Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by lexgremlin88

Chapter 2

     By the time the twins got to the club, the place was already heaving. The bass beat of the music pulsed into the night like miniature shock waves, disrupting the peace.
     Standing in line, they kept one eye on their surroundings and one eye on possible ‘hot tottie’ for their friends. After their oh-so-predictable double date last night, they weren’t really in the mood for potentially being mauled this evening but they had to at least pretend to be normal.
     Seriously, last night had held no surprises what so ever. They’d rocked up to get the girls in their Dads Mercedes (no-one got into their Jag unless they wanted them to), they girls giggled and admired the car, climbed in the back and tittered all the way to the cinema. Then, typically, the girls had chosen a horror film, pretended to get scared so the boys would put their arms around them and then tried to sneak in a quick kiss. Both twins dodged that sharp enough.
     Then the boys had predictably let the girls choose the restaurant as they babbled about how ‘scary’ the film was, slipping in underneath their arms. And what do you know? They’d predictably picked an expensive, classy restaurant where the meals were about the fifth the size of the plates. Much to the boys disgruntlement. Food was a big thing for them and they hated tiny portions with a passion.
     And, the girls had predictably ordered crappy salads and other crappy health food then proceeded to get themselves a bit more than tipsy.
     By the time the twins had pretty much carried the girls back to where their home, their patience had been stretched paper thin. Grinding their teeth hard, they’d put on fake smiles and said goodnight whilst dodging the girls very clumsy attempts at getting kisses and ignoring their lame temptations at ‘having a good time.’
     Honestly, they didn’t know why they bothered dating these girls. So far, they’d all been the same. One after another. They were always after their ‘goodies’, wanting to be the one to go around bragging that they’d gotten one of them into the sack.
     Not that either of them was celibate or anything, far from it. They just weren’t stupid to choose anyone local or in the surrounding areas. It was always when they went on holiday, preferably abroad.
     Obviously both of them were on the same page because they glanced across to grin at each other. Oh yeah, they’d had some reeeaaal good times on the last holiday. Sun, sea, sand and sex. They’d both discovered that they had a bit of a kinky side and they already knew that they were dominant. They couldn’t help it, it was in their natures. And they most definitely did not like to share. It was like two dogs fighting over a bone.
     Glancing back at the door, they were partly relieved that they were next, partly not as they weren’t in the mood to put up with any BS tonight.
     Paying the entry fee they stepped through the coat check in and into the club proper.
     “Gah, remind me why we came again?” Caleb complained as they stepped through the small entrance and into the main part of the club.
     “Hot tottie magnets,” Nick replied, using his fingers to make air quotes.
     “Hmph, it’s any wonder anyone can stomach being in here. All I ever smell is BO, alcohol breath, sick and arse burps.”
     “I guess they don’t smell it the same way we do.”
     “Well, hot tottie magnets or not, don’t ever let me back here again,” Caleb grumbled.
     According to Tom, the music was always too loud for anyone to talk properly, but the twins could hear just fine. They made their way to the bar and ordered a couple of dark Czech lagers, making a small effort to smile back at the barmaid, knowing that she couldn’t make a pass at them when she was clearly so busy.
     Feeling bodies press close around them, they stiffened, and not in a good way. This place got way too cramped on student night and too many people got way too friendly.
     Caleb frowned as someone groped his arse and saw Nick pull the same face. Turning around, they saw the girls from last night, both of them looking eager with their flirtatious smiles.
     Now, a lot of guys would drop jaw at these girls and their skimpy attire, but the short skirts and low cut tops just screamed desperate and trashy to them.
     Wow, Caleb thought, raising one eyebrow. We’re really not normal.
     “Ladies,” they said in unison, raising their bottles then walking either side of them before either girl could say anything.
     Wading their way through the crowd, they positioned themselves by one of the barriers surrounding the dance floor, keeping an eye out for any of the boys.
     The dance floor was set three steps down from the main floor so the twins scanned the bobbing heads until they came across Tom, surrounded by three girls and dancing very capably. Smiling to himself, Caleb admired the way that boy managed to balance all three without any one of them getting bitchy.
     That boy’s got skills, he thought.
     And apparently the only one that didn’t need any help in snagging any hott tottie. If Tom played his cards right, he was in for one hell of a steamy night with more than one of the succulent dishes around him.
     Until he made a fatal mistake.
     He must have felt their eyes on him, because he looked away from a smoking hot, busty red-head to look at them. That wasn’t the mistake.
     Raising his hand in greeting and smiling, was. As Caleb and Nick both raised their bottles in acknowledgement, all three girls moved to look at who Tom had waved to. Caleb quickly turned his back as Nick did the same, hoping that they hadn’t ruined Tom’s home run.
     Eyes going ping-pong, they quickly spotted Chris across the room, trying his best to get a leggy brunettes attention. 
    No luck there, Caleb thought, she doesn’t like skinny boys. And he should know, because the last time he’d seen her she’d abandoned her skinny boyfriend to try and get a piece of Nick. He glanced back at his brother to see if he’d noticed her and sure enough, Nick’s brow was creased in a displeased frown. Caleb raised an eyebrow at him and jerked his head in Chris’ direction. Nick barely shook his head, but Caleb saw it.
     Making their way through the crowd was hard work. Every few steps one of them was either approached by a hopeful young woman or put their foot in something sticky on the hardwood panelled floor. By the time they’d reached Chris, the leggy brunette had thankfully disappeared and Chris’ face lit up like a Christmas tree when he caught sight of them.
     “Chris,” they both shouted in acknowledgement.
     “Hey guys,” he shouted back with a smile, “I’m glad you came. Tom’s the only one who’s having any luck tonight. He’s got three numbers so far. Little s**t.”
     “Be nice,” Nick chuckled.
     “He’s your baby brother,” Caleb finished.
     “Baby brother my arse. He’s four inches taller than me and overall just bigger. I look like a twig stood next to that boy.”
     The twins just chuckled.
     “Anyway,” Chris continued undaunted, “Dick’s here somewhere but Bob said that he’s pulling an all nighter on his last assignment. That means more tottie for me,” he smiled. “That’s if I can ever get one to talk to me for more than two minutes. The only one that has spoken to me only wanted to talk about you guys. Go figure.”
     “Relax Chris. You’ll get your ‘tottie’ when the time’s right,” Caleb smiled, clapping him on the back. “But we’re out of here now, this isn’t really a place we like to be.”
     “Too closed in,” Nick rumbled.
     “What? You guys can’t go already. You just got here.”
     “And we don’t want to be here. It’s loud, it’s smelly and we keep getting accosted every few steps if we try to move anywhere,” Caleb complained.
     “Getting accosted is a good thing, at least you get attention.”
     “Quit grumbling Chris, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I, for one, would love to be able to go out for one day without some random girl trying to hit on me.”
     “Same,” Nick agreed.
     “Bah! Fine then, abandon us, don’t reel in the extra hot tottie for us. You’re being a buzz kill.”
     “Later,” they replied.
     They were half way back to the entrance when Caleb stopped dead in his tracks and lifted his head, scanning the crowd. Nick had to almost step back to stop himself bumping into Caleb’s back.
     “What?” he groused.
     “You don’t smell it? That vamp’s here.” Caleb sounded excited and his eyes continually scanned the crowd, slowly bleeding to black. Before he could move, Nick grabbed his arm hard enough to hurt him. Caleb looked down at his hand and back up to his face.
     “Nick,” he snarled.
     “Caleb,” Nick warned, his voice pitched low so that only Caleb would hear the warning clearly. Caleb yanked his arm out of Nick’s grasp and started weaving through the crowd, determination lined every feature of his face. Strangely enough, people seemed to move out of his way instead of into it. Maybe they could sense a predator in their midst. Nick reversed his steps, ignored several women and set his sights on Chris who practically jumped out of his skin when Nick put a hand on his shoulder.
     “I thought you guys were leaving? Where’s Caleb?” Chris asked, looking around Nick.
     “Change of plans. Caleb’s looking for someone.” And Nick had a suspicion who he should be looking for. “Tell me about the girl that was talking to you about us. What did she want to know?”
     “Well, she wanted to know your names, what classes you had and when, what car you drive and where you live. Things like that. She was really hot by the way.”
     “What did you tell her?”
     “That she was really hot and she should come home with me,” he beamed.
     “You’re never going to get a girlfriend like that. I meant about us Chris, what did you tell her about us?”
     “Oh, I told her your names, your classes and car and that I don’t know where you live. She seemed disappointed that I didn’t know. Put a frown on that pretty little face. Where do you live anyway?”
     Ignoring his question, Nick asked one of his own.
     “What does she look like?”
     “Grilling me much?” Chris scowled. “It’s not like you to take such an interest.”
     “Description,” Nick demanded.
     “OK! Jeez, about five foot nine, slim, long straight dark hair, I think she had dark eyes. She was wearing dark jeans and a sparkly vest top. Happy?”
     “Ecstatic,” Nick growled, turning his head to try and catch sight of Caleb. “Later.”
     Wading his way through the crowd, Nick spotted Caleb’s head by the door to the toilets and changed his direction to reach him.
     Caleb knew his brother was behind him without even turning his head to look.
     “It’s in here. Or at least this is where the scent’s strongest,” he informed Nick quietly.
     “You mean she’s in here.”
     Caleb’s head whipped around to face him.
     “She? How did you work that out?”
     “Asked Chris for a description on that really nosey girl.”
     “Five nine, slim, brunette, possibly dark eyes, dark jeans and a shiny vest top,” Nick finished with a shrug.
     “Nick,” Caleb sighed, “I can see at least three girls behind you who fit that description. I can’t go around sniffing all the girls with dark hair and shiny tops, I’ll get thrown out for being a perv.”
     “I don’t know, I think they might like it,” Nick grinned. “On the sensible side though, just go through that door and see if she’s still in there.”
     “I can’t go into the ladies toilets.”
     “Get someone who can then.”
     “Great idea, two secs.”
     Caleb grabbed the nearest girl to them and swung her around to face him. She opened her mouth in protest until she saw his face  and then hers turned sultry.
     “Well hello there handsome. What can I do for you?”
     “Hi,” he gave her one of his sweet smiles. “I’m really worried about my girlfriend. She said she wasn’t feeling too well and went into the toilets. She’s been an absolute age. Would you mind checking on her for me please? I can’t go in myself.”
     “That’s so sweet,” she cooed. “Sure, what does she look like?”
     Caleb paused, trying to think how tall five foot nine would be.
     “She’s tall, comes to about my nose without her heels on. She’s got brunette hair and she’s wearing a sparkly vest top with dark jeans. Thanks ever so much,” he finished with a hug.
     “No problem sweetie,” she smiled before disappearing through the door.
     “Quick thinking with the girlfriend idea,” Nick complimented.
     “Thanks. Quick as a fox, that’s me,” Caleb grinned.
     “Just as sly too.”
     A couple of minutes later, the girl Caleb had grabbed came back through the door frowning.
     “Sorry sweetie, she’s not in there. Are you sure you saw her go in?”
     “I thought I was. Thanks for checking. I’ll give her phone another try,” Caleb said with a sad smile
     “Well, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for you. If I see her, I’ll let her know that you’re worried.”
     “Thanks,” he smiled, “you’re the best.”
     He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, which left her smiling and headed back towards the entrance, Nick following close on his heels. Stepping outside, they both paused to take in a deep breath of fresh air. Well, as fresh as it could be in the middle of a city. Savouring the cool breeze, they both leaned against the wall and released the air from their lungs.
     “Guess she got away,” Nick sighed.
     “Yeah, but I’ll get her. Mark my words. When we find her, just give me two minutes, she’ll be putty in my hands.”
     “Assuming she’s not immune to your unnatural charm and winning smile,” Nick teased.
     “Blow me.”
     “How many times do I have to tell you that I’d be glad to do just that?” the irritating blonde’s voice came from beside Caleb. 
     He straightened himself up so he was looking down at her from his full height, feeling Nick do the same just behind him. She shrank back slightly.
     “And how many times do I have to tell you ‘not if you paid me’? What are you? A sodding Jack in the box? Or are you an annoying genie who pops up whenever someone says blow me? And before you start, no I don’t want you to grant me three wishes unless one of them is to make you disappear,” he ranted.
     The blonde scowled which caused Nick to let out a full on belly laugh, having to lean back against the wall to stop himself from sitting on the floor.
     “C’mon Nick,” Caleb said, jerking his head towards where they’d left the car, “I’m heading back to Dad’s.”
     “Sure,” Nick wheezed.

     Parking their car in front of their Dad’s house, Caleb turned off the engine and just sat scowling at the steering wheel. After a few minutes, he raised his eyes to stare through the windscreen, out to the woods beyond.
     “Hunt?” Nick asked.
     “No, I don’t need to,” Caleb lied.
     “Yes you do brother,” Nick pushed. “You’re eyes are pitch black and I could see your fangs when you spoke. I’ll tail you.”
     Caleb ran his tongue over his extending canines.
     “No. Thanks, but no. You were too close to the cat earlier. The blood might set you off. I can manage without a hunt tonight.”
     “No, you can’t. And yes, I was, but I’ve got it under control now. You scared it into submission with your antics in the woods earlier. You hunt, I’ll tail. Just don’t run too fast, I’m staying on two legs and I can’t keep up properly.”
     “Nick,” Caleb began.
     “No arguing,” Nick said bluntly. “You hunt, I tail.”
     “Thanks,” Caleb sighed.
     As they stepped out of the car, they both paused and looked at each other across the top of the car.
     “You smell what I smell?” Caleb asked.
     “Vampire,” Nick confirmed.
     “Know what I want to hunt?”
     They closed the doors quietly and made very little noise crossing the gravel border onto the lawns. Once there, they kicked it up a notch and reached the tree line within two seconds. They slowed down to make sure that they didn’t miss the scent track and started stalking their prey. Nick hung back slightly as this was Caleb’s hunt, but if it looked as though the prey was going to get away, Nick would up his game. 
     They carried on that way for at least a mile, staying along the same path, indicating that the other vamp had retraced her steps perfectly as neither one of them picked up a second scent trail elsewhere. As they moved further in, the trees became more densely packed and very little moonlight filtered through the thick canopy. 
     Adjusting his eyes accordingly, Nick was certain that they looked more catlike than human and that Caleb’s would be pure black as he embraced the full use of his enhanced abilities. He watched as his brother twitched his head to the right slightly, the movement reminding him of the way a hawk watches its prey. Caleb’s nostrils flared slightly and Nick knew that they’d gained ground on their prey. The scent was getting stronger. But Nick thought there was something wrong with it, it didn’t smell quite the same as it had back when they were at the car. Surely the other vamp wasn’t dawdling, they had to know that they were being followed. 
     Apparently not, Nick thought as Caleb stopped, tensing every muscle in his body.

     Moving through the dense undergrowth of the forest was becoming tedious, but Caleb couldn’t care less. His prey was within running distance. He could smell her as clearly as if she were stood next to him. She smelled slightly different for a few seconds, then back to her normal base scent. Intoxicating. 
     Now, if only I could see her, he thought. Scenting her to his right, he cocked his chin in that direction to make sure that he hadn’t made a mistake. There. A dark head, moving silently just ahead of them. She hadn’t heard them yet. Either that or she was trying to lure them somewhere. He stopped, tensed every muscle in his body as he prepared to strike and hoped that his brother noticed. Without taking his eyes off his quarry, he held up two fingers to Nick. Two minutes, he thought, feeling Nick’s nod of understanding. 
     Not giving any warning, he darted to his right, jumped over a low bush and landed softly, directly behind the girl. He thought he hadn’t made a sound but he must have because she gasped and spun around to face him. Catching his first glimpse of her face, Caleb paused, unsure of what to do.
     Chris was right, she did have straight dark hair. Such a dark brown that it was nearly black. It hung to just below her shoulder blades and was cut to frame her delicate elven face with wisps feathering about her cheeks. But her eyes, they were what had really made him pause. They were dark, as Chris had thought, but Caleb had assumed that meant brown. No, her eyes were such a deep blue that they almost looked violet. They were large and framed by thick, dark lashes. In the back of his head, he took note that she had a petite straight nose, flaring to take in his scent and full luscious lips. A delicate frame and well toned muscles. Her hips flared out from a tiny waist and tapered down to long shapely legs. But his gaze remained riveted to her eyes, rounded slightly in surprise. 
     She recovered first, the surprise vanishing to leave her naturally large eyes hardened with determination. Before Caleb could even twitch, she spun on her heel and sprinted away from him. As he realised what had happened, Nick darted past him in quick pursuit of the girl. Caleb was only a split second behind him, soon overtaking and starting to gain ground in their high speed chase.
     Branches whipped past them as they covered at least a mile of forest. At some point, Caleb became aware that she was beginning to loop back around towards the house. 
     I don’t think so, he thought, kicking up dust as he put on another burst of speed. He was right on her heels when she turned her head to find him there. Her eyes widened again before her eyebrows drew down in a frustrated ‘v‘. Caleb made a grab for her right shoulder but she tripped over a raised tree root and sent herself into a graceful forward roll and came up running. Caleb wasn’t so lucky. The momentum he had put behind trying to grab the girl carried him forwards and over onto his right shoulder. He hit the ground rolling but came up at the wrong angle to keep running. Nick caught up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
     “Maybe this is one deer we can’t catch,” he grumbled.
     “No, we keep going Nick. Don’t give up, change if you have to. She’s heading for the house.”
     And just like that, they were off again. Caleb didn’t hold back for his brother to keep pace. He poured every ounce of energy that he possessed into fuelling his legs to move faster. He’d never pushed himself this hard before, but he’d be damned if he was letting her get back to the house without a good fight. Either she wasn’t as fast as him or she didn’t think he’d catch her up, because he did catch up to her near the tree line where they’d come in. She turned to see him and tripped over her own foot in her haste to turn back around. Caleb was on her before she could get back up. Pinning her wrists with his hands and her ankles with his own, he growled into her face. Nick reached them a few seconds later.
     “Looks like fun,” he quipped.
     “Go get Dad,” Caleb told him, not bothering to break his gaze from the girl underneath him.
     “Sure,” he felt Nick shrug and head off towards the house at a slow walk.
     “What are you doing here?” he demanded from the girl.
     She just looked up at him, glaring.
     “Well?” he prompted. When he got no answer, he deftly jumped to his feet and hauled her with him, never once breaking his hold on her wrists. Still keeping his hold on her, he whipped her around so that her back was pushed up against his chest with her arms crossed across her own. It didn’t escape his notice that the movement caused her breasts to push together and that her shapely buttocks were cradled by his groin. The thought almost made him groan out loud, especially when she struggled to try and free herself, causing her to rub against him.
     “Now that really looks like fun,” he heard Nick laugh. “Dad’s on his way.”
     Caleb tried to nod, but the girl must have sensed it because she threw her head back to connect with his nose. Letting out a curse, Caleb inadvertently loosened his grip on her wrists and she took advantage. Yanking her arms down, she twisted her grip to circle his wrists and pulled him over the top of her right shoulder, throwing all of her weight into it. He grunted as he landed on his back, then let out a strangled cry as she landed and her shoulder connected with his groin. Rolling off of him, she took to the forest again and Caleb was disappointed to see that Nick didn’t give chase but came to help him stand instead.
     “Fool,” he muttered.
     “Two minutes you said,” Nick huffed. “Some charmer you are.”
     “Sod off.”
     “Well boys,” their Dad said as he wandered across the lawn. “Where’s this young lady you’ve caught?”
     “Gone,” Caleb groused.
     “She kicked Calebs arse,” Nick laughed.
     “Well,” their Dad laughed as Caleb glowered at Nick, “looks like one of those young girls is getting serious about one of you boys and tried to stalk you. Maybe you should take notice.”
     “She’s a vamp Dad,” Caleb pointed out.
     “A what?” their Dad asked, raising his eyebrows.
     “A vamp. She’s been stalking us all day. First at the gym, then at the club and now here.”
     “Oh dear,” he muttered to himself. “Looks, like we’ll have to take emergency measures.”
     “Against what?” they asked.
     “Hmm? What?” he asked back, obviously in his own little world. “You boys carry on at uni. Leave everything to me.”
     The twins frowned at each other as they watched their Dad amble back across to the house, already pre-occupied with his own thoughts.

© 2013 lexgremlin88

My Review

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I enjoyed this, again, I laughed at the "blow me" and the blonde showing up again.
I know you're rewriting it, but I ask, please, try to keep that in there somewhere, it's highly amusing.
Looking forward to the new version, if you need help with anything or a few ideas, just ask, I've got loads of them collecting dust.


Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed reading it again and it's super nice to know you came back to read it :D .. read more
Alex Falkner

11 Years Ago

Sweet, I think that's just to funny to collect dust.
And in advance, Not a p.. read more

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1 Review
Added on May 21, 2013
Last Updated on May 21, 2013



United Kingdom

Hi there. I've been a story writer since I can remember, thanks to my Nan. I used to spend hours over the summer holidays writing short stories and unfortunately most of those have been lost. So n.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by lexgremlin88