

A Chapter by alison13













     “Look at this place," Troy said, "someday, this will be a perfect garden paradise.” He closed his eyes and breathed smoothly as the soft breeze pass through us.

     “How can you be sure?” I asked.

     “Someday, not today, not tomorrow. But someday, I promise, this will be such a wonderful paradise. Full of roses, butterflies flying around under the blue sky with the sun hot like a giant flashlight,”

     “How can you tell? You’re eleven,” I chuckled.

     “And so are, well, almost. And someday, you’ll believe me.

     “Sure. I’ll believe you when Dylan believes you,” I stared at my fingers twining.

     “Is there something wrong?” he asked, his tone worried.

     “Troy,” I took a deep breath, “I need to tell you something,”

     “What’s that?”

     “We’ll be leaving for Chicago tomorrow,” I murmured.

     “So? You always stay for a week or two in Chicago for summer.”

     “We’re staying.”

     “How long?”


     “Oh,” he sighed, “Chicago isn’t that far from California,”

     I just stared at him.

     “Does Dylan know this already?”

     “I called him on the phone last night, before they went to Hawaii,”

     “What did he say?”

     “He said, good luck on my trip, and he’ll miss me,”

     “Right,” he breathed, “We’ll still keep in touch, right?”

     “Of course,”

     He reached out to his pocket, “Turn around,”

     I followed what he said.

     He put a silver necklace on me. I held it gently and looked at its carefully carved design. A diamond heart with rose vines carved on it place next to a silver dog tag with the words Live, Love Life to the fullest written on it.

     “I was planning to give it to you on your birthday, but, since we won’t see each other anymore, I decided to give it to you now. Good thing I had it on my pocket. Well, I was about to buy a gift wrapper to wrap the box of it�"”

     I hugged him tightly, “Thank you so much.” I cried.

     He hugged me too. “Remember, this will always belong to you. From now on, this is my heart that belongs to you.”


     “And, don’t tell Dylan that I said that,”

     “I know,” he chuckled. “Thanks,” I repeated.

     “Oh, that’s nothing.”

     “Not just for the gift,”

     “Then for what?” he asked, bewildered.

     I looked at him. “I was seven when I first met you, when you saved me from falling in a cliff. From then on, you became my best friend, and like my older brother that is always there to protect me. You already became such a huge part of my life. And I’m very lucky to have you.”

     “Don’t forget our dream okay? Someday, we’ll both be in the spotlight. And Dylan too,” he giggled. “I’ll be a famous actor, you’ll be a famous singer, and Dylan will be a director,”


     “If in chance, we won’t see each other again, remember the song. I’ll go to your concert,”

     “Sure, you’ll have a backstage pass.” I breathed, “And I have to watch your first movie.”

     “I’ll give you a VIP access,”

     “Sure. I’ll count on that.” I said laughing, though the truth is, hiding my tears.



     “Taylor, wake up!” Sophie said, shaking me.

     “Five more minutes,” I muttered.

     “Your show will start in two hours,”


     “Yes. Now get ready, I’ll be back in five.” She went out of my room.

     Great, now I’m back in reality. It’s the third time I dreamt about that scenario this week. C’mon, it’s been five years already and no more connection. Okay, so maybe we had, but it’s over.

     Edward Troy Anderson; Get out of your house and you’ll see his face and name everywhere; in buses, shirts, bags, and even pencil sharpeners. He reached our dream earlier than I, since he was discovered and was signed in an acting and singing career.

     But he changed after that. I remembered the last time I wanted to see him again�"and probably my luckiest day like it was yesterday, though it has been two years already.

     “Taylor, double time!” Mr. Fields yelled.

     It was a crowded afternoon since it was the last day of school. The restaurant was full of starving student and Sophie and I need to work over time for it, since there are only a few crews. But there was also another reason why the restaurant is full�"of girls. Troy Anderson is in town, and is having an autograph signing session in an hour.

After it, Mr. Fields got the chance to have him perform in the restaurant, and I guess that the customers won’t leave until he performs.

     “Who are you staring at?” Sophie asked then finished for me, “Troy again?”

     I just nodded as I looked through the window.

     “C’mon, if this chance will make you stop from day dreaming about that guy, then go toward him. I’ll cover your shift.”

     “Really?” I looked at her.

     “Yes, now go on before I change my mind,”

     “Thanks! You’re the best!” I hugged her quickly then took off my apron and snatched my copy of his first album titled, Max Reborn.

     I got in line, as it becomes longer. It took a few hours to reach him, and only seconds to get heartbroken.

     “Hey, what’s your name?” Troy asked his face angelic as ever.

     “Taylor,” I said, hoping he’ll remember me. “Taylor McKenzie,”

     “Okay. Well, Taylor, it’s nice meeting you. Thanks for buying my album, have a great day.”

     “Wait, don’t you... remember me?” I said, my voice filled with confusion.

     He looked at me for a second. “Oh yah, I know you...”


     “You’re the waitress in the restaurant just around the street. Fantastic food,”

     “What?” I hesitated as the girls in the backs started complaining on me taking so long. “Don’t you...” I show my necklace to him.

     “Nice necklace,” he commented, as if he never saw it before.

     I was speechless. How could he. I never imagined him being so... insensitive. I decided to leave instead of staying there and making myself look like a fool.

     I went back to the restaurant disappointed, as the customers began to leave. I headed to the kitchen to go back to my work. I just want to forget everything I’ve been through, to see him. And all the months I’ve wished and waited for that moment.

     “So, what happened?” Sophie asked.

     “Nothing,” I said and walked again.

     Troy cancelled his performance due to overtime of the autograph session. Mr. Fields crammed and stared at the mob waiting hungrily for him to perform. Sophie got an outrageous idea that I should perform that night, since I’ve always wanted to do it. But I was not in the mood to perform that day, but I really have no choice. Mr. Fields heard me sing before, and he was convinced that I can please the crowd; he even begged me and promised to raise my salary.

     Since I really wanted to pursue my dream and help pay my stepfather’s medications, I took the opportunity to let myself out.

     I performed one song I always hoped of singing. Love is on its way. It is not yet finish until now, but it’s not that obvious. It’s the first song that we�"Troy and I�"composed and swear to ourselves to perform if ever we got the chance to. But he never really did that promise.

     Like I said, that day was the worst, yet luckiest day of my life. Gerard Seeley�"my current manager today�"was watching that night, and became interested in my talent. Well, at least he noticed me. I saw Troy watching that night too, and I thought that I should bring my hopes up again.

     But after I performed, he suddenly left. Maybe he recognized me, but he never gave a damn chance. After that, I decided to just forget about him.



     “Taylor, get up now! You’ll be late on your show!” Sophie reminded me again.

     I got back to reality again. “Coming,” I said.

     Yes, it’s been two years, but still fresh in my mind. Did I mention that I’m on the same status as Troy? Or�"not that I’m bragging or anything�"maybe more than that; I became famous after Gerard saw me; and yes we did�"Troy and I�"meet in the limelight. But like I said, he did change. He says we’re friends�" in front of the camera.

But it’s like we’re strangers when the camera is out. Oh yah, did I mention that he already knew who I am? Yah, he found out that I, Taylor Samantha McKenzie, am the same with his childhood friend. And what was his reaction? “Really? Unbelievable... you change a lot” as if he was not satisfied.

     Well, at least Dylan didn’t change. Though he never came back from Hawaii, he’s still my best friend. We email each other thrice a week or sometimes call each other, due to our schedules. He’s studying while I’m performing.

     When we were kids, Dylan, Troy and I are inseparable. You see, I was kinda boyish when I was young. But I was never a tomboy. I still have that touch of a girly personality, though you’ll see me outside till twilight deepened and my mom would shout my full name just to make me go home.

     The three of us would play all day in the summer, and pretend as a family. Dylan will be the father, I’ll be the mother and Troy will be our son, though he’s older than me. In first though, they were vice versa. But Dylan insisted on being the father, since he said that he’s in love with me. But we never believe him though. We’re not sure if he’s telling the truth or just kidding around as always, though he said that he’s not lying. He would give me a rose that he picked from their garden and a box of chocolate covered strawberries that always miss one piece.

     The three of us will lay under the sun, stating our dreams and goals for the future. In those moments, Troy and I would have the same dream, then Dylan would shrieked and change the subject. But it always ends with laughing and teasing. I still pretended to be Dylan’s wife, though I had secretly felt a crush for Troy. That feeling got more intense whenever he started teasing Dylan, and pretended to like me and buy me stuff toys and other stuff and I just blushed when he’s not looking.




     I did my usual routine every morning then headed to my show guesting which is, as usual, crowded with fans�"don’t get me wrong, I love my fans. After that, I headed back to our hotel and get ready to go to California for my concerts�"and unfortunately, some concerts are with Troy.

     I called Dylan, to see what he’s doing but he’s not answering. Then it suddenly struck me that he’s probably in a middle of a class right now.

     I walked in our suite as I heard my mom talking to someone on the phone. I didn’t bother to listen, since I’m pretty sure she’ll say it anyway. I grabbed a glass of lemon juice and sat on the couch as I waited for her to be finish. I took the notebook where Love is on its way is written. Troy and I wrote it a day before I left. I tried to finish the song before but I never did; like I can’t do it of just me. I looked at the lyrics again; maybe I can finish it this time.


Love is on its way


We know each other better than anyone else

You know everything about me

And I never been comfortable

Like I did with you


I never thought I’d feel the way I’m feeling lately,

When everything you seem to do

Just drives me crazy

Lonely, I believe that you will find me

And together we might really see that

Love is on its way



Lonely, I believe that you will find me

And together we will truly see that

Love is on its way


We may not be together

Or most like before

But that doesn't change a thing

I still love you the same

Lonely, I believe that you will find me

And together we might really see that

Love is on its way


Now you're in my head like a song on the radio

Every time you stare

Makes me wonder if you feel the same

Is it just me or will you find me too?

And together we might really see that

Love is on its way



     We were young that time, but that doesn’t mean our composing skills are immature; though I do agree that the song is quite older for us that time. The chords are easy; it’s actually the first chords I learned from Troy. D, A, Em, G and it just repeats again and again. I just really wish I can finish the song. I actually thought of putting it on my first album, except that I don’t know on what I’ll put on who wrote it; of course I can’t put Troy, I’m not even sure if he still remember this song.


     “Taylor, honey, we need to cancel your concerts.” She said as she shut her phone, bringing me back to reality again; the bitter reality of life.

     “What!” I almost dropped my glass. “Why?”

     “Roger got this rare disease, which is still unknown, and I need to take care of him. Sophie will be studying in Yale and Jeff in the University of Washington.”

     Roger Torres; my stepdad. He’s Jeff and Sophie’s dad and we’ve been with them for four years now.

     It’s only been two years since we stayed in Chicago that my mom and dad divorced. It’s just the sad truth that they ran out of love for each other.

     Though it’s not even nearly a year when my dad met Melissa Cook while my mom met Roger. They got married as soon as the divorce was done and I decided to stay with my mom.

     Roger was working as a surgeon, when he first met my mom. And as if they’re thirty-eight turning seventeen, they instantly fell in love, though I won’t blame my mom.

Back then, Roger was like a heartthrob and almost all the girls go gaga over him with his wild bronze hair falling over the side of his face and intense sea green eyes. It’s too bad that his first wife died though. Sophie showed me some of her mom’s picture, and she was truly beautiful, like a queen I would say.

     Roger gave me a warm welcome, and so did Sophie and Jeff. It’s like we were a happy family until Roger suddenly got rare diseases that put us in debts, and in which leads us back to my first story, where I need to perform to help pay the medications. But as soon as my career flew up, we never had financial problems anymore. He continued being a surgeon again and we’re one big happy family again.

     But I still don’t get why he suddenly caught a disease, I mean, he gets his monthly check up and all.

     “C’mon, this will be my last concert before I take a break. Well, two months break,” I said.

     “I know, but...”

     “Then I’ll just stay in a hotel, not a problem,” I said, though ‘I’m pretty sure she won’t agree.

     “C’mon, you just turned sixteen,”


     “You’re not yet allowed,”

     “Then I’ll just stay with Stacey for a while. She’s living in San Francisco, right?” I said, recalling my personal assistants’ address.

     “She’s living with her fiancé,”

     “No she’s not, they broke up. She’s with her brother Justin,” I sighed, “It’s just a few days; I can stay in a hotel,”


     “How about to Kaitlyn’s?”

     “Now, she’s getting married, remember?”

     “C’mon,” I put my puppy-dog eyes.

     “Well, unless you’re willing to stay to a family friend’s house.”


     “Great. I’ll call Zoey.”




© 2011 alison13

Author's Note

i STILL haven't figured out how i can show em dash (—).. please, please, PLEASE help me! i read the FAQs like a million times but i still haven't understand it.. "click the Paste as Plain Text icon".. could someone please tell me what's that icon looks like? i hadn't had any trouble like this in my very first book, but since the writerscafe kinda made a few changes, i don't know what to do. the em dash (—) was shown as (") which is too disturbing for me.. i kinda used the comma for improvise.. any suggestion would help.. :) and sorry for some grammatical errors haven't checked it much yet :)

My Review

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Interesting chapter you have. It is well thought out:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow! An amazing first chapter! You did a really fantastic job in setting up the foundations of the plot, and introducing the characters through that. The dialogue seemed to flow so effortlessly, making the characters real and relatable. It'll be really interesting to see where this story leads! Great work,

Posted 14 Years Ago

first chappie yet exciting. gonna read more.. ms. elaine, can you play this song for me in our first day? :))

Posted 14 Years Ago

great first chapter.. i hope to read the whole book.. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

this is a good start..seems interesting.. i'll read more... :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

A very interesting story. You can always make being young seem filled with purpose and goals. Story is fast pace. The characters are interesting. I will read on. A good start to the story. Thank you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

It's a pretty good start...I like it a lot

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is not a bad start. A little more descriptiveness in the first section would be one suggestion. Flashbacks are usually triggered by association. The warmth of a spring day, a bird's song, the smell of fresh baked pie etc. Other than that this is a nice piece I believe you are on to nice story.

Posted 14 Years Ago

The note: I have no idea, I haven't had any problems with that, but I did notice the (") and I was wondering if that was intentional. I suggest using commas, if it won't let you used dashes. The chapter: I saw that some of the verbs were used in the wrong tense. I don't believe I saw any other mistakes. Good job.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Great chapter, I'm gonna read on. [:

As for the dashes; I had the same problem.
I just thought to use the regular dash/minus sign (-)
on the keyboard would be a better thing to do, because
I don't know how to fix how it should look on here.

But if you write on a word document, like me,
the dash fixes itself, so you'll have to go back and
make it stop autocorrecting for it to not do the quotation
marks on here.

I don't know if that's what you're looking for...
But yeah. [:

Posted 14 Years Ago

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10 Reviews
Added on April 2, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2011




my name is elaine and i'm a fourteen years old girl... i'm gonna make my description short. i only have three addictions for the moment. MUSIC, BOOKS and PHOTOGRAPHY. MUSIC had been and always will.. more..

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