11. Chance

11. Chance

A Chapter by alison13













     “Um, is this spot taken?” I asked Troy, sitting under the oak tree. He got the loveliest spot; it’s serene, almost none of the students walk by, and you can see a great view.

     “Of course not... take a seat,” he smiled.

     “Thanks,” I said and sat beside him. “What are you reading?”

     “Evermore, by Alyson Noel... it’s interesting,”

     “Really,” I took a peak on the last page to see if my initials were there; yah, that’s my book.

      “Um, are you doing anything later?” he placed the book down on the grass.

     “Depends if the teachers give a lot of homework,” I picked my book. Doesn’t he realize that I take care of my books? And that’s why I kept this in my bag. I wonder how he sneaked to my room without me knowing. Then again, I’m not always at home.

     “And if not?”

     “I’m free,”

     “Well then, I’ll pick you at seven,”


     “Like I said, I’m trying to get to know the newbie,” he smirked. Trying to know by going on a date... that’s interesting. I thought sarcastically

     “Whatever. You don’t even know my house,”

     “I could learn the way,”

     “My brother’s going to put you on the hot seat. I’m just gonna meet you somewhere. Like the mall...”

     “How far is it anyway?”

     “About thirty-seven miles from your house... I guess,” I remembered Stacey. Of course, Stacey!

     “That’s not that far,”

     “I’ll just ask my brother to drive me to the mall and we’ll just meet there. And if you really want to know my house, you can drive me home. It’s kinda hard to explain with a lot of turns,”

     “Alright then. Meet me in Starbucks, okay? Eight pm...”

     “Sure. C’mon, the bell is about to ring. Mr. Borchetta isn’t that nice when we’re late,” I remembered what Jacque said in my first day.



     Classes passed swiftly. By lunch time, Mitch passed us, as if she wanted to confront me, but since Troy’s with us, maybe next time, she could have thought. But as soon as Troy walked toward Mr. Borchetta, Mitch took the opportunity to come to me.

     “Look Lauren, can’t you understand a simple warning?” she said her hand on her hips again. “And I thought you’re not interested to Troy?”

     “I am not...” I breathed and examined her before I spoke again. “Look, I may look like a good girl, but the truth is, I’m not.” I smirked. “And the truth is, I don’t really take cautions, warnings and threats of anybody else... especially from you,”

     “Do you know who I am?”

     “Mitchie Henrie,”

     “Do you know who my father is?”

     “Jake Austin Henrie; the second most successful surgeon in this generation, next to Roger Torres,” I breathed before I could say something that can make her suspicious or anything that can give her a hint that I’m Taylor.

     “Good. And you must know my mom,”

     “Where is this conversation going?”

     “My family is one of the wealthiest and most influential families these days, and I can track your family and crash them down,” she poured her cup of coffee in front of me. I flinched before it goes to my shoes.

     I smiled again. “Look, I’m still and always be a mystery to you. And if you want Troy, then go and get him. We are not dating,”

     “I know that soon, not long enough, you will be.” she said, her back straight, her head very high.

     “Whatever. I’ll be late in my next class. Oh yah, nice shoes,” I flickered to her stilettos, that was designed by me in the most affordable price. “Though for someone as wealthy as you, or how you describe it, I can’t imagine you buying a seventy-seven dollar worth of shoes,” I smiled slyly.

     “What the...” she let her voice trailed off then took a sigh before speaking, “Like yours isn’t worth less!”

     “Maybe you should try browsing to designer’s shoes. You might fall to your knees when you find out how much this pair is worth,” I took my bag and walked to the hallway. Sooner or later, she’ll find out that mine costs three thousand dollars.

     Okay, I’d been a little bag of wind back there, but I can’t stop it; well, okay, I can stop it if I’m not talking to Mitch. I called Stacey and told her my plan. Justin would pretend as my brother again, and Troy doesn’t need to know my parents; Lauren’s parents.

     Here’s my plan; Troy would drop me, as Taylor, in the mall parking lot, then he’ll be heading to the Starbucks cafe. Justin would come with his car then will drive me in front of Starbucks. Of course, I’ll just put the beige evening coat, which I’ll borrow to Stacey and my disguise while I’m on the car. I would also leave my bronze jacket, the one I’ll be using as Taylor, in the car.

     After Troy drive me home back to Stacey’s house, I’ll just leave the coat in the car then put my jacket again. Then of course, Justin would drive me back home using Stacey’s car. She maybe his sister, but they own individual convertibles.


     After the last period, I spotted Mitch staring blankly into thin air, while her friends tried to give her air with their hands. I didn’t know what’s wrong with her until I found the magazine she’s holding. I knew Mitch is smart; she would really search for my shoes.

     “Hey Mitch,” I smiled. “Oh yah, if you’re not satisfied, you can search for my whole outfit too. Toodles,” I said and walked away.

     I saw Stacey’s car parked near Troy’s; yeah, I let him use the car, though Zoey doesn’t know it.

     “Hey,” I said as I went in the passenger’s seat.

     “You sure he wouldn’t know?” Stacey asked her voice nervous. “Justin can’t do it because he has work to do, so I’ll drive you instead,”

     “Okay.” I breathed. “Tonight, he’ll drive me back to your house, and then you’ll drive me back to the parking lot.”

     “You’ll pay for my gas,”

     “Sure,” I chuckled. “I’m sorry if I’m being a pain again.”

     “That’s fine. I think I’ll get the hang of it anyway,” she laughed.



     She drove me back home as Taylor. I should have known that this can be the easy way. I looked at the parking lot; his car’s not yet there. Good. I have a little more time to breathe.

     “Thanks Stacey. And please don’t tell anything to my mom,” I bit my lip.

     “Sure,” she flashed a smile.

     I took my wallet and took five hundred dollars, “Here’s five hundred dollars. Please buy anything, then you can have it, just put the trash or something in the paper bags, okay?”

     “Fine,” she took the money.

     I headed to my room and bathed for an hour first. I changed into a white haltered top and denim jeans after, and blow-dried my hair and curled it slightly. I looked to my other phone to see if I have any message, and I had none.

     I tied my bronze jacket on my hips as I walked down the stairs. I took another bottle of water from the kitchen and finished the last part of SAW 6 that I didn’t see yesterday.

     Troy went in as Jasper followed him. “My mom isn’t home yet, right?” he asked. It’s then that I only noticed that he was gone for hours.

     “As far as I know, she’s not home. Wait, am I going home alone, or are you gonna pick me up again?”

     “Pick you up... my mom only allowed me because she thought I’ll come with you, right?”

     “Oh,” I breathed as Jasper went to my side.



     After an hour, I fixed all the things that I needed to bring; wig, check. Contacts, check. I changed into a black dress, since I spilled my orange juice on my top. I was about to put my bronze jacket when I saw my mauve one; well, it just looks better on black.

     I stepped in the passenger’s seat as Troy tapped his fingers on the armrest. “If I got late to my date, you’ll pay for it,” he muttered.

     How can you be late when the one you’re gonna be seeing with is already with you. I thought. Wait, date? He didn’t say it was a date. “I doubt if Lauren will give you a chance anyway,” because I know that she will not, I wanted to add.

     He suddenly started the car before I could put on my seatbelt. I almost bump my head if I weren’t holding on the hand grip, but he just ignored it. Yah, Lauren will never give him a chance.

     He dropped me off the mall by almost eight. “Be here in exactly ten pm.” He muttered.


     “You’re going to the mall alone?” he raised an eyebrow.

     “I texted Paulo already,” I said, going off the car. I felt a little dizzy on that one. I walked straight to the mall, waiting until Troy leaves, then took a turn until I caught a glimpse of Justin’s car. It’s the same car he used to pick me up back on my first concert.

     I entered his car, though Stacey’s the one who’s driving it. I put my disguise as Stacey made her way to the front of Starbucks. It’s really great that Justin’s car is almost the same as Troy; it’s extra-dark tinted. It makes my life a little bit easier.

     I waited for ten minutes before I went out. It shouldn’t be too obvious that I came right after he did. I walked in the Starbucks to see Troy with two frappuccino.  I smiled as I walk toward him. “Hey,” I said.

     “Here’s your Peppermint Mocha Twist... your favorite, if I’m not corrected?” he said, standing up.



     “But I just arrived.”

     “Do you expect me to have a first date in just a Starbucks Cafe? This is just for refreshments,”


     “Okay, getting to know...”

     “Fine, I’ll let that pass tonight,” I chuckled.

     “Would you rather walk or ride? It’s not that far from here,”

     “Then I guess we’ll walk,”

     We went out the cafe as soft breeze welcomed us. He walked beside me as I flickered to the colourful lights and buildings as we passed by. It seems almost like the photographs that you can get in other part of the world. I know that I travelled a lot and I’d also been in every city in California, but I never really get tired of walking. There are less people walking in front and behind us, which is better. New York was truly beautiful, since there was my last concert before I headed here, and I can say that I got the hang of it, since we also stayed for a month there, but it seems too crowded for me to enjoy a simple walk.

     It’s really amazing on how Troy can pull off a common person without anyone actually noticing. Yes, I can also do that, but I sometimes envy him for leading a simpler life. He’d been in the limelight longer than I am, but I can tell that he’s still your normal typical boy-next-door.

     I mean, he rarely goes out in public with a bodyguard, and mostly with friends. He had been noticed by paparazzi, but never had an ugly comment about him.

     My thoughts vanished when I looked around, and the strolling people turn into lesser than I expected. 1... 2... 3... 4... Where are we going anyway?

     “Is it fine to you to climb a ten-storey building?” Troy asked.

     “Um, what?” I said, realizing after ten seconds what he just said.

     He chuckled. “Sorry, there’s no elevator.”

     “That’s fine.” I smiled convincingly as possible. Like I can say no anyway. We started to climb the stairs; and he’s not kidding. It is a ten-storey building, and by the time we reached the rooftop, I was totally exhausted that I breathed rapidly.

     “Are you alright?” Troy asked effortlessly. He ran his fingers through his hair, and, oh God, he’s hot. No, that’s just because I’m really exhausted from climbing. I wiped my sweat off and fixed the bangs of my wig.

     “Yah,” I answered as my voice failed me. I looked to him again then turn away. Paulo, Paulo, Paulo. I repeated to myself. He hates me and I hate him, I reminded myself. I looked around only to see darkness, and almost nothing else.

     I looked to him, and through the darkness, I can tell that he’s smiling sweetly, that made my heart thud faster even more. “C’mon, it’s darker on the way, and I have a surprise for you,” he offered his hand.

     I took his hand, hoping I wouldn’t trip, as he led me to the edge. I looked straight ahead as I hold on the bars. From this view, you can see the sparkling lights from the buildings and light graffiti’s. “Wow,” I murmured. This is a very busy city, but it’s always nice to look at the lights.

     “That’s just part of the surprise,” he chuckled as he leaned on the bars.

     “What’s the other one?”

     “The other ones,” he corrected me. “It’ll start in 3, 2, 1...”

     I stared again, waiting for what he was saying and found a show of multicoloured fireworks in front of me.

     Fireworks; it’s part of my childhood too. I remembered before that we always watch the fireworks on Christmas and New Year; especially in New Year. We maybe young that time but we always go to the New Year’s Eve party, and yes, we’re the loudest and youngest in that party.

     I can’t take my eyes off the fireworks. It’s turning blue, yellow, green, pink, red, violet, and altogether; changes from a comet, then a star, then a half moon then the classic.

     “Like it?” Troy murmured as the show finally ended.

     “Like it? I love it!”

     “And here’s the rest of the surprise,”

     I turned to where I last had a glimpse of him, but he’s nowhere in sight. Then all of a sudden, bright silver lights were on; hanging high and shimmering like the million of stars in the stygian sky. I shifted my gaze to a round white covered silk table on the center, with pink table matt and two glasses placed backwards, and two chairs that match the table. There’s also a highly sophisticated stereo on the side. There’s a bench on the other side, looking a little vintage, yet beautiful in its simple way. There are also some potted plants on the back part of the rooftop.

     “I’m sorry that there’s no guy playing the violin, or a waiter, or something... I’m grounded, remember?”

     “Its fine,” I smiled. “You’re grounded? This doesn’t seem like you’re grounded to me.”

     “Let’s have a seat then, shall we?” he pulled the chair for me and smiled.

     I sat on the chair and said, “Thank you,” I breathed. “You prepared all of this?”


     “Are you really into classic things? Or do you just watch too many movies?” I chuckled.

     “Why? Are you expecting me to bring you to the movies then eat out to dinner?” he said, still standing.

     “Well, kinda.” I smiled. “Well, that’s what a normal teenage boy would do,”

     “So you’re saying that I’m not normal?” he laughed. “You love Italian cuisines right?” he said, pushing the silver moving tray that I almost didn’t notice.


     He placed two plates of spaghetti alla puttanesca on the table and the utensils.


     “And panna cotta,” he placed the two plates of panna cotta in blueberry sauce. “And I expected that your frapp would be finish by the time we reach this place, so, what do you prefer? Wine or water?”

     “Um, wine?” I said in a questioning tone.

     “Is your dad letting you?”

     “Of course,” I smiled. “So this is really what you do if when you’re grounded? I thought that means you should stay in house or something?”

     “It’s a long story,” he chuckled.

     “Is this place yours?” I looked around again.

     “Just the rooftop... well, just like mine already... I always go here ever since I entered the limelight.”

     “So, this is your hideout?”

     “Kinda,” he sat on the chair after pouring some wine on my glass then to his. “Well, I have two actually, but I’m the only one who’s going there,”

     “So, I’m not allowed to go there?” I laughed.

     “Honestly, you’re right,”

     “That’s fine.” I breathed. “Troy?”


     “Don’t take this in a bad way, alright? I just want to be honest... and I don’t want any commitments right now,” I sighed. “I hope you understand,”

     “Its fine,” he grinned. “No commitments... we’re just friends... but I just want you to know that you’re really special to me,”

     I just smiled in return.



     I got home later than I planned; well, not my real home, I’m not yet in the Andersons. It’s not hard to tell the directions to Stacey’s house, since it’s mostly ‘turn left’, ‘straight ahead’, ‘turn left again,’ ‘then turn another one’, and last, ‘turn right’. I just hope he wouldn’t realize the tone similarity when he picks me up later. Actually, it’s the most that I worried about; if he realized that my voice and Lauren’s are the same. But fortunately, he hasn’t thought about it yet.

     I looked to my phone to see that it’s already midnight. If I had not been Lauren, I might kill him later. I stepped out of his car as he did the same. “Um, thanks for the great night,” I smiled.

     “Thanks to you too,”

     “Well, I better go. My brother is kinda...” I flickered to the house with the lights turned on in the living room and a shape of a guy standing near the window. I’m guessing it’s either Justin willing to take me home or Stacey with something on her head.

     I kinda felt ashamed for making them do this for me. Maybe this will be the last time I’ll ask a favor like this.

     “Right,” Troy said and smiled.

     “See you later... I mean tomorrow.”


     I walked to the porch as Justin opened the door. I’m not sure if Troy saw Justin, but he doesn’t know him anyway. I heard his car drove away as I breathed in relief.

     Justin drove me back to the mall parking lot. I stuffed my disguise in my bag and took the jacket I was wearing as Taylor and took the paper bags Stacey bought as I stepped out of the car. I reached the parking lot before Troy did, and I sat on the bench pretended to sleep, to make him guilty; if it works.

     I hugged my legs and lay my head on my knees, keeping myself warm. Where is he? He did remember that I’m here... right? I’m too tired to do anything. Maybe I can take nap for just a minute or two.

     “Taylor, wake up.” A familiar voice said; Troy.

     I looked up and opened my eyes, thinking if I’m dreaming or not. I felt a drop of rain on head, then all of the sudden, it started to rain.

     I tried to stand up, but I’m too exhausted to do so.

     “What the hell!” he said as the rain rolled down faster. “Put this on and climb on my back,” he took off his jacket.

     I was about to reach for his jacket when he put it on me and pulled me to his back. At least he realized quickly that I’m too sleepy to move. I hold to him, putting my head to his shoulders. I can’t even open my eyes anymore.

     It didn’t take long until we reached his car, and it felt dry again. I tried to open my eyes and put my seatbelts then reached for the pillow supposedly sitting on the back seat, but it was gone. I rested my head to the car window instead, as I continued to sleep. My head hurts already, but I need to go to school later. I wonder what time it is, though I didn’t bother opening my eyes anymore. I don’t even know how long I stayed in the parking lot.

     I felt my head being shifted to someone’s shoulder; his shoulder. It’s actually more comfortable than laying my head to his shoulder while he was carrying me.


© 2011 alison13

My Review

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this is cute.. love it.. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

this is a sweet chapter.. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Dude, I love Evermore, great book. Awesome chapters as always. Can't wait til the next one.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Awh, cute chapter.

Hope to read more soon.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on April 5, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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