7. Destiny

7. Destiny

A Chapter by alison13












     I was about to go to school when someone knocked on my door. Great, so much for preparing early. I swiftly took my wig and contacts off then put my sleeping robe on. Of course, I was supposedly been awake by the knock, and not dress in a white shirt and jeans. I opened the door, only to find Troy tapping his foot impatiently as he crossed his arms.

     “What?” I faked a yawn.

     “Here... mom said I should give it to you before I go,” he held the keys to his cars in front of me.

     “Oh,” I took it from him. “Thanks,” I said, though I can’t possibly use it on my way to school. If only I didn’t go to the same school as him.

     “Take good care of my car,”

     “Right,” I nod once as he walked down the stairs. I won’t even use the car today, or on weekdays. I just wasted my chance to have an easy way to school.

     For a second, I actually felt guilty of taking the car from him. I shook my head to shake off the idea. It’s his fault, and he has to pay for it. I reminded myself. But there’s a question that entered my mind last night; how did Troy took a picture of Shellie when he can’t even go near her? And I can say that it’s a good shot.



     By third period history, Mr. O’shea gave another pop quiz, which was mostly the same as the last one. It’s the first time I liked History, since it’s one of the most boring subjects for me, though now, it seems quite interesting.

     I finished quickly, and so did Mandy. We texted each other for the rest of the period, since Mr. O’shea is busy of checking our papers. We didn’t want to risk passing papers because there are possibilities that we might be accused of cheating; yah, even if we’re done.

     By lunch time, Mandy was already seated in our usual table, joined with two unfamiliar girls. I haven’t seen them before, nor had a glimpse even once.

     “Hey Lauren,” she waved, though I was a few steps from her already. “This is Gwen Cuenca and Iya Williams,” she motioned to the two girls. Gwen was the blonde with pink streaks, while Iya was the one with amber-color hair.

     “Hey,” I smiled to them as they smiled back.

     “Want some cupcakes?” Iya offered.

     “Thanks,” I said as I sat beside Mandy. “Where’s Jacque?”

     “Um, running toward us right now,” she giggled. And she was right. Jacque seemed restless today, with the bags under her eyes.

     “Hi.” She sighed and took a seat. “Arts had overtime today,”

     I took a cupcake from Gwen when Troy sat on the chair beside me. Obviously, he’s still upset about his car... and being grounded. But I can tell he’s more upset by the car thing.

     “What’s with the long face?” I asked as I lick on the green icing.

     “Grounded,” he said, taking a piece of cupcake.


     “I hate it when she always takes her side. Even when it’s not my fault,”

     It’s your fault, you know. “I can’t follow. Who’s taking side of whom?”

     “My mom, and the great Taylor McKenzie,”


     “I mean, I didn’t tell her to go out. I just handed the flyers.” He took a bite on his cupcake.

     Don’t make me stupid. You didn’t tell me, but that’s exactly what you meant. I mean, you were standing right in front me, and had no plan of moving out of my way, and I’m not stupid enough to argue when I know I’m going to lose. I thought. “Right,”

      “Wait, I heard Taylor’s name and something about your mom.” Jacque said, suddenly alive for gossip. “She’s living with you?” she guessed corrected.

     “Yah. For three sucking months.” Troy muttered.

     “Well, that’s alright. Hey, I heard that you two will be performing on cruise this Saturday,” Mandy mentioned, changing the topic, almost.

     “Yah, and it sucks. Being with that childish girl for three straight days in a ship...”

     I drank on my bottle of water. Three days? I didn’t know that. No one mentioned three days!

     “Three?” Mandy filled for me. I guess we’re thinking the same thing.

     “We’ll be leaving tomorrow and will be back by Sunday night, or Monday morning,”

     Okay, Kaitlyn said nothing to me about that.

     “Oh. So, how long are you grounded?” Mandy brought back the first topic.

      “Two weeks. But the worst of it is that my car is temporarily in the hands of a child. Or acting like a child.”

     “Well, that’s alright,” I said, almost choking the words. I am not acting like a child! You’re the one who’s immature. I wanted to add. “So, no visitors?”

     He suddenly looked at me. “Why didn’t I think about that,” he smiled crookedly.



     By sixth period gym, coach Avilla posted the schedule for tryouts of volleyball and basketball in which I don’t have any plans on seeing.

     Mandy and Jacque decided that they’ll both give volleyball a try. Troy wanted to have a tryout on basketball, but since he’s grounded, he just passed it up. How can he think of basketball when he has rehearsals?

     “Break a leg,” I smiled to both Mandy and Jacque.

     “Thanks,” they said grinning.



       I went home quickly as soon as the bell rang. I outran Troy from taking a cab, though I know that he would really let me first. Okay, he would let Lauren first; but if I’m Taylor in that time, he would have not let me first.

     I opened the door and headed to my room as fast as possible, before anyone can notice me. I changed into a baby blue shirt and white shorts and white flip-flops. I raced downstairs again and turn the TV on and took a bag of cheetos and a glass of orange juice. I lay down, as if I’d been there for hours instead of minutes. Shellie rested beside my flip-flops as I flicked the remote to find something to watch. I stop in the replay of gossip girl. I haven’t caught up in this show ever since I got here, and I miss Blair and Chuck already.

     Troy walked in the door as Shellie growled then relax again. I guess she never gets tired of doing that to him. He headed upstairs and probably to his room.

     A few minutes after he was gone, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find a man, about maybe four or five years older than me I guess, and about two or three inches taller than me, standing in front of me. He’s holding one of the flyers I put up last night, and it was surprisingly dry.

     But I can’t stay my focus on what he’s holding, since his dark intense caramel eyes laid on my cerulean blue. I don’t know how long I’m staring at him, though I hope it’s only been two seconds. But what can I say? His messy dark chocolate hair fairly caught my attention.

     “Um, may I help you?” I asked, before it becomes awkward.

     “I was just wondering if you had found my dog. I’ve been looking for her for weeks now, and I saw this just this morning, and it looks exactly like her.” He flashed his entrancing smile.

     “Right. Well, come in,” I let him walked in.

      Shellie raised his head, and started to be alert and sniffed around. All of a sudden, she raced toward the man standing a few feet from me.

     “Leslie! Where have you been?” he carried her on his muscular arms. So, her name is Leslie.

     “Um, I guess that solves it.” I said. I simply can’t help smiling. At least I’m not yet overreacting.

     “Yes. Thank you so much for finding her,”

     “Well, I saw her on my porch.”

     “Really. oh yah, I’m Paulo. Paulo Frialde,” he put his hand in front of me.

     “I’m Taylor. Taylor McKenzie,” I shook his hand.

     “Nice meeting you,” he squeezed my hand gently, and it felt so good, I thought of keep it hanging for a little bit longer.

     “You too,”

     “Who’s your visitor?” Troy asked which broke my hold to Paulo’s hand.

     “Um, this is Paulo. And he’s the owner of Shellie, I mean, Leslie.”

     “Oh, I remember you,” he approached Paulo. “You don’t know how lucky I am right now because you came and claim your dog,”

     “Right,” Paulo mumbled.

     “Well, bye Shellie,” I said, petting her one last time even if she’s in his arms already.

     “If you want, you can visit her if you have time. My house is just half a mile from here, and the first house around the corner.” He explained.

     “Around the corner? You mean the blue one?” My old house? I wanted to add.

     “Yah, that one.”


     “Just call me if you’ll visit. I have two sisters, and the other one is kinda obsessed with you, and you might need security.” He smirked. “Here’s my number,” he gave me a small piece of paper.

     “Alright then,”

     “I better go. I’ll be packing my clothes for tomorrow. I’ll be coming with you on your concert tomorrow. One of the backup dancers,”

     He meant Troy’s backup dancers, not mine. “Really, well then, we’ll see each other tomorrow,”

     “Yes. Bye,” he smiled again.

     I waved goodbye to him and closed the door. “Omigod,” I leaned to the door. I knew it. It was destiny to find Shellie so that I can meet Paulo. He’s so hot.

     “You liked him,” Troy said, not as a question.

     “Maybe,” I took my glass of orange juice and took a sip. “Wait, we’ll only be performing in cruise?”

     “You didn’t read your schedule, did you?”

     “Let’s just say that I forgot...”

     “We’ll be performing in Hapuna Beach, Hawaii.”

     “Right... now, I remember,” I drank the whole glass and looked away.

     I headed to my room and packed a few clothes. Three days. So maybe two pair of jeans, two pair of shorts... it’ll depend on my mood on what I’ll wear, so there should be choices. Three shirts, two cardigans, depends on my mood too, and one flip-flops, doll shoes, and of course my favorite boots for my performance, and maybe a pair of stilettos. Wait, beach? Make that two pair of flip-flops. I’m not sure if I need to bring a dress or two, or three, since Stacey might had taken care of that... okay, maybe I should call her, just for sure.

     I searched for my phone in my bag and purse, only to find it under a handkerchief. “Hey Stacey...” I said.

     “What’ll you wear for your concert? Pick three... the yellow chiffon dress, the indigo haltered dress, or the aquamarine sundress? Or the red sequined one?”

     “Hmmm... tough one. I pick, yellow, indigo and red,”

     “Right,” she said then hung up.

     I’m pretty sure the three day trip will be fine. Especially since Paulo is coming. Just the thought of him makes me excited.

© 2011 alison13

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hmmm..can't wait to see what will happen with taylor and paulo.. i'll read more later... :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Paulo seems hot(: Can't wait to read more, and thanks for the cliff hanger, now I'll be looking for things to read on here while I wait for the next chapter. I hope you're happy.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Oooh, I wonder what's gonna happen
between Taylor and Paulo.

Can't wait to read more.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on April 3, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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