Sexual Radiance For The Mind, Body, & Soul

Sexual Radiance For The Mind, Body, & Soul

A Poem by Jada Wildflower

I believe sex with a person you share a deep connection with is truly a form of art. Enjoy :)


Let me be the flashlight to your soul,
allow my brightness to shine within you.

I know it's dark inside,

but my soul is like the sun... it will radiate light within you.

Can't you see, I'm willing to take this journey to explore the darkest parts of you,

releasing your lies because darkness. is what they cling to.

I am an angel of light, and light is the messenger of truth.
The truth shall set you free and truthfully, I just wanna 'woo' you

in the depths of us lies a natural connection that can't be denied,

even if we pretended it not to be.
Our desire to touch and feel is magnetic, irresistibly one...vibing, deeply.

It's just something about you radiating positivity..

A creatively intelligent soul, the definition and the epitome.

The freedom of our souls come together, connecting, spiritually. & now
I wanna slowly strip your mind, then f**k the s**t out of you mentally.

Forgive me for coming off too strong, but I'm just turned on, & more than physically.
Even though you had me sexually, our souls just connect, captivating the emotion in me.

Even if I was drunk, I could never express this to you vocally,

but the rhythm we make when you're inside of me,

is way to good to be explained to the rhythm of this poetry.

Maybe for you it's like a dive in the ocean, maybe a deep sea.

I ache for you to drown, every inch of your long, deep stroke, sinking deep, inside of me.

Usually When others f**k, it's simply just a screw,

but as two, we became one, and since then,

everyday I yearn again and again to become one, with you.

I'm willing to chase away the darkness, just to see the light in you.

My soul is no stranger to darkness please...let me enlighten you.

© 2014 Jada Wildflower

Author's Note

Jada Wildflower
ignore the format, and grammar mistakes
thank you!

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You have described what making love really is perfectly. Yes when connections are made its more then just sex, its feeling the other deeper then anyone could ever know.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Jada Wildflower

10 Years Ago

Thank you very much, I really appreciate your feedback!

10 Years Ago

You are most welcome.

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1 Review
Added on March 19, 2014
Last Updated on March 21, 2014
Tags: passion, sex, connection, love, physical, sexual, light, truth