From The Deep

From The Deep

A Story by alanwgraham

A chilling psychological tale !


From The Deep

In the beginning is the dark

In the dark is the ocean

In the ocean is a man

In the man there are depths

In his depths there is emptiness

In his emptiness there is a mystery

In the mystery there lies a question

From the question you must seek the answer

From the answer there comes darkness


The man, without name or memory, drifts in the dark, boundless ocean. For the man, existing only in the moment, time has no meaning. He drifts in a world of his senses without recourse to thought or memory.  He feels the languid motion of the soporific swells and the gentle breeze on his brow. He swaddles in the womb warmth of the waters and is lulled by the murmur of the waves. In this moment, which for him is eternity, his realm is darkness.

In another moment for the man, neither before nor after, there is light. He is not surprised, for he exists only in each moment. However, as the moments pass, faint glimmers above grow inexorably until shimmering constellations dazzle his eyes. A shining orb appears, climbs steadily higher and higher, bewitching, mesmerising - tugging at the dark waters of the ocean, tugging at the dark tides within the man.

Without motive or design, the man looks down, down into the immeasurable depths as a moth is attracted to light. Where before there had been darkness the shimmering lights above have ignited a vibrant phantasmagoria of creatures, a submarine spectacle of oceanic organisms, quivering and pulsating in a rainbow kaleidoscope of hues. They dazzle, delight and unbidden, bring a smile to the man’s face.

The man basks in unthinking delight at the flickering display as a baby coos with instinctive pleasure at his mother’s smile. Then, in a cataclysmic moment, his universe shudders - the fateful arrow of time will now unwind remorselessly - his future beckons!

From the depths of the ocean a menacing presence forms, propagating at frightful speed, nebulous, monstrous, writhing, grasping, threatening, swallowing and sucking each flickering light into its darkness. The man’s heart convulses, scratching fingernails shriek in every fibre.

The man, untroubled with memory, is oblivious that the presence has erupted from within his own soul.

Night becomes day.

Some primeval urge ignites within the man. He moves his arms and legs and although not making progress towards any goal, he is now in motion.  By the time the sun has traversed the whole arch of the firmament he is still moving forward through the darkening waters. Just as the light fades the man becomes aware of a dark smudge on the horizon but it affords him no comfort or import. Onwards, into the darkness, the man continues his unhurried progress.

The faintest glow of red and orange bruise the sky where it meets the ocean. The sky lightens. The rays from the rising sun caress the man’s brow and he opens his eyes. He lays half out of the water feeling the roughness of  sand on his cheek and the warm water lapping  his legs.

 Still void of wonder or purpose the man rises to his feet as unsteadily as a new born foal and stumbles up the beach to sit on the dry sand. A handful of tall palms arch above a swathe of grass. He looks around and observes the ocean unblemished by land and kissing the blue sky in every direction. Exhausted from his time in the ocean he lies down and sleeps.

After a night he wakes. Rising to his feet he looks round at the sea, the sky, the sand and the trees, untroubled by thought of past or future.

Darkness falls. The man sleeps. The sun rises. A flask of sweet water lies by his resting place, a bowl of fruit and bread beside it. Without a glimmer of surprise he drinks and eats. Darkness falls and day follows day.

Until - one day he chances to look down and he sees his own imprint pressed into the sand. For the man, it is that first glimpse in the mirror, the first intimation of ‘ME’.  Although without the burden of past or the premonition of future he has gained self-awareness - the ‘IT’ has transmuted into ‘ME’. He sits down and then something magical happens when his fingers trace out marks in the sand. Then he gasps when he looks at the marks and the sound ‘Adam’ comes from a hidden place. He knows with certainty that this sound is attached to ‘HIM’ - it is his name.


One day Adam wakes to find another small island, a beach of sand shaded by palms, separated from his by a short stretch of water. The water between, roils and rages - an impassable barrier. He senses that something in his universe has changed. When Adam looks at the opposite beach some time later he sees a man on the sand, slim with short fair hair. He is looking at Adam intently and he smiles as with recognition. From hidden depths a deep unease claws its way up.  The man opposite raises his hand and shouts but the words are lost in the tumult of the waves.

As Adam watches, another man, taller and full bearded, appears from the trees opposite.  He steps stealthily toward the fair haired man who is unaware of his approach.  A step away, he raises the large club he is carrying and brings it down with all his force on the man’s head. Adam makes out a single tortured cry as the poor fellow falls unconscious to the sand. The killer lifts his head and fixes Adam with a malevolent glare of surprise. He brandishes the club at Adam in threat and Adam can make out that the pinkie on the man’s left hand is missing.  Then he turns and strolls off unhurried into the trees. Adam eventually tears his eyes away and when he looks back moments later the island with its awful secret has vanished but he knows that something of unfathomable significance has just occurred.

Apart from the shadow of that awful event which has cast itself over Adam like a dark cloud he remains fixed in his everlasting present. Time ticks along for Adam, measured by the breaking of the waves, the daily passage of the heavens and the relentless beat of his heart.

However, deep inside Adam’s mind an imperceptible agitation has occurred which has set in train an unstoppable ascent into awareness, into the sensory world.

His eyes open. His senses awaken.

Light - at first unfocused, a patchwork of dark and light, muted colours.

Sounds - indistinct, muffled, a hum, a buzz, the mumble of speech.

Warmth on his face, the pressure of covers on his skin, the tug of a drip taped to his arm.

Just as tuning the radio or adjusting binoculars makes all clear Adam gradually becomes aware of all becoming sharp, focused.

Moving his eyes he see he is lying in a bed. Wires and tubes connect him to a machine which hums and beeps with glowing dials and indicators. The lighting in a small room is subdued.  A nurse sits by the bed reading from a report.

She glances at Adam and sees his eyes open, recognises the alertness in them.

He sees a moment of surprise, a smile. ‘You’ve woken Adam!’

She calls the doctor.  He holds Adams hand and shines a light in his eye. ‘Well Adam, you are definitely back with us. Can you talk?’

Adam manages a slight shake of his head. ‘Don’t worry, there’s no rush. We’ll let you rest now.’

Adam feels tired from even that small step and dozes.

Later the doctor returns when Adam had woken.

‘I’ll explain what’s happened to you Adam. You were found unconscious with a very serious head injury. We had to operate and you’ve been in a coma for two weeks. Don’t worry - you’re going to be OK. It will just take time. We have your close friend here who has been desperate to see you. We’ll just let him say hello.’

A few minutes later the doctor shows the visitor into the room.

‘We’ll give you five minutes with Adam and leave you together.’

Adam can see the man now, tall and with a heavy beard. Close friend? Perhaps it is the subdued lights. Adam feels his anxiety rising. The man sits by the bed, takes his hand and squeezes. He leans across the bed and disconnects the monitor.

Adam glances down at the man’s hand - his left hand.

His pinkie is missing!









© 2020 alanwgraham

My Review

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“In his depths there is emptiness
In his emptiness there is a mystery
In the mystery there lies a question
From the question you must seek the answer
From the answer there comes darkness”

Aaaaaagh!! Alan, this story scared the heck out of me. Great poetic intro to set the stage. Fraught with symbolism in all it’s imagery, metaphor, well-woven storyline...seamless transitions and suspense throughout. Surreal, sinister, and so well-penned. Have a feeling this will give me nightmares tonight. Excellent write!

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

You are very kind Annette. This was actually one of my first story ideas years ago so it had a long .. read more
Annette Pisano-Higley

3 Years Ago

You are well-versed in psychology and your stories absolutely Rock! I am well thank you and hope you.. read more


Oh, my goodness! I didn't know where this story was heading! I love the suspense in it! Great read!

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


2 Years Ago

Thanks for your kind review Kathy. I'm glad you enjoyed this story because I know it is quite hard t.. read more

2 Years Ago

My pleasure
“In his depths there is emptiness
In his emptiness there is a mystery
In the mystery there lies a question
From the question you must seek the answer
From the answer there comes darkness”

Aaaaaagh!! Alan, this story scared the heck out of me. Great poetic intro to set the stage. Fraught with symbolism in all it’s imagery, metaphor, well-woven storyline...seamless transitions and suspense throughout. Surreal, sinister, and so well-penned. Have a feeling this will give me nightmares tonight. Excellent write!

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

You are very kind Annette. This was actually one of my first story ideas years ago so it had a long .. read more
Annette Pisano-Higley

3 Years Ago

You are well-versed in psychology and your stories absolutely Rock! I am well thank you and hope you.. read more
This is a very mysterious story, not knowing at first whether this ocean person is real or not; then all the adventures that happen; the story of man.... then at the end, he awakens from a coma, but who is the man without the pinky....real or not real? Is he still in a partial coma, or is he remembering these adventures in his be determined...lots of great images and good imagination Alan, I really liked it. Yours truly, Betty

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thanks Betty. My plan was to make the whole section in the ocean an extended metaphor for the gradu.. read more
Betty Hermelee

4 Years Ago

It’s interesting how I was thinking it was awakening from a coma and the Pinky guy but couldn’t .. read more
This is a hugely enjoyable piece of writing Alan. The description of our journey from the primordial, to the first light of dawning consciousness, was spellbinding. I loved how you captured and told the story of 'Man', through just one character. The air of menace, suspense, and mystery, was the perfect note on which to finish.

Best, Jamie. X

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thanks for reading this Jamie and your kind comments. It's been very satisfying how people have read.. read more
A riveting write Alan. So descriptive, I got carried along on the waves of it. There is no way that I could possibly have anticipated that ending. A brilliant story. Sent a real chill through me when reading the ending. Hope you and yours are all OK. Sending best wishes.


Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

This story has been waiting for years until I figured out what to do with the idea. I am pleased how.. read more
Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Pleased you got it published. Yes, last day of summer, but it seems autumn arrived three weeks ago... read more

This is nowt short of outstandingly good our Alan and then some sir .. You tell a mean tale and have an imagination second to none .... You always make your reader hungry for more and the twists ya introduce would put Chubby Checker to shame ....

... Neville

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thanks Neville. Chubby Checker - that dates you. I was still swimming in the ocean! I mean wearing s.. read more

4 Years Ago

............. so was I :)
Intensely readable from start to finish. So much to tantalize the senses, from our first, (possibly,) emergence from the primordial soup; the beginning of awareness, the death of innocence, to a quite brilliant finale that leaves so much to the imagination.

For me, this is definitely one to read again.


Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

You are very kind Beccy. This was one of my first story ideas but it's taken years to germinate. Pe.. read more
This is amazing! Honestly probably one of the best (if not the best) thing I've read on this website. Your beautiful writing hooked me from the beginning.
I consider myself to be a good reader, but this challenged me. You really impressed with the vocabulary and metaphors.
This was so deep and I'm still figuring things out as I type this. I do have a few questions, though.
What was the point of the first section? The part with "in the beginning is the dark"? I didn't understand how it related to the story. I might just be overthinking it, though. Also, was the seven days of creation thing just Adam making things up in his coma?
I understand if you can't answer this one, but why did the bearded guy want to kill him?
Anyway, I absolutely loved this story. So glad I found it.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thanks for your great review B. The first section was meant to give an impression of the man in a co.. read more
Oh so it was himself after all. Very deep from within.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thanks Tania. All the bit in the ocean and the island was meant to be his unconscious working away w.. read more
I love your writing & your imagination in this one . . . I love that you have the audacity to compete with the Bible, when it comes to telling this story. And I have to admit, you've smashed the Bible's version, as far as offering an entertaining cut on the story of creation. Many readers (warmly) complain that I write in such complex language & sentences, but it's nice to have fine company in this regard. I enjoyed reading this & all that you pack into it, but I just don't get the punchline!?!?! I even re-read the story to make sure I didn't miss some baby-finger hint along the way, but I didn't see anything & I'm baffled. Maybe I need to smoke my first pipeload of the morning, which turns on my imagination some! Thanks for an entertaining epic (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

You are a great encouragement Margie, thanks once again. I've maybe muddied the water's a bit by cal.. read more

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11 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 27, 2020
Last Updated on August 29, 2020



Scotland, United Kingdom

Married with three kids, I retired early from teaching physics but have always enjoyed mountains. In my forties I experienced a manic episode which kick-started a creative urge. I've written a novel .. more..

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