved dress as the waves gently creep to my feet.

     “And you’re gonna leave me alone?”

     I looked at him then laughed and said nothing. Okay, I’m going insane right now, but I guess he already accepted it.

     “What’s wrong this time?”

     “Nothing. My life had never been perfect like this,” I said as a whisper, though it seemed too loud in dead silence. I can only hear my breath and the waves crashing gently on our feet; or maybe it’s his breathing that I’m hearing, I don’t know. I’m not really sure why I wanted to walk alone in the first place, but I’m suddenly glad that he came, though he’s not saying anything. He probably got the hint that I like the tranquillity of the place. There’s a small echo of laughter that seemed too far away. The cooling breeze was back, and I can feel it caressing my face slowly as the palm trees sway. I can’t feel the warmth that my clothes had brought me a few minutes ago, and now, the only heat I’m feeling is the existence of Troy beside me.

     I don’t know how long we’ll be walking, or how far we’ve been strolling, but it seems we’re both having pleasure with the serenity.


© 2011 alison13

My Review

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I hate Paulo! Great chapter. Can't wait to read more.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Awhhh, I loved these past few chapters.

I really really wanna know what happens between
Taylor and Troy.
And Lauren and Troy.

Aghhh, it's like a triangle!

Can't wait for more!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 10, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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