6. Date

6. Date

A Chapter by alison13












     I woke up earlier than my alarm as I heard someone shrieking. I hurried down the stairs to know what all the commotion is about, only to find Troy standing on the couch yelling to Shellie. Great way to make my day... not.

     “What are you doing?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.

     “Kick that dog out of here!” he shouted.

     I yawned as I pick Shellie up. “Why are you scared of a small dog?”

     “That might be small, but that bites,” he stepped down the couch.

     “Bites?” I chuckled. Okay, so maybe this really did make my day. “She’s been staying in my room for a couple of days and she never, even once, broke or bit anything.”

     “That’s because evil dog meets evil girl.”

     “Really,” I put Shellie in front of him closely as Troy took a step backward. Shellie started to barked rapidly, like a mad dog. “Hmmm... well, I guess you’re right. Or she probably just hates jerks,” I said then walked back to my room.


     I reached the school a few minutes before the other students did. I took my copy of Romeo and Juliet and started reading it. I forgot to study last night... not that I’m really gonna study.

     Slowly, students begin to enter the room, and soon, the placidity that I kept to myself was overshadowed by the loud chat from every group. When Mr. Borchetta went in the room, he gave a surprised pop quiz, which I can say that no one expected. Well, that’s the essence of surprises.

     The morning slipped quickly, until it was Chemistry. Troy placed the rabbit on our table as Ms. White arrived. She wrote our activity on the board then left again to help for the preparations on the upcoming spring dance next week.

     Troy and I finished it quickly, since it’s only ten questions. Though not to brag, but the others were having a tough time.

     “Hey Troy,” Mitchie Henrie greeted flirtatiously. I learned her full name this morning, when Ms. Bates called her in the hall to assist on the drama club.

     “Um, hi...” Troy smiled. I had to admit, if he doesn’t smile so sweetly, girls wouldn’t really be dying for him.

     “Finish already?” she flickered to our paper placed backward.


     She sighed. “Aren’t the questions easy?”

     “Not that much.” Troy admitted. “Lauren answered the three hardest. And she answered six of the questions”

     “Oh,” she looked at me with her fierce amber eyes. I think if possible, she wanted to tear me apart.

     “Mitch, maybe you could give me a hand here. The time Is almost up!” TJ muttered.

     I can see by the change of her expression that she wanted to slap him so badly, if it weren’t for Troy witnessing it. She faced her partner again, now without saying a word.

     Ms. White came back a few minutes after, now holding a pile of papers. I guess that’s the papers from yesterday’s pop quiz. She distributed it, giving a few comments on students, mostly failing ones and a few to those who almost aced it. By the time she reached our table, she said, “Terrific job, Ms. McCartney,” she gave me my paper, which had an A+. Thank you Ivy! I thought.

     “Thank you,” I murmured.

     “And to you Mr. Anderson, I advise you to try a little harder. I believe you can’t go to the spring dance if you fail another test. I suggest you get some study techniques from Ms. McCartney, since she’s the only one who got the perfect score.” She smiled at me.

     I tried to smile back, not to disappoint her.

     “Yes ma’am,” Troy flashed a smile, and then sighed hard when Ms. White turned around and continued distributing.

     I headed to the cafeteria as soon as the bell rang. Mandy saved us a table and waved playfully as we reached closer. This is the first time Stephen, her brother sit in lunch with us. Jacque caught up with me before taking a few steps to reach Mandy. I sat beside her as Troy approached us.

     “Is this seat taken?” he asked, pointing to the chair beside me.

     “No, take a seat.” I said.

     He took a seat and put down his New York deli platter. “Um, I’m just wondering.” He breathed. “Do you do tutoring?” he asked sheepishly. “I mean, I guess you heard what Ms. White said. And not that I care about the dance, but my mom would kill me when she finds out I’m failing Chemistry.”

     “Okay. Well, I don’t really consider it as tutoring, but we can have a study date,” I said.

     “Great, it’s a date�"

     “A study date,” I emphasized the word study.

     “Right. So, yours or my house?”

     “Yours. My dad is really strict, though my brother is kinda stricter. Doesn’t allow boys.” I lied, since technically, we’re living under the same roof.

     “Okay. After school, today? If that’s alright.”

     “Sure. Since we have to finish the activity about Mr. Bunny.”


     We headed to his house as soon as school was over. He opened the door for me, and then left me sitting on the couch for a moment. I took my chemistry book and waited for him to come back. I felt like I’m really in a friend’s house, though I’ve already stayed here for exactly four days.

     It seems a little quiet; maybe Sarah has her cheerleading practice, since she’s the first one I hear when I get home. I can neither see Zoey and Harry as well. Anyway, I have a reason why I’m not home�"well, mostly not at home, but right now, technically I am�"and that’s I’m in a friend’s house... again. Same reason as always. Okay, so maybe I don’t have something new.

     Shellie suddenly appeared around my foot, with a small ball in her mouth. I guess she still recognize me even in disguise. I picked her up and petted her until Troy came back.

     “Hey, sorry it took me so long.” He said then flickered to Shellie on my lap. “I guess you already met Shellie,” he placed the tray of plates of tacos and two glasses of lemonade on the coffee table.

     “Yes. Isn’t she a cute dog?”

     “Yah sure,” he sat beside me, keeping a small distance, in case Shellie bite; if that’s even true.

     “Is she your dog?”

     “No, not even close. She’s Taylor’s dog. Well, she found her on the porch then decided to keep her until its real owner comes... which reminds me to remind her about the flyers.”

     “Taylor lives here? That’s awesome!” my enthusiasm from last night came back.

     “Yah. Um, can you put the dog down there? I really can’t hold her. She kinda hates me and has the same attitude as her current owner. I was even surprised that she likes you,”

     “Oh... well, I’m really a dog person,” I smiled putting Shellie down. The truth is Shellie likes everyone in the house except Troy; which doesn’t really bother me. She rested down to my right foot as I crossed my left. “So, where do we start?” I asked Troy.



     We finished by six. We only got an hour for studying then the two hours extra were used for talking, listening to music, laughing and eating; a lot and getting to know each other better; kinda. Like, what’s your favorite color? And I said blue when I really like green. What’s your hobby or what do you do in your pastime?

And I said Painting and photography. But as Taylor, it would be writing songs and poems. When’s your birthday? And I said October twelve when it’s really December twenty-eight.

     Of course, I asked him about himself too, well, it’s actually the ‘how about you?’ question, but most of the replies I get is ‘me too!’. What’s your favorite food? And I said pizza and he’ll say me too. But I didn’t expect him to say ‘me too’ on who’s my favorite young actor. I said Taylor Lautner and he said, right. Of course, he wouldn’t say ‘me too’, since he lost best actor to him. The last question was ‘who’s your favorite singer?’ and of course, I mentioned myself, Jason Mraz and him, so that he wouldn’t be upset.

     The last conversation we had before I went out was, “are you really sure you don’t want me to drive you?” it’s an epic.

     “It’s only six, not midnight.” I chuckled.

     “What if your brother kills me because I didn’t drive you home?”

     “No he will not. Besides, I gotta go to my best friend first,” I smiled and waved goodbye.

     I took the cab and put my hoodie and shades while the driver was not looking, then I took my wig and contacts off as fast and unnoticeably as possible. I went back to my paradise first then walked my way home.


     “There, if you forgot or keep trying to forget, I already printed the flyers for your dog.” Troy said as I opened the door.

     “It’s seven pm, and you expect me to put that up tonight?” I glared at him.

     He smirked and crossed his arms, but didn’t say a thing. But I can sense how much he wants to throw Shellie out.

     “Fine,” I took the flyers from his hands. I went out again, this time with the flyers and duct tape on hand.

     I walked out the house then through the massive lines of trees that has to be at least fifty to hundred years old. Since their house is at the end of the neighbourhood, which has the farthest distance from the other houses, I have to walk half a mile before I see posts and lights where I can place the flyers.

     I walked two more miles before I could finish putting up the flyers, and my feet are really tired. I wanted to sit on a bench first, when the first drop of rain fell to my head. Okay, I have two choices; first, take a cab, or run. And duh, of course I’ll take the cab. I reached for my bag and dug only to find that I lost my purse. Why am I so stupid! I left my purse when I was looking for the duct tape in my bag before I left.

     Another drop of rain fell, and I’m guessing on doing my second plan. I looked around, trying to find hope, if there’s a waiting shed for me to go first, and unfortunately, there’s none. I took a deep breath and started to run before a heavy sheet of rain fall.

     My feet were already pleading me to stop. My effort was useless, when large heavy rain drops on me, and I was not even a mile near to their house. That’s it. It’s on. I’m cursing Troy; I swear he’s gonna pay for this.

     I barged in to their house as I moved my gaze to Troy who’s sitting on the couch. I looked at him as if I wanted to attack him as I tucked my dripping curls under my ear.

     “Honey, what happened?” Zoey asked her voice alarmed.

     “Ask your amazingly stupid and insensitive son.” I said, still looking at him.

     “Sarah, get her a towel.” She said to Sarah then moved to Troy, “And you young man, could you explain this to me?”

     “I have nothing to do with it,” he said, trying not to laugh.

     “Really. Well then, you’re grounded for two weeks,”

     “What?” he shrieked. “No way!”

     “Do you want it to be three weeks?”

     He stood there quiet for a moment.

     I just smiled mischievously. It’s payback time. I thought as Sarah handed me a towel.

     “It’s not my fault! I didn’t tell her to go out and put the flyers!”

     “Yes you did!” I bawled.

     “C’mon, I can’t be grounded!”

     “You can go to your concerts, and school. Other than that, you’ll be staying home.”


     “No buts. Or I think you really do want it to be three weeks,”

     “No. Two weeks it is.” He threw me a scornful look.

     I went straight to my room and change into warmer, drier clothes. I’m glad he’s grounded; I hope Shellie’s owner wouldn’t come too early. I want him to be miserable with my loyal dog.

     I brushed my curls slowly and stared at my reflection in the mirror for a second. Why did I go out in the first place? I mean, I know it’s already dark and the news says there’ll be a storm coming.

     “Hey, mom said it’s time for dinner,” Sarah informed me, grinning.

     “Right.” I put my brush on top of the table then followed her down.

     I can see that Harry was already seated in the center, and on his left is Troy then Sarah. I sat beside Zoey after she placed the Roasted Turkey and macaroni and cheese.

     I ate quietly, as Sarah tells about her day, then Zoey, then Harry. It was interesting to know what they’d been doing for a little while, and I found out that Harry is now a stock broker, while Zoey is handling their farm. I took a peek on Troy who’s seated right across me, and it’s obvious that he’s unmistakably mad at me, but I don’t care. It’s really his fault that I got soaked in the rain...

     “So Taylor,” Zoey said, breaking my thoughts. “What did you do today? Other than put up flyers?” she flickered to Troy then back to me.

     Hmmm, let’s see. What shall I say? I went to school as Lauren, studied with your son for an hour, ate tacos and nachos... and that’s about it. “Um, same old, same old,” I took a sip on my glass of my orange juice, hoping that there’s no follow up question.

     “Like yesterday, and the other day?”

     “Yah,” I took a bite on the macaroni and cheese.

     “What did you do for the past few days?” she asked curiously.

     “Um, shop, walk, rehearse, watch TV, call some friends.” I said casually.

     “Really, well, I haven’t seen you around much. Except for a little while ago, since I visited the farm,”

     “I was making myself familiar to the place again,” I smiled.

     “Really. That’s good. Do you want someone to give you a tour?”

     “No need... I already memorized the streets and...”

     “Well, if you might need help, Troy would be happy to show you around.”

     “What?” Troy shrilled.

     “It’s not really necessary. Besides, I mostly leave by midmorning, and he’s in school that time,” I tried to explain. Please make her stop already.

     “Right. But if you need a ride, Troy would gladly let you borrow his car,” she smiled.

     “Really,” I looked to Troy and smiled wickedly. “Anytime?” I looked to Zoey.

     “Of course... right Troy?”

     “No way! That’s not part of the agreement!” Troy almost shouted.

     “You’re grounded, and that automatically means no usage of your car,”

     “I just bought my car for like three months ago!”

     “You’re grounded,” she repeated.


     “No buts...”

     “Dad, aren’t you going to help me have an appeal?” Troy exclaimed.

     “Sorry, no can do son...” Harry said apologetically.

     “Wait, does she even have a license?”

     “Of course I do! I’m sixteen,” I muttered.

     “Fine. just don’t crash my car.” He said, defeated.


© 2011 alison13

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this is my favorite chapter so far.. i love it! lol.. :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

Mwuhahaha, I love this!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 3, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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