Vibrator DeathA Poem by alexalikeswordsMy biggest weakness = my Softness. When i NEED to Come, i picture You looking at me before We kissed for the first time. i wasn’t sure if You were with Your Girlfriend despite her ***eighteen*** paintings on the walls of Your apartment. Who are you kidding i don’t think i cared. Better i let the word “rehab” mean “She is a distant memory, ephemeral, but you are here, you, present tense. So let Me do the honour of f*****g you.” ambiguity in Your fidelity, my guilty pleasure. Could i learn to hate myself more for that? The room swelled with sweat and Your Cheeks, unusually pink. The wine We drank pruned my mouth You wet it with Yours as you entered me. You looked like You knew just what to do with me, like You’d maybe fucked me in a past life. ¿? One You recalled but even when squinting i only recognized as ~d e j a v u ~ It hurt. Not the type where You stab until bodies stick, a muscle gives in. You wanted to see ME writhe in discomfort. Will You deny this? Ruin the fantasy. Youflippedmeover to run my tongue against the length of You PORNSTAR An audience should’ve been invited to see the performance We put on, well after it all, that’s what We did:::: perform. Your facade against mine. i deserved !! a p p l a u s e !! You didn’t want a relationship. Lit cigarette. Mattress on the floor. Non-committal-Guy-from-your-MFA style. We really had done it: evolved into adults on our television sets. Mature youarenothingtome above the confines of monogamy. That night i lost my debit card and ID as i fellacrossparadiseloungeandthenontothe streets BLACK OUT $100 bill, bus pass, photo of my sister’s graduation. Every one heard this version: i walked home from aaaa hmm coffee shop? and everything spilled from my wallet. i will share with You the truth: have You ever had three weeks of laundry pile up? At a certain point the epilepsy diagnosis, failed midterm, the bad trip, the dead batteries? You don’t simply do the laundry; You let it moldandfester, stare at You until the smell followsYou everywhere. You? I? We???? grow accustomed to the filth.© 2018 alexalikeswords |