16. Dance

16. Dance

A Chapter by alison13












     The days passed too quickly. A week and three days had gone by, and I’ve already been a month and one day with them. We rehearsed two days before the Spring Dance for my performance. There are only a few things that had happened for the past few days; Paulo and I watched the hockey game last Saturday night, and then ate a frozen yogurt... okay, so maybe I opted of a huge frozen yogurt while he just watched me. He said that he needs to have a healthy diet for the tour. We had breakfast in a pancake house by Sunday and ate in an Italian restaurant by Monday night.

     I didn’t skip school for the past few days, except for the day after the autograph signing. I just didn’t feel like going to school that time. Troy never spoke to me after that day too, and the next day, well, until Saturday morning, when my mom called. But after that brief conversation, nothing anymore; except when I’m Lauren of course. Zoey didn’t ask a thing, since I assumed that she’ll be used to it anyway.

     I was surprised this morning when he asked me if I’ll be taking the ride with him, and I said no, since I need to be with my band. I’ll be staying there, up for the last song, though I forgot how many times I’ll be performing.

     I picked a cute emerald dress with black details on top, and sparkle is a must, a pair of black strappy stilettos and a dangling emerald earring and my oversized ring to make the final touches.

     I called Dylan earlier today, since I haven’t talked to him for days now. It was a relief that he answered; I told him most of the things that happened to me for the past few days, excluding Troy. Well, to be honest, Dylan and I never talked about him. There are seldom moments that we do, once a year, in his birthday. I didn't know if they kept their communication, but it’s been obvious, and like what Zoey said, that they didn’t. Dylan never asked about him, and neither did Troy. Well, first of course, we’re not totally talking anyway. But when there’s a time that I just walked pass his room, okay, not just one time, and I never heard him talking to Dylan... okay, so I wouldn’t really hear him talking to anyone with his loud stereo, but if he did talk to Dylan, Dylan would have told me anyway.

     I tried to look in the mirror now that Colbie added the last touched on my makeup and Bailey finished my hair. I tried to call Paulo for about three times, but he’s not answering his phone... again. He didn’t answer his phone yesterday, and the day before that. But maybe he’s just busy rehearsing, since Troy had concerts on those dates. Their choreography changes every time Troy has a concert and never repeats. But he didn’t call me after that, and I’m beginning to wonder if he’s okay. I spotted her sister, Sasha yesterday, walking out from the grocery store. I didn’t really have time to talk to her, since a lot of fans gathered to have pictures, and by the time I’m done, she was gone. Paulo once mentioned that Sasha will be giving birth to her child next month. He already agreed of me helping him, even on just paying the bills; and I agreed to him to pay me as soon as he can.

     Then, it suddenly hit me. Of course he’s busy. Why am I so selfish? Of course; he’s giving his time for his sisters. Since Sasha is about to be a new mom, and Carla is focusing on her studies, he needs to exert a lot more effort.

     I stood up and headed to the limousine; I’m still going to the dance the same time Troy will. I didn’t know that he’ll be performing, but I expected it. He said to Lauren that it’ll help him a little in Drama class if he performs, though that time, he mentioned that he’s still wasn’t sure.



     The spring dance started astonishingly. The place looks like it’s Picasso's Starry Night, and gold and silver stars are hanging from the ceiling.  All the girls look stunning for starters. Mandy brought back her real self, dyeing her hair back to russet. She brought Steve, the guy from her chemistry class that she said she’s checking out, as her date. She looks undeniably gorgeous, wearing an extension of curls just down to her shoulders, which is simply elegant for her. Steve and her looks perfect together, and they look so much better than when she is with Mark.

     I don’t know how Stephen finally had the guts to ask Celine, but he did it. I haven’t seen Celine before, though Stephen’s descriptions were not exaggerated. The redhead girl he’s crushing hard on was exceptionally dazzling.

     Jacque is looking marvellous, with her strawberry-blonde hair tied in a low bun, with her bangs swept on the side. He took Cory as her date, her unofficial boyfriend, though they’re really sweet as a pie. They even spent Valentine’s Day together, and that is why she didn’t go to Mark’s party. Gold compliments her complexion very well, that she seemed to be an angel stepped down to earth.

     Juliana is my guess to be the spring queen tonight. Leaving her shell and learning how to slap Mitch in Mandy’s ex-boyfriend’s party last week was a great start for her. She puts her hair in a half-ponytail with her ochre curls cascading down to her chest. Her makeup was just right, letting her innocent and yet stunning look free. She got everything, perfect, not overdoing anything with her silver dangling diamond earrings that go off pretty well with her aquamarine dress.

     And Mitch wouldn’t be out of the picture of course. It’s just weird to hear Mitch and single being used in the same sentence. Sure, she wanted Troy so badly, that she can kill, but she’s a huge flirt.  But the thing is, her flirtiness, if that’s a word, is not quite in its right position. Like on Mark’s party, the guy she’s dancing with on the table is now Juliana’s ex-boyfriend. As easy as it may seem for her, it’s as hard for me to even imagine her stealing her best friend’s boyfriend.

     I performed two of my songs then sat alone on the table farthest from everyone else. Well, I’m not really alone, my bodyguards are with me. I actually want to dance with the guys that asked me, but I was about to perform that time. But after I did, no one bothered to ask me... great timing you guys.

     I wanted to call Troy as Lauren, just to keep myself company, but it’s not that safe. Maybe a few games can keep me from being bored.

     I stood up and took a few steps until Mitch approached me. “Hey Taylor,” she said.

     “Hey,” I said vigorously. “You must be... Mitch, right?”

     “How did you know me?” she exclaimed, though flattered.

     “Who doesn’t?” I breathed. “So, are you planning to take the spring queen award?”

     “Probably,” she placed her right hand on her hips. She looked around for a second then looked back at me. “I’ll leave you for a moment, alright? I just need to snag my man,” she smirked.

     I followed her gaze to see Troy. “Troy Anderson?” I faked a laugh. “Oh trust me... you would never want to date that guy, if I were you,”

     “And why is that?” she raised an eyebrow.

     “He’s nothing but a jerk and a player,” I choked the last word. “And if I were you, I’ll date that guy...” I pointed to Kris. “I heard he likes you,”

     “How did you know?”

     “I heard it when I was about to go up the stage... you know, I’m really much like you, and I just can’t stop the gossip when it’s calling me,” I winked.

     “Really? Thanks,” she smiled and walked toward Kris.

     Great, I’m alone again. I walked toward the punch and took a glass. I was about to sit again when a guy I didn’t know ask me to dance. Well, he seems nice and cute too, so I agreed.

     He’s actually a little quiet; his name is Keith and he’s a transferee like Lauren. The next guy who asked me was the complete opposite of Keith. He’s such a chatter, that he didn’t even notice me stepping on his foot; twice. The other guys, Conar, Eddie and Julius were almost the same; I was mostly the one talking, which was really disturbing.

     When my feet started to hurt, I decided to sit on the table where Mandy and Jacque, with their dates too, were sitting. Mandy and Jacque are both comfortable talking with, either as Taylor or Lauren. When Stephen and her date sat on the same table, it suddenly felt like we’re just eating in the cafeteria.

     They stood up for another dance, second to the last, as I remained on my seat. I should’ve requested that I should’ve been the one performing on the last two dances.

     “Hey, um, can I have this dance?” I heard someone asked. I looked up to see Troy offering his hand. My heart started to skipped faster than before.

     “Um sure,” I stood up, forgetting the pain of my feet. I haven’t heard a single word from him this morning, and either I’m getting used to being Lauren or his voice is a little mesmerizing.

     He took my hand and gently placed the corsage on my wrist. “My date couldn’t come and I haven’t placed it to anyone yet,” he whispered to my ear as he placed both of my arms around his neck. We started to rock back and forth, I, trying not to look at him. I just wish my cheeks would stop burning.

     “I’m sorry,” he murmured after a long seemingly soundless moment.

     The room was dimmed, serene. There’s no sound except for the song motioning in the background that seemed like a murmur now. The gold and silver stars that were hanging from the ceiling made it like we’re in the painting.

     “For what?” I murmured back, still not looking at him. I can only see the silhouette of the students dancing far from us.

     “For not being the best friend you know,”

     I swallowed hard. Of all the time he could say it, why is it now? But I can still forgive him like what I’d said before.

     “I know it must be too awkward for both of us, but...” he paused for a second then continued when I didn’t say a thing. “I hope when you find the real reason why you may think I changed, I hope you can forgive me... but if not, please... please just don’t give my heart away,” he said reminding me of the necklace I almost gave to Jamie.

     I was speechless. I tried not to cry or let a single tear fall. “You’re kidding, right?” I fake a chuckle, though I didn’t even fool myself. I shouldn’t have asked it; now the only thing that I’m wishing is for him to say no.

     He lowered his face, now facing me, and suddenly whispered, “How did you know?”

     From those words, I wanted to leave; to sob. I felt my heart broke after he said it. He should be lying, right? He already told Lauren that he’s the same best friend I had five years ago, right? We’re standing, facing different ways, as a few tears rolled down my eyes. At least I’m wearing waterproof mascara. I wiped them quickly, too fast for him to notice. “Of course,” I stop for a second, trying to make sure my voice won’t crack. “You’re too obvious,” I looked down.

     “Am I?” he asked. I know without looking that he’s smiling crookedly right now. “Am I too hard to trust?” his voice shifted to a lower, serious tone.

     “I don’t know,” Is it too hard to trust a guy who didn’t do the promise he made because of his ultimatum with his former manager?

     “I did sound convincing, right?”

     “No,” I lied. Please, stop with this topic now.

     “Could you stop disagreeing with me for a second?” his tone was back to normal.

     “Fine,” I paused then continued, “There, a second passed by, now I can say that you’re really not convincing.” I said looking straight ahead again. I can’t look at him before, and I can’t look at him now.

     “Stop lying,”

     “I’m a good girl. I don’t lie.”

     He sighed. “Do you trust me?” he suddenly brought his serious tone again.


     “Would you do something I ask you to do?”

     “Yes, because we have a deal. You’ll lie to my mom while I do whatever you want,”

     “Would you break up with Paulo?”

     “What?” I said surprised. I looked to his eyes, searching the follow up lines ‘I’m kidding’, or ‘that’s nothing’, but I can’t tell if he’s just kidding or not.

     “Would you do it?”

     “No, of course not.” I said calmly.

     “I thought you said you’ll do whatever I say?”

     “There are a few exceptions,” I want to take my arms off him, but he kept his hands stiffer to my hips.

     “So that means, you won’t believe me if I say that he’s cheating on you?”

     “He is not!” I almost shouted, taking my arms off him.

     “You’ll make the decision in the end, but I just want to say that, trust me, you know me more than half your life and you know when I’m lying or not. I didn’t change that much except for the physical features, and I would certainly not lie to you,” he caught my arm.

     “I don’t know anymore. Five years can change anyone without them even knowing,” I shook my arm off and went to the stage. He may have a reason why he seemed to change, but not now. There’s nothing holding him back right now, and he could stop lying about anything; even Paulo.

     Besides, what does he know? Sure, Paulo’s on his tour, but he only sees him there. He doesn’t know him personally, and he has no right to accuse him of cheating... especially if he has no proof.



     It’s two in the morning when the spring dance ended. It’s only Troy and I left in the limo, but neither of us spoke.

     I was about to sleep when my phone rang; it’s Paulo. I never really tried calling him when the dance started and was surprised to see him calling at this time.

     “Hello?” I murmured.

     “Hey, I knew you’re still awake,” his voice soothing as ever.

     “Yah. How come you’re still awake?”

     “Well, I looked to my phone and I saw that you have a few missed calls. I just thought I should call and apologize.”

     “You didn’t do anything,”

     “So that means I can see you later?”

     “Of course,” I yawned. “You can always see me,”

     “You seem really exhausted... guess I’ll just call you later. Bye, love you,”

     “Love you too,” I said and shut my phone. I covered my face with a pillow and tried to sleep.

© 2011 alison13

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aww..i felt my heart broke when taylor's did..

lol. :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 9, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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