2. Plan

2. Plan

A Chapter by alison13












     I can’t believe her. Of all her family friends, it has to be Zoey Anderson�"Troy’s mom. But it was take it or leave it. Do the concert or not.

     I put my iPod on before leaving then wore my dark tinted shades and long black cardigan then placed my hair in a low ponytail.

     “How many concerts did I tell you that you have in California?” my mom asked as I slouched on my seat of our private plane.

      “Four,” I muttered, looking to Kaitlyn�"my road manager.

      “Well, I was lying.”

      “What do you mean?” I asked bewildered.

      “Well, you’ll be staying there for three months. I’ll give you your schedule later,” she pressed her lips together.

      “What!” I shrieked. Okay, maybe I’m overreacting, but c’mon, I thought I’ll only be staying for two weeks, not three months.

      “Don’t think of it as a bad thing... At least you’ll spend time on your hometown. And with your best friend,” she smiled encouragingly.

     “Yah sure...” I rolled my eyes.

     “Don’t show that kind of attitude to them,”

     “I don’t hate them... just Troy,” I still can’t believe it. Living with him for three months. Hope he starts his tour soon.

     “And you once said that you want to go back to studying, right?” she change the subject.

     “Yah.” I breathed, “I already tried, remember?”

     “Well, I kinda thought about it for a long time and enrolled you to the same school Troy is going,”

     “Again, what!”

     “Calm down,” she paused then continued before I could say anything, “Here,” she gave me a lavender box. “You can use it. And I know that as soon as you open that box, you will know what I’m thinking,”

     I opened the box slightly and saw a straight sleek brunette wig. And she’s right. I already know what she’ll say. You’ll go to school undercover.

    “So, what do you think?”

    “I don’t need to go to a school,” Especially to the school where he’s going to, I thought.

    “Just for three months. You’ll just say that you’re a transferee, then, after your concerts, you can leave.”

     I thought about it for a second.  I know that I can’t win this debate anyway. “Fine,” I sighed.



    We got off the plane as two bodyguards came to my side. I thought no one knows that I’ll be staying with the Anderson’s? Well, maybe they didn’t know that, but they might be informed that I’ll be in California for three months.

    I hugged my mom goodbye as she whispers “Be good,” to my ear.

    Like I’m not a good girl, I thought.

    I approached them then examined them one by one. Zoey got a new haircut,�"which looks way better than her fluffy curls�"straight sleek auburn just above her shoulder.

     She also brought Troy, with his tousled style, textured with razor and side-swept bangs�"okay, so maybe I’m a normal teenager, so I too also kinda think that he’s cute, but it’s just because of his chestnut hair and his intense sapphire blue eyes. But other than that, I disgust him, and I’m not afraid to show it. He crossed his arms, and smiled crookedly as if he just read my mind.

     Beside him was Harry, Zoey’s husband. He never changes his hair, except for the shade. He still has his pompadour style, though now, with lighter tincture of hazel. He’s coral blue eyes on the same shade as Zoey’s.

     I wonder where Sarah is�"Troy’s twelve year old sister.

     “Hey, Zoey,” I hugged her quickly. “Hey, Harry.” I said hugging him as well.

     “It’s been so long since I saw you.” She said, “And look at you, you’re becoming such a beautiful young lady.”

     “Thanks,” I smiled.

     “And talented more than ever,” Harry added.

     “I think we need to go now, before a lot of paparazzi start to appear,”

     “Of course,” Zoey said. “We can continue chatting in the car,” she smiled brightly.

     Troy drove the car, as Harry toured me�"kinda�"though I didn’t bother to listen much. C’mon, just because we took another route on the way back home doesn’t mean I don’t know the way and what buildings are in there. This was once my favourite street before, since it was only two miles from the mall, a mile and a half from the park and to our most favourite restaurant and half a mile to a route to our paradise. And of course, it’s also the shortcut to our homes. Dylan’s would only be less than half a mile from Troy’s while mine would just be on the corner of the street.

     There are only a few who knew the way to our paradise since it’s really hidden. Seriously. With the massive trees that have to be at least a hundred years old, you wouldn’t even think that that such a place would exist.

     I remembered back then when I was eight and that we always take this route to get faster back to their house�"okay, so we’re playing hide and seek with our moms without them knowing that it’s a game, which makes us all grounded for a month, me, Troy and Dylan to be specific. But we just want to enjoy the last day of summer that time.

     I also remembered getting lost in this street, once, when I first got here, and being scared by creepy guys. Well, at least then I could give my thanks to him for saving my life once more. He was always my big brother before�" since I was an only child�"except when we’re playing as a family, of course.

     The car stopped in front of their house. I took my bags and followed Zoey as she led me the way to the guest room. But even without her help, I already know the way, even when my eyes are closed.

     There are a few changes in their house. Some photos are added, walls change, from cinnamon to cream, furniture replaced with a more modern and sleek ones, but if you examine it carefully, it’s still the same house I left five years ago.

     “Thanks,” I said as I went in to my room.

     I only stayed to this room once, when I had a sleepover when we had a movie marathon. The three of us stayed all night, watching horror movies, which kinda sucked,�"though Dylan was scared�"and eating popcorn and tootsies rolls.

     It was kinda different too, since I remembered it painted before with ocean blue, and now with emerald.

     The huge white four-poster bed was replaced by a medium size black canopy bed. I guess my mom already told Zoey my favorite colors.

     I remembered that night in the sleepover where I was the only one who used the bed while the two of them slept on the floor. Even if Troy owned the house, he still decided to sleep on the floor because he said that he wants to feel the essence of the sleepover, or something like that.

And of course, Dylan might also be my best friend, but I don’t want to just stick with him until the next day.

     I know it was kinda awkward for a girl to have a sleepover with boys, instead with her girl friends, but what can I say, I was different, though I still had tons of girl friends that time.

     I unpacked my things then sat on the edge of my bed and looked at my schedule. Okay, this Tuesday night, I’ll be playing a concert in San Francisco, on Saturday with... Troy Anderson?

     “What the...” I murmured. I closed my eyes and breathed thoroughly. Okay, I already got the memo that we’ll have a concert together in San Francisco, but no one informed me that it’s the first one.  Okay, next. Monday, in San Diego with... oh c’mon! With him again?

     I put my copy of my schedule away first, and wish that it would just disappear.

     I took the lavender box�"which also includes a mauve contacts and fake glasses. Well, I didn’t know that my mom really know how to disguise someone. I took the note that was tucked beside the glasses that says: Lauren McCartney, a transferee from Vancouver.

     I wonder if she planned for this all along but never got the chance to do it before.

     Okay, it’s just three months, no big deal. It will pass like wind. I locked the door and tried the wig on. It’s not that bad. To be honest, it actually looks good on me. I put the contacts and the fake glasses on.

     Right. First things first; lose the glasses. It’s over-doing it. Besides, you can’t look like a nerd while you have the girl-next-door image, that’ll just gonna be confusing.

     Suddenly, it hit me. I already saw it in movies but never really tried on doing it. Well, since it’s only for a few days�"or maybe if enjoy it, which I doubt would happen�"or three months, maybe I can give it a shot. What if no one knows�"including the Andersons�"that I’m Lauren?

     I grinned to myself. I never ever tried pretending before, and I think this’ll be exciting. I just hope my mom didn’t tell Zoey yet. But just to be sure, I took my phone.

     “Hey sweetie, calling so early?” my mom said, answering so quickly.

     “Well, I was just thinking. Um, have you told Zoey on your plan yet?” I bit my lip.

     “Not yet, just tell her for me,”

     “Well, that’s the thing. I kinda have this plan for myself. And I want you to not tell her, and I wanted it to be a secret.”

     “Oh,” she sighed, “Of course.” I can feel that she’s smiling right now.


     “That’s all?”

     “Yah. Bye, love you.”


     I shut my phone. Only thinking of it makes me excited. Maybe my stay can actually be worth it, other than being with my fans.

     Maybe being with him can actually be worth it after all. Besides, I’m only going to see him at home.


© 2011 alison13

Author's Note

i STILL haven't figured out how i can show em dash (—).. please, please, PLEASE help me! i read the FAQs like a million times but i still haven't understand it.. "click the Paste as Plain Text icon".. could someone please tell me what's that icon looks like? i hadn't had any trouble like this in my very first book, but since the writerscafe kinda made a few changes, i don't know what to do. the em dash (—) was shown as (") which is too disturbing for me.. i kinda used the comma for improvise.. any suggestion would help.. :)

My Review

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A very good chapter. Making plan and decisions. I like the chapter. The internal thoughts and conversation made story very interesting.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Great chapter. I believe I only saw a couple of mistakes that can be easily fixed if you go over it. Now I'm going to read the next chapter to find out that evil plan of hers. >:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Added on April 2, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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