5. Maze

5. Maze

A Chapter by alison13












     Tonight will be my concert. I pondered about it as I headed to the cafeteria. I’ll probably just call Stacey to bring my wardrobe then I’ll just take the cab on my way. Right. It’s just my stupid luck striking again, that all of the teachers gave homework. I wish Spanish and Trigonometry wouldn’t join in.

     “Hey, sorry I’m late... again,” Jacque said.

     “It’s fine. So, where’s Mandy?” I asked, looking around.

     “It’s her great grandfather’s death anniversary today, and they’re gonna visit.” She sighed, and took her phone from her bag. “Are you going to Taylor’s concert tonight?”

     “Yah,” I took a bite on the macaroni the cafeteria lady gave me.

     “Good for you. Mandy and I were supposed to go, but the tickets were all sold out! Can you believe it? It was like announced five minutes before, and was sold out five minutes after!”

    “Oh.” Well I wouldn’t really know it since I’ll be the one who’d performing.

     “How did you buy your tickets anyway? You’re from Canada, right?”

     I swallowed hard. Should’ve known this was coming. Why didn’t I just say that I’m not going? “Um, my best friend bought it for me. She lives here, though she studies in a different school.”

     “Oh, cool. Did she wait for hours until the ticket booth was open?”

    “No. Her house is kinda a few miles from there,” I drank my bottle of water. I’m getting a lot better on lying this days.

    “Wow, that’s lucky.”


    “Hey.” Troy said, sitting beside me. “Um, can I sit here?”

    “You’re already sitting,” I drank again.

    “Right,” I can tell that he smiled to Jacque; I can feel she’s freaking out right now in the inside. I looked straight to see Mitch striking me a look. Who cares anyway; she can have him.

     “Ms. White gave this rabbit.” He placed the cage, with a white rabbit in it, on the table. “And she mentioned that the first activity is to watch the rabbit’s behaviour and things like that. Then have a conclusion about it.”

     “Okay,” was my only response.

    “So, are we going to do it later? It’s until Thursday, and I don’t think you really like last minute.”

    “I can’t,” I almost whispered.

    “Oh. You’re busy?”

    “Yah,” I wish the bell would ring already. What, I’m gonna say that I’m going to Taylor’s concert? I would lie something better if Jacque weren’t here to hear it.

    “Even just for an hour?”

    “I’m really, really busy tonight. Maybe tomorrow? Yah, that’s it. tomorrow.” I stood up and get ready to go to my next class when Jacque said, “Hey, you forgot your bag. You may lose your ticket.”

     “Um, thanks,” I smiled and took it.

     “Wait, a ticket, for a concert?” Troy asked, blocking my way.

     “Yah, sure. Can I go now?”

     “Taylor McKenzie’s?”


     “Great... I have two backstage passes if you want to meet her.”

     Since when did he have a backstage pass? “Really,”

     “Yes. So, what time will I pick you up?”


     “You know, for the concert.”

     I suddenly laughed. “Okay, let’s just get one thing straight, okay? No offense, but, I’m not really interested on you, got it?”

     “Whoa, that’s harsh. No worries, I’m not hitting on you. Just wanna be friends with the new ones. Is that hard?”

     “Fine. Can I go now?”

     “Are you gonna sit in the front row?”

     “I guess. I forgot, my best friend bought it. Can I go now?”

     “How many are you? I mean, how many are you with?”

     “Just her, I think. Can I go now?” I asked for the third time.

     “Just one more. Do you hate me?”

     “No. I’m just not in the mood, okay?” I breathed. “Can I go now?”

     He made way for me as I started to walk. “So I’ll see you later then?” his voice was louder which made everyone look.

     I looked at him then rolled my eyes. I headed to Trigonometry to see that there were only three people in the room other than me.




     As soon as the bell rang, I headed to the concert hall. I called Stacey to inform her that I’m wearing a brunette wig, black hoodie, and faded blue jeans. I just wish I’m the only one wearing that. I tried to squeeze myself in, trying to make my way, but the crowd were squishing me back. Great, I’m the one performing, and I can’t even get into my own concert! I tried once more until someone pulled me in; Stacey.

     “Thanks,” I said.

     “What’s with the�"”

     “Ask my mom,” I cut her off.

     We used the backstage car on the way to my dressing room. I need to lose my sweat as fast as I can. I took my wig, and placed my contacts on the box, before I forgot that other than Stacey, and probably Kaitlyn, no one else knows my alter ego.

     When we reached my dressing room, Stacey pulled the glass door of my closet. She took the dark blue dress shattered with sequins, and the stilettos with an overly-exaggerated lace for me to wear. Well, at least my feet wouldn’t hurt.

     “How much free time do I left before the concert? I have tons of homework.” I muttered as Kasey finished doing my hair.

     “An hour. No worries, I’m already on to your homework. After the concert, you’ll just gonna relax...” Stacey smiled.

     “Really? Thanks. You’re really amazing, Stacey,”

     “I know,” she giggled. “Wait just a sec, okay? I’m just gonna get a bottle of water.”

     “Get me one too. Mine is already drained.” I smiled.

     She stood up and left the room. I looked on the mirror then stood up. I was about to do my usual routine every before the show starts when I heard a knock on the door. I wonder who’s even allowed to knock backstage on this time. Fans aren’t allowed until after the show, or if I say so, of course. Well, in my normal concert, they’ll be allowed, but since I’m not fully ready, I’m not sure. But maybe a couple of pictures would be fine.

     I was about to open the door when Troy busted in. “Hey, you’re not allowed in here!”

     “Look, I’ll leave, just give me one front row ticket and two backstage passes to your concert.” He mumbled.

     Should’ve known he doesn’t really have anything he just said this afternoon. “What? No way! Besides, I don’t have any.”

     “C’mon! What kind of performer are you?”

     “Wow, what a great way to ask for some extra tickets, by giving some insults. I’ll remember that next time,” sarcasm filled my voice.

     “Look, I’ll leave you alone; just give me what I want.”

     “Like I said I don’t have any. And besides, since when had you been interested in my concert and my childish voice,” I muttered, remembering his yet another insult to me. It took a long second before he respond.

     “Your voice is not childish,” he walked toward me, closing the gap between us. His voice suddenly turned to a low serene tone. “It’s... captivating,” And from then, I already know what he’ll do.

     “Ew, that won’t work to me. If I’m not Taylor McKenzie, your charm would’ve work, but right now I am, and for me, you look like a cockroach crawling near.”

     “Oh c’mon!” his voice is now back to normal. “Tell you what, I’ll pay back if you want.”

     “Isn’t it possible that I just don’t have tickets?”

     “You know, you really wouldn’t win this argument, because I’m not the one who needs to be onstage a little while later.” He sat on the couch. “I’m not the one who’s gonna be late just because she doesn’t want to give me free tickets.” He smirked.

     “Give me one perfect reason why I should give you tickets,” except for giving it to my alter ego.

     “I knew it! I knew you have tickets!”

     “If I have tickets...”

     “Stop playing hard to get. It’s stupid.”

     “Hard to get?” I burst out of laughing. “Okay, that’s funny,”

     “What if your mom agrees on giving me backstage passes?”

     “Then ask her.” I crossed my arms.

     “Fine.” he took his phone. It took a few seconds until he started to talk. “Hello, Mrs. McKenzie? I mean Mrs. Torres... yes I’m with her right now,” he flickered to me and wink. “You ask if she’d been good to me?” he made a face.

     “Say one wrong word and you’ll get it.”

     “Let me see. She has a concert tonight and I’m asking one little favor... what’s that favor you ask?” he looked at me again. “Just have free tickets and well. She isn’t...”

     I dug through my purse for those stupid backstage passes. “There!” I muttered as he took it.

     “She isn’t more kind enough to give it to me without a word of negativities... I have to go now, ma’am, a pleasure to have a chat with you for a little while,” he shut his phone.

     “Happy now?”

     “Where’s the front row ticket?”

     “I don’t have any! Don’t you get what ‘sold out’ means?”

     “Sure there’s no�"”

     “Out.” I motioned to the door.


     “Out or I’ll call security,” why haven’t I thought of the ‘security’ excuse before?

     He walked out the room as I continued on my supposed to be finishing routine.



     The concert went great throughout. Once in a while, I search around to look if Troy’s somewhere. I breathe in relief when I saw him in the second row sitting beside Sarah. He didn’t mention that he’ll be sitting in the second row! Then why the heck is he keeps asking for the front row tickets? It’s not like he’s really gonna watch me. I caught him a few times taking quick glances, trying to see if Lauren was there, and I was lucky enough that the lights are too dimmed for him to see clearly.

     “I love you all!” I said before I walked down the stage. The security guards surrounded me until I reached my dressing room; okay, I met a few more fans and took photos before I really reached my dressing room.

     I sat on the couch and relaxed for a while. I took my bag I used in school�"good thing Troy didn’t see it�"and dug for my phone. Great. I had three messages from Troy and one missed call. The first text says, “Hey, where are you?”. The second says, “See you later in the backstage,” and the third one says “I’ll wait beside the backstage door,”.

     I wonder if he’s still there. Well, probably. I looked at the clock to see that it’s been over half an hour since the concert was over. I opened my closet and searched for an evening coat; any coat. Luckily, I saw my white coat, which I haven’t seen for a long time now, actually. I wore my wig and contacts and ran out using the other route that Stacey showed me.

     I managed to escape the guards and reached Troy without anyone noticing me.

     “Hey,” I said, trying to hide my catching of breath.

     “I thought you’re gonna abandon me,” he mumbled.

     “Well, I just thought how I acted this afternoon, and want to apologize for it.”

     “Apology accepted,” he glanced behind me. “Where’s your friend?”

     “She got sick.” I sighed. “And she went home early with her boyfriend,”

     “Oh. So, you’re alone now?” he asked as if it isn’t obvious.

     “Yes. But I can manage that.”

     “Well, it’s pretty late. Maybe I can give you a ride. You know, just to be safe.”

     “No need. The bus is safe. Or the cab.”

     “I insist,”

     I looked behind him to see Sarah flickering to me. “That’s not necessary.” I breathed, “I’ll just call my brother. He’s quite... strict,”

     “Right. C’mon, Taylor is waiting for you.”

     “What?” I stared at him.

     “Like I said, two backstage passes, remember?” he smirked and showed me the passes.

     “Oh, you’re serious about that.” I know he asked for it a little while ago, but I thought he was just gonna give it to me. Of course; should’ve figured it.

     “Of course,” he grinned. “Shall we?” he motioned his hand.

     “Okay. You first.”

     He led the way, the same time checking if we’re walking concurrently.

     My heart thudded faster in every step. What kind of maze had I gotten to? He’ll make me meet me. “Um, in other thought, did I mention that I already met her?” I caught his arm.

     “Really. Well then, it’s nice for you to meet her again. Besides, I thought you’re a huge fan?”

     “I am. It’s just that my brother texted me few seconds ago and said that he’ll pick me up already.”

     “This will only take a minute.” He smiled again. Okay, if he smiled like that back when he was asking for the tickets, I could’ve give up easily.

     “Right.” I reached for my phone and texted behind my back to Stacey. At least being addicted to texting has some advantages. My message was simple; wear a dress that is similar to mine in my last performance, wear shades, go to this room, and pretend to be me... and don’t speak.

     This is one of the million reasons why I’m so fortunate to have Stacey as my assistant; she has some resemblance to me. Blonde curls, skinny, nearly as tall as me, and almost walks like me. People concluded that if we both wear sunglasses, we’re more likely twins than friends. She’s shorter than me by an inch or two, and her eyes are emerald and are wider than mine. The easiest way to describe them was you can never stay mad on her if you stare at her eyes.

     We reached my dressing room as I glanced around. There are only a few people, about five, that are around and didn’t mind our entrance.

     Troy knocked twice until Stacey finally opened it. Okay, so maybe there’s not an exact replica of my dress, but for a guy like Troy who I guess didn’t even really watched my concert, he probably wouldn’t notice it. Her dress was a lighter shade of blue, more like a powder blue, to be exact. She also wore the black tinted shades lying on my table, the one with diamonds splintered on the side.

     She smiled in a friendly way, the same time imitating mine, though trying not to say a single word.

     “This is Lauren,” Troy motioned to me.

     “Get us a drink first,” Stacey muttered, keeping her voice as close to mine as she can possibly get. I just hope Troy believe her. She pointed to the table of bottled waters.

     “Me?” Troy asked. I looked to him and smiled. Okay, that’s what girls do in movies, and I’m gonna push my luck right now. “Fine,” he muttered.

     Stacey pulled me in quickly as soon as Troy turn around. “Explain...”

     “Troy gave me a backstage pass?” I bit my lip. I dug my bag for the lavender notebook that I haven’t really used and signed an autograph for myself. “Tell Justin to pick me up in a car. Not the limo. Got it?”

     “Here,” Troy handed the bottle to her then to me.

     “Well, we better go. Nice meeting you again, Taylor,” I said, as enthusiastic as possible. I closed the notebook, making sure Troy had at least a peek of it, and put it back to my bag.

     “So, what did she say?” Troy asked when we were almost out of the concert hall. “She actually kinda recognized me.”

     “Are you sure you don’t want a ride?” he asked again.

     “No, my brother is on his way.” And I hope he’s fast. I twisted the cap of my bottle and was about to take a drink when a grey Porsche stop a few feet from us. “Well, that’s him. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye,” I smiled and waved goodbye as I head to the Porsche.

      “Bye.” He mumbled as I climbed in the car. I sighed when Justin started to drive.

     “What’s with the wig?” Justin asked the same question his sister did.

     “My mom’s plan.” I answered as I took the wig off.

     He made a few turns, and all of the sudden, we’re in the parking lot of the backstage.


© 2011 alison13

Author's Note

i STILL haven't figured out how i can show em dash (—).. please, please, PLEASE help me! i read the FAQs like a million times but i still haven't understand it.. "click the Paste as Plain Text icon".. could someone please tell me what's that icon looks like? i hadn't had any trouble like this in my very first book, but since the writerscafe kinda made a few changes, i don't know what to do. the em dash (—) was shown as (") which is too disturbing for me..i used the comma for improvise.. any suggestion would help.. :)

My Review

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i love this chapter so far.. =)

Posted 14 Years Ago

The story is strong and I like the flow and the characters. I will comeback and read more later. A very good chapter.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow, she almost slipped. Great story so far; can't wait to read more.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Really really like this, so far.

Hope to read more soon.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on April 2, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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