love has its risks, has its uncertainties - and if loved ones truly love us, they will go out of their way to offer us assurance that they care and will be with us all the way of the journey, no matter how rough the journey would be
🎉thank you for the kind wishes...I am actually a teenager now! Lol😃😃😃😃
9 Years Ago
That just blows my mind, how the years have flown! Next thing you know you'll be getting your driver.. read moreThat just blows my mind, how the years have flown! Next thing you know you'll be getting your driver's licence and having your first date :P
This reminds me so vividly of a gorl in England when I was a university student who sent me a mesage. Basically she was painting her line or "making a stand" as you put it and demanded to know if there was any real substance to our relationship. Being young and stupid, I couldn't think of an answer and remained silent for several days until I received word that her father had died. I immediately wnet to the florist and found a floral presentation I liked that had the printed message, "You will be missed" and sent it on its way. After that she refused to accept my phone calls or communicate in any way because the florist had delivered the flowers to her instead of the funeral parlor.
Sorry for the long discourse but your work brought back that experience. Concerning your poem . . . I liked the sensitivity and the sincerity of the sense of longing and yet the resolution of maintaining dignity. An excellent work, profoundly expressed.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you for your time and kind thoughts, Dr. D. I am touched and flattered.
With r.. read moreThank you for your time and kind thoughts, Dr. D. I am touched and flattered.
With respect to your experience, I can definitely relate!
-- ohhhhh... this is an intensely moving heartsong, lovely alisa... -- and this poem is so rich in unique images that i might end up quoting the entire poem... -- but still, i must mention some of my favourite ones...
-- the entire "fading facade" image... and all the instances of alliteration...
-- contingencies piled up in the sky...
-- the bridge
-- this piece of poetry describes the complexities of a yin and yang equation using images that give a reader like me a million insights into what might happen if one person is feeling insecure and there are valid reasons behind that feeling...
-- it's great seeing a new post in your universe of verse...i've been waiting to read ya...
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you, kind heart from across the way...
I have been quite busy lately which was .. read moreThank you, kind heart from across the way...
I have been quite busy lately which was actually the inspiration for this one. Observations and interactions with close and dear friends, all going through so many levels of extraordinary stress, which naturally affected me in a very deep way... and for the first time ever, I felt knots in my stomach from all the stress...
... scary and sad, all at the same time...
Thank you for your comments and time, I do appreciate them so and will be by soon...
Alisa ;-)
9 Years Ago
I think one great lesson in all this is... when you truly care for another... there is no letting go.. read moreI think one great lesson in all this is... when you truly care for another... there is no letting go... it's more about resolution and finding a way, somehow... some way....
9 Years Ago
-- oh, i'm so sorry to hear that... i hope you experience some relief after writing this beautiful p.. read more-- oh, i'm so sorry to hear that... i hope you experience some relief after writing this beautiful piece... and do take your time to read me... it's more important you feel better soon... sending you thoughts of comfort to deal with the stress...
9 Years Ago
Thank you...I have been recuperating these last two days... fingers crossed tomorrow.. I will be muc.. read moreThank you...I have been recuperating these last two days... fingers crossed tomorrow.. I will be much better...
9 Years Ago
-- absolutely... i agree with you entirely... it's good to stay close especially during stressful ti.. read more-- absolutely... i agree with you entirely... it's good to stay close especially during stressful times... togetherness brings great comfort...
-- you definitely will be better... do take care of yourself, you sensitive soul...
9 Years Ago
Thank you, serah for your kind thoughts and welcome wishes....I do feel much better, the .. read moreThank you, serah for your kind thoughts and welcome wishes....I do feel much better, the way.
do let me know how you like the movie, What the Bleep do we know...
It's quite fascinating...
9 Years Ago
-- i'm so glad you're feeling better... -- i liked the trailers... gonna watch the movie soon... and.. read more-- i'm so glad you're feeling better... -- i liked the trailers... gonna watch the movie soon... and then i'll let you know... :)