15. Suspicion

15. Suspicion

A Chapter by alison13












     “Are you alright?” I asked looking at Mandy with wide-eye.

    She dyed her hair onyx and has blonde streaks. She also painted her nails black with French tip of white. She wore a black cougar dress and exaggeratedly high heels. I can’t imagine how Mandy can change in just over the weekend. And what better way to start Monday than with a new gothic look? Well, I saw her with this new aura earlier this morning, but I never got the chance to ask her.

     “Of course,” she said, drinking on her soda.

     “Stephen, what happened to your sister?”

     “I don’t know,” he answered not looking to his sister.

     “I’m just showing the other side of me... I actually thank that jerk, because of him, I realized that boys are not such a huge part of life... they’re only a chapter of it... and now, that chapter is over,”


     “Oops, gotta go. I have a meeting,” she left before I could ask what’s her meeting is.

     I looked to Jacque and she just shrugged; she’s probably as clueless as I am.

     “No worries, that would pass, and after a few days, she’ll be back to normal,” Stephen chuckled then looked down to his watch. “I gotta go, I need to finish my essay,” he smiled then stood up and left.

     “You know, Chemistry is really hard... especially the homework today,” Troy muttered.

     “Want to do it after school?” I finished for him, since it’ll end up to that anyway.

     “Thanks for asking... Of course,” he smirked.

     “Your house after school,”




     We headed to their house later after class, and he ordered a box of pizza as soon as we started doing the homework. Jasper stayed in the living room, and noticed me like how Shellie did, though Troy didn’t have any reaction on it.

     He was obviously lying; first of all, the homework wasn’t that hard. And he even finished it a little earlier than me. He’s actually good at Chemistry, and I just wonder how he failed it before. He looked like he did the homework almost effortless.

     We went to the garden lawn, after fixing the mess we’d made in the living room, and sat on the double rope swing. I brought my bag, since I’ll be leaving in a little while later anyway. The thing that I always notice to their garden is that the grass is always dewed. I can tell that Zoey didn’t change a thing after all these years and that she still loves planting cherry trees and tulips.

     “So, you’re good at painting?” Troy said.

     “Kinda,” I smiled.

     “Could you paint me?” he struck a pose in front of me.

     “Fine,” I chuckled as I took my sketch pad, from Art class, from my bag. “Just sit down,”

     “Sit down?”

     “It’s kinda disturbing...” I breathed. “And I already got your face memorized,” and that’s the truth. Besides, he haven’t change in his physical features that much ever since he first started on the limelight, and when he was just starting, I was a super fan; of course, I supported my best friend that time.

     “Are you staring at me all the time?”

     “How can I stare at you if we only have three classes in common?” I stopped myself when I suddenly realized what I just said; I should’ve just said yes, to not make it more complicated. “I mean, of course, seeing your face in like everywhere, who wouldn’t memorize it anyway?”

     “Right...” he said unconvinced. “Or maybe you’re just really thinking of me too much,” he grinned, gaining back his self-confidence.

     “Whatever you say,” I chuckled. At least he put it that way and I don’t need to make another excuse.

     He made another pose, as if he’s posing for Rolling Stone as Jasper came running to our way. He took the paper Troy was holding and began running around the lawn as Troy tried to chase him.

     I started to sketch his face while he’s out nowhere; his perfect features, amazing hair, like the one in his album. I was thinking more of him by the seconds that I didn’t notice my hand moving freely. When I was almost finished, I edited the background with the fountain of my paradise, and added some shades. I also drew him with a single rose in hand, like how he shows up years before when he forgot that it’s Valentine’s Day and he forgot to buy a box of chocolate or something to make Dylan furious; then laugh afterwards.

     When I was done, I ripped the page from the sketch pad and was about to crumple it when Troy took it from my hand. Oh gosh, what will he say? I hope he doesn’t remember that scenery, since he was much adorable that time anyway.

     “Amazing,” he said as I sighed in relief. “Can I keep this?”

     “Fine,” I smiled. “But I won’t paint it anymore.”

     “Deal,” he said and sat beside me. At least that’s much easier than locking in my room painting it, while he’s walking on the hallway and knock any seconds.

     I slouched a little, resting my head on his stretched arm. “If I somehow decide to go back to my old school, what will you do?”

     “I would probably stop you...”

     “How?” I shifted my gaze to him.

     “If I tell you, then you can easily think of a way how to stop me from stopping you...” he grinned.

     I just smiled and looked straight ahead. I suddenly wanted to stay longer, though I know that after my tour, Lauren has to go too.

     “Are you serious about leaving?” he asked after a moment.

     “No,” I lied. “I was just asking.”

     “There’s something bothering you, is it?”

     It took a long time before I answered his question. “My dad... he’s thinking of going back... though I said that we shouldn’t...” I lied again. At least when I leave, he’ll have an idea on why.

     “I hope he’ll listen to you,”

     I didn’t say anything, since even if I agreed with him, there’s nothing that I can do.

     He sighed then altered the topic. “Do you think Ms. White will believe that my dog ate my homework?”

     “No,” I chuckled. “You can copy mine... besides; we have the same answers anyway, you know, just to save time.”

     “Fine. But for the record, I’m not cheating,”

     “I know,” I murmured and closed my eyes. “How did you do it?”

     “Do what?” he asked bewildered.

     “Make me change my mind in less than three weeks.”

     “You mean like how you told me that you’re not interested in me?” he chuckled. “Hmmm, let me think... probably by disturbing you every few hours by calling you on your phone might had work,”

     “Yeah, you’re pretty annoying you know,”

     “Thanks for the acknowledgement.” He breathed. “You’re the one who said that I’m not disturbing you,”

     “That’s because I stayed all alone in my room for almost a day when you called.” I said sarcastically.

     But to be honest, I don’t really know how he did it. I don’t know how he made me fall for him.

     There are two things that resulted from my short stay that is not even half over. The good thing is that I got the chance to spend time with my best friend, even though I’m not in my real self. The bad thing though is that I have two identities that are with love in two different people, and I’m stupid enough to keep them both.

     “Lauren?” Troy’s voice cringed to my head breaking my thoughts.

     “Yeah?” I looked up to him.

     “What happened to ‘I don’t want any commitments’ that you’d said?”

     “I don’t have any commitments to anyone right now...” I sat up straight. “I just don’t believe in it anymore. Because I believe that a relationship can last without commitments, because commitments can still be broken... there are a lot of people that had been committed to each other but still broke up or got divorce.” I breathed, remembering what happened to my parents. “A relationship just needs one thing, and it’s trust...”

     “I trust you on whatever decisions you make,” he breathed. “You know, this is the most perfect spot to watch the sunset,” he said and looked straight ahead. I followed his gaze, though I already know that. Since their house is the last one, there’s nothing blocking it, and their garden is placed perfectly in the west part, which makes it fit altogether.

     “You want to stay for dinner?” he asked after watching the sunset.

     “Um, sure.”

     “Thanks... well, my mom was just asking about you,”


     “She said that I’m kinda improving ever since you started tutoring me.”

     “I didn’t actually tutor you. You already know that stuff. Besides, it’s only one time...”

     “But that’s not what she knows,” he smirked.

     “Troy, dinner’s ready,” Zoey said then smiled to me.

     We walked inside and straight to the dining room. Harry wasn’t home yet, and Sarah came in only a few seconds after we did. She looks exhausted from practice but still, she managed to put a polite smile when she saw me.

     “Lauren, it’s nice to finally meet you,” Zoey said.

     “Nice meeting you too, Mrs. Anderson,” I smiled.

     “Let’s have a seat then. We’re having roasted salmon,” she sighed. “I wonder where Taylor is again... that girl always leave... a lot. Must have missed this place much,”

     “Or just plain making out with her boyfriend all day,” Troy muttered, pulling the chair for me.

     “I’m sure she’s not doing that. Besides, I saw her walking in our neighbourhood when you picked me up yesterday,” I mumbled, defending my real self.

     “She’s in your neighbourhood?” Zoey asked alarmed.

     “Um, yah.” I sighed. “Maybe she’s visiting a friend or something,”

     “Right,” she paused for a second then continued. “Where do you live again?”

     “Um, Pacific Heights,”

     “Really,” she examined me for a second. Does she already have a suspicion of who I really am? God, I hope not.



     As we started to eat, Zoey started a more heated conversation. Asking more about me, what school I came from before transferring, about my family, when did I transferred... which was the same time Taylor stayed with them. She also asked if I always see Taylor, and I just said ‘yeah, a few times’. I never felt so unsecure with my disguise as much as I felt now. It’s as if my contacts were ready to dissolve from her heavy scrutinizing gaze and that my wig was ready to be blown away by the breeze outside.

     But after being drop on the hot seat, she suddenly seemed like a normal mom of a boy I’m dating. So maybe I only met two mothers of whom I dated before, but she seemed different. But that’s mostly because I’m much comfortable with her already.

     “Thanks for tonight,” I smiled as we stopped on the doorway of Stacey’s house.

     “Goodnight,” he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine.

     I kissed him back, pulling him closer as a loud interfering knock on the window stopped me. Control yourself! The voice in my head yelled.

     “Well, goodnight,” I said and went in to Stacey’s house. I can see Stacey sitting near the window, reading; obviously the one who knocked.

     “Autograph signing tomorrow for nine hours... ten am sharp.” She reminded getting back to her book.

     “Right,” I guess I’ll skip school again.

     She drove me back home, half an hour after Troy was gone, since Justin has some business. Stacey said that Justin was helping his friend, that is a girl; and that she’s assuming that Justin will stay to his friend’s condo for the night. Right.



     I woke up earlier than I expected. I guess I’m just used of getting up early, though I didn’t wake up as my usual; I woke up by eight. I checked both of my phones to find no message in each one... okay, so maybe I have two missed calls from Troy from the other one. I headed in the bathroom and did my usual morning routine then put my phone on my pocket and sauntered down the kitchen to fix myself a bowl of cereal.

     “What are you still doing here?” I said sitting down across him.

     “Eating, obviously...” he muttered, slicing his hotcake.

     Yeah. I kinda figured that when I saw you, I’m not a moron. “I thought you have classes?”

     “Signing autographs,” he sighed. “Your mom called last night...”

     “And...” I said not surprised. I assumed that she’d be checking on me every so often, though I doubt if Zoey told her about Paulo.

     “She asked on what were you doing and I said sleeping, though you’re not even home yet.” He sighed again. “Where were you last night anyway?”

     “Stacey’s house,” I took a spoonful. At least I didn’t lie; kinda. “That’s all she said?”

     “And that she’ll call tomorrow... which means later.” He said now focusing on his phone.

     I started eating quietly, my right hand under the table, texting. It’s kinda awesome texting without looking except when he replied. I texted Mandy and Jacque too, though they rarely replied. Troy was smart enough not to call, since he probably thinks that I’m in class; and I won’t tell him that I’m not or I’d probably be leaving every hour later. I also told both Mandy and Jacque that if Troy asks if I went to school, just say yes, and they didn’t ask why.

     As we travelled to our destination, I wore my jacket backwards and placed my hand under it. I pretended to be sightseeing while my phone vibrates. I don’t answer to him that fast, since I’m supposedly in school right now. Troy sat on the back while I’m in the middle of the van. He never spoke a word on the way, and so did I. Stacey’s with us, though she’s asleep. Troy’s current manager, Jerry, is sitting beside him. Jerry is very... fascinating. He’s really outspoken, and look sophisticated and all, but I only met him once, though he seemed pretty nice.

     The drive was long enough to make me take a nap. We looked like a chain, actually. Kaitlyn’s head resting on the pillow, Stacey’s resting on her shoulder, and mine on Stacey’s. We were late for a few minutes due to heavy traffic, though nothing changed. As I stepped out the van, the first thing I examined was the weather; it was surprisingly great for our autograph signing; no hurricane, storm, or super high degrees temperature.

     I kept my jacket on anyway and texted Troy to say that my phone will be dead anytime soon. At least he didn’t ask why I haven’t replied to all the message he sent when I was really sleeping.






     The session was great. My hand is sore, my smile is glued to my face, and a lot of amazing, and some are weird, gifts were handed to me. One of it was a Valentine’s card full, and I mean extremely full, of glitters. The other one was a pen with a cute bunny on top holding a note saying: Live Love Life to the Fullest. As long as I remembered, I only said that quote once, and I mean once, in the back of my very first album, and other than that, I haven’t mentioned it in my concerts, shows or anything else.

     The last one was a girl named Jamie wearing a white dress. I was surprised to her when she said, “Nice necklace. You meant a lot to the person who gave that to you,”

     “Um, thanks,” I smiled, not looking to Troy. I put my necklace under my shirt before Troy notice.

     “I just wonder on where that can be found. I wanted my boyfriend to give something like that before I...” she let her voice trail off as the woman with her caught her arm. “Never mind,” she said and smiled weakly.

     I signed her slam book and took a picture. She shifted to Troy when Stacey whispered to my ear. “She’s a beauty... I feel really sorry for her... she has a lot going in her life but unfortunately, the doctor said that she only has three months to live.”

     “What? How did you know?” I whispered back.

     “See the woman beside her? If you forgot, they went to your concert in San Francisco... okay, you probably forgot... while Jamie was waiting her turn to have a photo with you, the woman with her started to cry. She told me about Jamie’s condition, and her last wish was to have the necklace the same as yours. She’d been a fan of yours ever since you started, and from your very first concert, the first thing she noticed was your necklace.” She finished as Jamie was about to leave.

     “Oh,” I said my voice nearly audible. I looked down to my necklace and held it for a long second. “Um, Jamie?” I said, and thankful to get her attention quickly. I took off my necklace and stared to it for another second. This is my most prize possession, but there’s something in me that says that I should give it up already.

     “Yes?” she asked her face angelic.

     “I want to...”

     “Give this to you,” Troy cut me off, giving Jamie a small piece of paper. “No, give this to your boyfriend. The guy who makes that kind of necklace still lives there.”

     “Thank you so much!” she said flashing her endearing smile.

     “Just say that you know me. He doesn’t do such necklaces anymore, but for a special friend, there may be some exceptions,”

     “Thank you,” she repeated and then walked away.

     “I’ll go to the bathroom first,” I stood up as Stacey followed me.

     I splashed my face with the frigid water as a few senseless tears flowed with them. Why am I crying anyway? Just because he gave the address of man who makes necklaces doesn’t prove anything. He’s still a coward for not saying the truth.

     I took the towel Stacey offered and redid my makeup. I put my necklace again and tucked it under my shirt. We went back to the van as I hugged myself tightly and put my iPod on. They asked me if where I want to eat and I just said “anywhere is fine with me,”

© 2011 alison13

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Added on April 9, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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