![]() 12. UncomfortableA Chapter by alison13CHAPTER
12 Uncomfortable The next morning was the same as
yesterday. It’s really a great thing that makeup was invented, or else.
I found out that we got home by one in the morning and that Troy didn’t
forget to pick me up; he just got a flat tire. Well, I just heard those things
while they were having breakfast while I was pretending to sleep. Of course,
they wouldn’t expect me to wake up that early from my exhaustion from last
night, right? Well, when I was a little bit younger, I usually wake up by ten
or eleven in the morning, and that usually means that my breakfast is already
my lunch.
I picked a bag of muffins on my way to school since I didn’t have
breakfast. The classes were fine; same old, same old. And by lunch, Troy didn’t
join us. I’m not even sure if he had lunch since I didn’t have a glimpse of him
in the cafeteria and he mentioned that he needed to do some catching up. Well,
I needed to have some catching up too, but I was not satisfied with the muffins
to skip lunch. I also checked my schedule this morning to find that I have a
concert in San Diego tomorrow with Troy as the special guest.
As soon as I got home, I hurriedly called Paulo. I miss him and Shellie
already; yah, I still call her Shellie. I kinda prefer it than Leslie.
“Hello?” he said.
“Hey, it’s me.” I said in a silky tone as I sat on the couch.
“Taylor? So, how’s it going?” his tone changed.
“It’s fine. How ‘bout you?”
“I’m fine too. I’m just uploading the photos to my laptop,”
“Oh. So, um, can I visit Leslie?”
It took a moment before he answered, “how about I’ll just go there?”
“I’ll be there in half an hour, alright?”
“Okay, bye...”
“Bye,” he said then hung up.
I’m not sure why I suddenly felt so shy to him. I mean, sure we just had
known each other for a few days, but in those days, I’d felt really close to
him, and now, he’s my boyfriend; and I shouldn’t be uncomfortable to him.
I changed to my white tee and khaki shorts then went back downstairs
again and turned the TV on as I slouched on the couch.
“Taylor,” Zoey called out from the kitchen.
“Here,” I said, as if I just
came home.
“Where have you been?” she asked as she walked toward me then sat beside
“Um, just went to Stacey’s,”
“Oh... well, I didn’t see you leave, and I just knocked to your door
only to find that you’re gone,”
“Oh, I’m sorry that I didn’t ask permission to leave,” I bit my lip.
That went out wrong.
“No, it’s fine...” she said her tone understanding. “I was just worried
that you’re always out ever since you came here.” She sighed. “So, did you have
fun last night?”
“Yah, didn’t even notice the time flying,” I smiled convincingly.
“In the mall with Troy?” she emphasized his name.
“Yes,” and that’s part lie and truth. “Why’d you ask?”
“Well, I saw that you had some paper bags, but Troy had none,”
“Well, the truth is, I just dragged him in every store, and well, those
stores are just for girls, and he just sat on the couch,”
“Really,” she said as if scrutinizing every word that I just said.
“Why, what did he say?” I asked, suddenly nervous. What if Troy said
something that’s not even close on what I just said?
“Well, he almost said the same thing,”
“He just said that you’re the one shopping, since nothing caught his
attention,” she said as I sigh in relief. “So, what took you so long?”
“Well, we also watch a movie first, then shop, had dinner, shop,” I bit
my lip. “I’m not sure if he mentioned the movie, but that’s what took us so
long,” I added.
“What movie?”
I pondered as fast as I can before she notices me hesitating. “Um, the
one with Gerard Butler,” he has a movie out right now, right?
“Right. I saw that movie with Harry last week. It’s pretty romantic for
a choice of movie,”
“It’s a comedy flick... also,” I sighed. “I just really love comedy
flicks,” I smiled then change the topic. “How about you? You like comedy flicks
“Yes, but my real favorite is romantic films,”
“Are you coming with Troy and his band and crew next week? Out of town,
just to relax,”
“Nope... besides, he didn’t ask me,” the words rushed out from my mouth.
I shouldn’t have mentioned that. What if she says that I should come? No way.
“I thought he’s grounded?” I changed the topic before she says what I’m scared
to hear.
“Yes, but only until next Friday. They’ll leave next Saturday... they
already planned it up a few weeks ago.
She was about to say something when the doorbell rang; it’s probably
Paulo. Whew, save by the bell.
“I’ll get that,” I said and stood up before she could. I walked toward
the door and opened it as I felt Zoey’s gaze fixed to me. “Hey, come in,” I
smiled brightly as I saw Shellie on his arms.
“Thanks,” he said and walked in. I closed the door then gazed to him
smiling at Zoey.
“Um, Zoey, this is Paulo... Paulo, Zoey...” I motioned to him.
“Nice meeting you again, Mrs. Anderson,” Paulo greeted, his grin still
not leaving his face. Of course; I should have known that they know each other.
He’d been in Troy’s tour.
“Right,” Zoey smiled to him. “Well, I’ll leave you two for now,” she
said and went back to the kitchen.
“Do you want anything? Um, juice, water, smoothie, coffee...” I offered.
“Coffee?” he chuckled. “No, I’m fine.”
“Just sit there, and make yourself comfortable. I’ll just get us some
“Fine,” he smiled again.
I headed to the kitchen and took two slices of cake. I also took two
glasses of water and placed them on the tray. I walked back to the living room
to see Shellie circuiting on my way. I put the tray on the coffee table then
sat beside him. Okay, don’t be
uncomfortable; it’s just like the one in the cruise ship and Hawaii.
“Thanks for coming,” I mumbled.
“It’s fine, besides, Leslie missed you too,” he breathed. “And I miss
you too,” he smirked, pushing his face near to mine.
“Um, you want some cake?” I moved a little and took the two plates. Great, so much for not being uncomfortable. I
don’t even know why I’m too conscious. But I guess it’s probably because
anytime soon, Zoey can come out. Oh gosh, Zoey. What if she tells my mom? While
Troy testified that I wasn’t flirting with anyone back in the weekends.
“Sure,” he took the other one from me.
I took a bite and thought it was delicious. I don’t even know if Zoey
baked or bought it. I just found it in the counter.
“Great. It’s raining,” Paulo muttered sarcastically.
“You don’t like rain?”
“Well, I kinda prefer sunshine,”
“That’s usually what people say
who haven’t tried dancing in the rain,”
“You already tried that?”
“Yes,” I sighed. When I was eleven
with the two best boys in the world. I wanted to add. “Want to try it?” I
“Sure,” he put his slice of cake down.
I took his hand and dragged him outside. Of course, as what I expected,
there’s no one in the neighbourhood. The rain poured harder as we started
dancing waltz in the middle of the road and laughing loudly. Okay, so maybe
Paulo didn’t know how to waltz, but he’s a fast learner. He said that it’s only
one of the few kinds of dances that he never tried to learn.
“You got it...” I laughed again as we stop for a moment.
“Right. But can we stop the lesson now?” he pulled me closer, his hands
on my hips.
“Sure. Since you’re a very good student,” I smiled, running my fingers
through his soaked hair.
“Now that I tried dancing in the rain, how about we try something else?”
he smiled crookedly. “I heard that the best kisses are in the rain,”
“I never tried that... yet,”
He tilted his head and brushed his lips on mine. I put my arms around
his neck as he pulled me closer. It’s almost hard to breathe but neither of us
let go.
“I love you,” he chuckled in my ear.
“I love you too,” I embraced him.
The rain didn’t last long, though and stopped by twilight. Paulo didn’t
stay that long, and didn’t even take the clothes that I offered; okay, so they
were Troy’s clothes, and I kinda
forgot to ask permission. Stacey called me for the rehearsal for our concert
tomorrow. I quickly change into my red striped shirt, cut-offs and sneakers. I
also wore the blazer, that Paulo was supposed to borrow, and black and grey
cuffs for the extras.
Well, the only reason that I wore the blazer is to balance the
short-shorts with it. Besides, Troy would never know anyway. I’ll just wash it
right after I get back.
I went out to see Stacey’s car parked in front of the Anderson’s house.
I swiftly stepped in to see Stacey retouching her makeup.
“Hey,” I smiled.
“Boyfriend’s blazer?” she asked.
“What?” I asked then continued before she could say a thing. “No, I
bought this,”
“Right...” she said with disbelief.
The rehearsal was the same as usual. Well, at least we’re fortunate
enough that nothing went wrong with the stage equipments. Troy didn’t show up,
like I expected, though they said that he’ll probably go to Mariel’s party.
Mariel is our stage director on all of my concerts, except in cruise, and she’s
turning thirty-one.
We reached the clubhouse by eight in the evening. Stacey mentioned that
there will be a huge surprise for Mariel later tonight, and I’m excited for
I sat with Stacey and Justin on the third farthest table from everyone
“Oh no...” Stacey muttered as a waiter brought us punches.
“What’s wrong?” I asked as I took a sip on my drink.
“Kris is here,” she said, drinking on her own punch.
“Oh.” I mumbled, remembering Kris Curtis; her ex-fiancé. I looked around
until I found her nightmare coming near us. I never saw him in person, though I
found a few photographs in a box that Stacey burned a few months before.
There’s no difference in his looks; still has the auburn wavy hair and
lime green eyes. He even got that simpatico look that I first notice when I saw
his photo. He’s wearing a white shirt underneath a leather jacket and a dog
“Stacey,” he said flashing a smile.
Stacey nodded once and rolled her eyes.
“Um, can I share a table with you?” he asked flickering to the vacant
chair then back to Stacey. Somehow, his gaze never left her.
I looked to Stacey as I read her eyes screaming NO. “Um, I’m sorry, but
that seat is taken by...” I looked around, hoping to find someone standing
alone, and lucky enough to spot Troy. “By Troy,”
I stood up and approached Troy before he could sit to where he
supposedly should. I pulled him back to our table as he muttered, “Hey, watch
the shirt.”
“Shut up and just follow what I’ll say... you’ll just sit on the chair
until Kris left,” I whispered.
“Kris who?”
I didn’t answer him and just pushed him down the chair then went back to
my seat. “You know what? I think there are a lot of vacant seats on Clair’s
table...” I smiled pointing to the huge circular table Clair and Sam are.
“Right. Well, nice meeting you,” Kris said, though his gaze is still
fixed to Stacey. He walked away from us as Stacey sighed in great relief.
“Is that my blazer?” Troy asked raising an eyebrow.
“No,” I said. “I bought this when you had your date,” I lied. I wish he
wouldn’t recognize his clothes that much. I mean, c’mon, he’s not the only one
who has this kind of blazer.
He stared to the blazer again and said, “Really,”
“You’re not the only one who can own this kind of blazer you know,” I
drank my punch.
“Yes, but not all who owns grey blazers bought it in Italy,”
“Right,” I took another sip. “So, how’s your date last night?” I changed
the topic.
“It was great,” he breathed. “Where did you buy that?”
“Forever 21,” I sighed. “If you want, you can check it out, though when
I bought it, it was the last stock,”
“Really,” he smiled crookedly.
I took a sip again, finishing my drink and rolled my eyes. I hope I
didn’t blush.
“I’ll just go to the bathroom,” Stacey said standing up. I looked to my
other side to see Justin gone too.
“Thanks for not telling my mom the truth,” he murmured. In that moment,
it felt like the loud stereo stopped, and it began to hush, and it’s like we’re
the only one around as I felt his heavy gaze on my face. That’s just a feeling, that’s just a feeling... I repeated to
“Um, that’s nothing,” I looked to him, as his gaze caught mine.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Why didn’t you leave yesterday? When I said that you should be there by
ten, and I arrived by twelve.”
“Well, if I didn’t wait, you might tell my mom that you lied,” I was
choosing between letting go of his gaze or not. He might think I’m lying if I
did. Wait; does he already have a suspicion that I’m Lauren? God, I hope not.
“Right... but I won’t blame you if you went home earlier,”
“I can’t go home. There’s no cab driving that time anymore, and I can’t
take the bus, and I don’t want to bother Paulo,” I bit my lip. And I can’t go home earlier because the date
ended a little longer than expected.
“Thanks,” he finally said. Suddenly, the place was back to normal.
I took another punch from the waiter passing. I’m not sure if he took
his gaze away from me already, but I wish he did. It’s too disturbing. “So, why
are you nice right now?” I pretended to laugh.
“What?” he asked, leaning closer. I curse loud music right now.
“I said, why are you being so nice right now?”
“Oh,” he breathed. “Is it annoying you?”
“Kinda,” I took a sip on my new drink.
“Really,” he smirked. “Well, then, I’ll be nice to you for the rest of
the night,”
It’s that even a bad thing? I
should have told him before that being nice to me is very annoying; then I
could have a more peaceful life. I was about to say something when my phone
rang. “Wait just a sec,” I said and stood up and headed to the bathroom.
“Hey, it’s me,” Paulo said.
“Oh hey,”
“Where are you now?”
“On Mariel’s birthday party,”
“Oh, well, I was about to ask you to dinner. But maybe next time...”
“Right. Tomorrow night would be good,” I smiled on the thought.
“Great, I’ll pick you up at seven,”
“Bye, love you...” he said then hung up.
I shut my phone and went back to our table. I wonder where Stacey is.
She’s not in the bathroom anymore, like what she had said. Justin is rocking on
the dance floor, while Stacey is still nowhere in sight. I looked around and
noticed that Kris was gone too. Is it possible that they’re together? I sat
back to my chair, still looking around. “Hey, have you seen Stacey?”
“Yah, she went out with that guy. I think she’s drunk,” Troy answered.
“What? You didn’t even stop her?”
“How can I stop her when she’s almost out of the door and laughing with
that guy? Besides, she’ll be fine,”
“Oh,” I hope so.
The party finished incredibly. Mariel’s boyfriend, Jared, proposed to
her and she said yes with teary-eyes. It’s the most amazing thing ever. I heard
that they’ve been together for more than six years now. It’s just really
amazing on how they can keep their relationship strong despite their busy
schedules. I even heard that they only see each other for twice or thrice a
“Are you going to ride with me on the way home or will Justin drive
you?” Troy asked as we started to walk toward the parking lot.
“Wait, I thought you’re grounded?”
“I’ve been in the party for hours and you’re gonna ask me that now?”
“It slipped to my mind.”
“I’m allowed for rehearsals,” he smiled.
“Rehearsals until midnight?” I chuckled.
“Yah... and I kinda told my mom that you’ll treat everyone for dinner...
this is the sweetest school-home-for-two-weeks rule...”
“Am I going to be your excuse every time you’ll sneak out?”
“Probably,” he sighed. “That reminds me, you need to take the ride with
me, just for my mom not to be suspicious,”
“Whatever,” I followed him to his car. The street was too dark, and quiet,
that I’m not even sure if it’s safe to walk alone.
I tried to open the door on the backseat, since I want to take a nap,
but it was locked.
“Here,” Troy said, opening the car door on the passenger’s seat.
“Can’t I sit in the backseat?”
“But I want to sleep...”
“And I want to go home, so just go in now...”
“What happened to the ‘I’ll be nice for the whole night’ thing?”
“I said the whole night... it’s two in the morning,”
I went in the passenger’s seat, finally defeated. I took the pillow in
the back seat, which is now replaced by a larger one, and rested my head on it.
I quickly fell asleep in just a few seconds after Troy started to drive. © 2011 alison13 |
Added on April 7, 2010 Last Updated on March 11, 2011 Author![]() alison13PhilippinesAboutmy name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..Writing