13. Hidden

13. Hidden

A Chapter by alison13












     I decided to skip school today, since Zoey is starting to get suspicious. I woke up later than I expected, which was just in time for lunch. I walked down the stairs after I fixed myself. I just wore my blue tee and olive shorts, since I have no plans of going anywhere else... yet. Zoey prepared her spaghetti and meatballs, and I can sense that she’s glad I’ll probably be having lunch with them.

     “Hey, good afternoon,” I said as I sat on my usual spot.

     “Hello to you too... it’s been a while since you decided to join us for lunch, ever since you stayed.” She flashed her charming smile.

     I just smiled back, not knowing what else to say.

     “So, have you decided yet if you’ll come with the others on their trip?”

     “Um, sure...” I smiled again. I actually forgot about that, though she mentioned it yesterday.




     She started telling some stories as we started to eat. It seems that she just never ran out of stories to tell. I just nodded, and so did Harry. He’d been quiet for a while, and I don’t notice him that much. He’s probably too busy with work, or I’m too busy in school.

     I was about to stand up when my phone vibrated; Lauren’s phone. I always kept it handy, just in case of times like this. Of course, I’m always expecting the most unexpected things; like Troy calling. Okay, that’s not unexpected at all. It’s was actually surprising for him to take this long to call me. But that’s probably because they’re having lunch right now too.

     “Um, I’ll just go on the porch for a moment,” I said to Zoey.

     “Could you help me with the dishes first?” she smiled.

     “Um sure.” I breathed. “Um, how about I just do the dishes? But I’ll just go to the bathroom first,”

     “I thought you’re going out on the porch?”

     “Um, I change my mind,” I smiled then headed to the bathroom. It’s probably much safer here, than outside where she can eavesdrop.

     “Hey,” I said, making my voice rough, like I have some sickness again.

     “Are you alright?” Troy asked his voice worried.

     “Yes,” I faked a cough. “Sorry I couldn’t go to school today. But I’ll try to go tomorrow,”

     “Are you alright?” he repeated as if I didn’t say a thing.

     “Yes,” I took a peek to check if Zoey was anywhere near. “It’s just a cough... and a fever again,”

     “I’m disturbing you again, am I?”

     “Maybe... maybe not,”

     “You sound really sick. Maybe I should call later,”


     “Get well soon... bye,”

     “Bye,” I shut my phone. I walked out the bathroom to see Zoey sitting on the couch. I wonder if she heard anything, though I hope not. It’s a good thing my mom could keep her lips shut. Zoey stood up and went to my side as we headed to the kitchen. We washed the dishes as she continued with her never-ending stories. I didn’t bother to listen that much until I heard her say Troy was changing.

     “... and he was quieter, always in his room...”

     “I’m sorry, how old was he again that time?”

     “Thirteen, before he became the teen sensation,”

     “And why is that?”

     “We’re not sure... he never opened up to us. Maybe since you and Dylan didn’t come back. Then just one day, he started singing, and going to contests, and the next thing we knew, he’s famous.”

     “He didn’t have any communication with Dylan?”

     “As far as I know, he didn’t communicate with him... or you,”

     “Right,” I looked away. I wanted to ask about the letters and why he suddenly became someone else. But of course, I can’t ask her about that. The only person I know who can truly answer it is the same guy who changed.

     After we finished the dishes, I looked to my other phone to see that I had three missed calls from Paulo. I know that we’ll have dinner tonight, but why did he call anyway? To cancel it? I called him back, just in case.

     “Hey,” he answered from the second ring.

     “Hi, um, I’m sorry I haven’t answered your calls,” I said. I felt like I’d said sorry to him too much for such short days.

     “That’s fine. Oh yah, is it okay for you to have some change in plan? I mean, well, my sister is begging, well whining to be exact, to meet you, and well...”

     “Of course,” I cut him off. “Besides, I’ll be more than happy to meet your family,”

     “Great. I’ll pick you at eight,”

     “Um, can I make a request?” I bit my lip.

     “What’s that?”

     “Can we walk the way? I’ll explain to you later why I’m asking you the silly thing,”

     “That’s fine,”

     “Thanks,” I sighed. “Bye, see you later,” I said and shut my phone.

     Okay, reality check; so, even though his sister likes me, that doesn’t mean that his whole family like me. I want to be presentable, but not too formal.

     Hmmm, how about the natural shirt and jeans? Or maybe a black dress can do. Yeah, a black dress and a cute ponytail on the side of my neck and black stilettos can do. I decided to do my nails, painting it with black. Paulo called again, this time changing the time to seven.

     Okay, I still have two hours left, and I’m bored. I took the notebook where I write my songs and stared on the same song I’ve been trying to figure out all these years. C’mon, even just two more lines? I begged my creativity. But still, nothing. I already miss painting, though I don’t have a canvass to do so. Painting; no one else knows that I do that, or I have an interest on it, not even my friends and family. Troy knew that it’s Lauren’s hobby.

     Speaking of Troy, he didn’t go home yet, nor call Lauren. I just wish he wouldn’t dare go to Lauren’s house. Besides, he still knows that he’s still off limits to that house until Lauren decides to let him meet her parents, which is never gonna be a part of my plan.

     By the time Paulo came, I already finished Evermore. I remembered when I saw Troy holding it was on the page where I last left it. I knew he never really read it; he just waited for Lauren to come that day.

     “Ready?” Paulo asked examining me. I changed my plan once again. I just wore my black shirt and jeans.

     “Of course,”

     We sauntered out the house and started strolling our way like I requested. Even though I got to walk my way to my paradise a few days ago, I haven’t had a glimpse of my old house yet. I wonder on who’s using my old room.

     “So, how long have you been staying in that house?” I asked.

     “Well, it’s when my mom died, so about four years already,”


     “So, tell me, why’d you wanted to walk anyway?”

     “I like walking. It gives me some peace of mind...” and that’s part truth. Ever since I was a kid, I love walking.

     “That’s all?”

     I nodded.

     “Really,” he flicked his gaze to me, as if expecting me to say more.

     “Well, don’t be weird out, okay?” I paused for a second, looking at him. “But your current house is my old house.”

     “That’s interesting,” he chuckled. “Maybe I’m using your old room.

     “Maybe,” I hugged myself.

     “Hey, are you busy tomorrow?”

     “Why’d you asked?”

     “Well, it’s almost Valentine’s day.” He smirked.

     “Oh,” I sighed. “Of course not.” I almost forgot what date it is today; and tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day. I don’t really like it before, since I don’t have anyone to spend it with. Well, except when I was a kid and I even had two boys to spend it with.

     “Do you care to share a picnic tomorrow?”

     “I love to,”

     He smiled endearingly. “Is it okay if we shop a little first? Well, grocery, to be exact...”

     “Sure,” I smiled. “Eleven in the morning, if it’s okay...” I asked so that I could at least go to school, even in the morning then leave by lunch.

     “Sure... are we going to walk too?”

     “No,” I laughed. “Unless you want to...”



     We reached their house by almost seven-thirty. Paulo took my hand as he led me in. The aura of the house was different; very different. It’s very sleek, modern, and a little gothic. The walls are now painted with cranberry hazelnut, while the high panelled ceiling is now in dark mahogany. There are mostly varies of different shades of brown, black and little of white in the furniture.

     “Good evening, sir,” I said, greeting his dad; I think.

     “Nice meeting you, Taylor,” he flashed his charming smile.

     Now I know where Paulo got his features; he’s more like an older version of Paulo, and their eyes are very much similar that if it weren’t for the sign of age, he would much be like Paulo’s brother or twin than a father.

     “Omigod! It’s Taylor McKenzie!” a girl shrieked. I can probably assume that she’s Paulo’s little sister. She seemed to be more or less like Sarah’s age.

     “Carla, behave.” Mr. Frialde mumbled.

     Carla suddenly hugged me on the waist. “It’s always been my dream to meet you!” she exclaimed.

     “Carla, let go.” Paulo said, taking Carla’s arms off me.

     “No, it’s alright,” I smiled.

     “Fine,” Carla said. “Can I have a picture with you?” she grinned.

     “Of course,”

     She took a camera from her bag, which I didn’t notice that she was wearing, and tucked some strands of her auburn hair under her ear and then stood on the tip of her toes.

     I lowered myself so that we’re on the same level and took her camera and took a picture of us. That’s what I always do when my fan is a kid and asked for pictures.

     “Thank you very much!”

     I smiled back then look around to see that their dad is gone.

     “And this is my other sister, Sasha,” Paulo introduced a girl, about a few inches shorter than me.

     I smiled to her, then noticed that there’s a baby bump in front of her. She swiped her black sleek bangs on the side and smiled. I gawped to her deep ocean blue eyes, and somehow, she doesn’t have any resemblance to any of them. She probably looked similar to her mom.

     “Hi, nice meeting you. Paulo had been talking about you ever since he came back.” Her voice was sturdy.

     “Nice meeting you too,” I smiled again.

     “C’mon upstairs, I want to show you something,” Paulo said, taking my hand again.

     I followed him upstairs and to his room; my old room. It’s such a coincidence that he’s the same person who uses it.

     There’s not much change in my former room. The walls are still painted as green, though it appears to be newer, and the panel of the ceiling are now black. My canopy bed was replaced by a simple double deck bed. There’s a small studio on the side that was once were I kept my piano and guitar.

     “This is my mom,” he said, sitting on the bed as he showed me a photo of a brunette woman.

     I took the picture frame as I sat beside him and intently look at her face. She’s a lot more similar to Carla than Paulo. She looks so young in this photo, more like Mariel’s age. I wonder why she left too early.

     “She passed away because of breast cancer,” Paulo mumbled as if reading my mind.

     “Oh, I’m sorry about that.”

     “It’s a good thing we’re already done paying with the debts cause of her cancer. Though we have a new problem right now,”

     “What’s that?”

     “Well, if you noticed, my sister is pregnant, and my dad is unemployed right now, and my other sister is studying, and I’m currently the bread and butter of the family... and that’s why I would set aside my money for the camera, and give it to my sister.”

     “Well, I can help you with your sister. I mean, I can let you borrow some money,”

     “I can’t let you do that... that’s too much,”

     I moved closer to him and took his hand. “Of course not,”

     “I was just wondering if you know someone who can give me a job,”

     “I’ll try my best. But if you change your mind, I can still lend you some money...”

     “Thanks... but the last thing I want is to have debts... especially to you,” he smiled. “C’mon, my dad prepared his ever so famous chicken pot pie,”

     “Is your dad a chef?”

     “No, but he likes to cook and sometimes experiment ever since my mom passed away. But don’t worry, his cooking is edible and delicious,” he chuckled.

     “Of course,” I smiled.

     We went downstairs and to the dining room. Sasha just got finished on putting the plates and sat next to Carla. Paulo pulled the chair for me then sat on my side. I smiled to Sasha when I noticed that she was looking at me. Somehow, her eyes are telling me that there’s something hidden behind them.



     The dinner was truly fulfilling; his dad made the best chicken pot pie and like Zoey, he tells a lot of stories, which Paulo finds much embarrassing. After dinner, Paulo led me to his Chevy truck. He said that he wants to show me something. He drove swiftly, telling a few stories and jokes and insisted for me to tell my own. He said that he’s tired of telling about himself and that he knows I am too. But the truth is, I’m not. He has such an interesting life that I couldn’t help smiling to everything he said.

     “What do you want to know?” I finally asked.

     “How’d you started,” he smirked.

     “Well, I sang on a the restaurant I was working, and my current manager discovered me,”

     “And you suddenly became famous?”

     “Not that fast. It took almost half a year,”

     “That’s still fast,” he sighed and stopped the car. “We’re here.”

     We stepped out of his car as he took off his jacket. “There are some bugs and mosquitoes around here,”

     “Right,” I said putting his jacket on. “So, why are we here?”

     “Well, this is the most beautiful field I had ever since. It’s lovelier in the daylight, but much more relaxing under the moonlight,”

     “Let me guess, you always take photographs here?”

     “Yes.” He flashed his endearing smile. “And here’s the perfect place to do stargazing,”


     “C’mon, I heard that there’ll be a falling star later on. Maybe if we make a wish, it comes true,” he walked to the back of his truck.


     He helped me climb the back of his truck and we lay down, staring on the starry night. I rested my head on his chest, as he brushed my hair. I have two wishes, but I know I can only possibly get the other one. All of a sudden, an amazing streak of light passed.

     “What’s your wish?” he whispered to my ear.

     “I wish this can stay forever,” I looked to him then looked down and closed my eyes. But more importantly, I wish for my best friend back. But I can only have one wish that can come true, and even though I wished for my best friend back first, I know that I can only have the second.

     “Of course,” he cupped my chin, to make me look at him.

     I sat up straight beside him. “How about you? What’s your wish?”

     “Since we can only make one wish, I wished I can pass through all of our problems,” he entwined his fingers to mine.

     “Of course you can,” I murmured squeezing his hand.

     “Oh yah, I almost forgot the best part of this place,” he led me down his truck.

     “There’s more?”

     “Of course,” he smiled crookedly. He took my hand then suddenly run.

     “Where are we going?” I asked trying to run and not trip at the same time. But before he said anything, sprinkles of water were around us.

     “You’re crazy,” I laughed, jumping on his back.

     I’m not sure if it’s raining already or not, but Paulo pretended to slide down. We rolled on the dewed grass until I’m over hm.

     “And that’s the fun part?” I laughed again.

     “He pulled me closer, “No. This is...” he brushed his lips to mine.

     “I agree,” I whispered pushing him down. “And maybe we should stand up.”

     “Maybe,” he said as I stood up then helped him. “Do you care to dance?” he said in a British accent.

     “I love to....” I said in the same accent and did a curtsey.

     We started to waltz then continued to just twirling around until we started running off again. The sprinkler didn’t turn off until after an hour, and I got to admit, that was fun. The grass was muddy, that’s what I can say.

     “I’m sorry about your jacket, but it’s your entire fault.” I laughed after we got back to his truck. I took off his jacket and folded and rested it on my lap.




     We reached our house by ten though I remembered leaving their house by eight-thirty, if I’m not corrected. We walked to the front porch then stopped in front of the door.

     “See you tomorrow,” I murmured biting my lip.

     “Goodnight,” he kissed me quickly then went back to his truck. 

© 2011 alison13

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Added on April 7, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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