![]() The Book of JosephA Story by Aaron K.![]() A young man finds himself in a very unfamiliar place, akin to a newborn. He follows the path set before him, but the sins we shed have a path that they must follow as well.![]() There was nothing.
An endless abyss of forever that reached deepest within the heart. It sat betwixt
the known and something beyond, not truly existing yet acting as the path to be
traversed by all. There was seclusion and cold, for it was the road. It was
devoid of self. Then there was
sound, a never-ending crackling like that of a warm fire that sat in the
recesses of his mind. He opened his eyes for what seemed like the first time to
see that he lay upon a blanket of chestnut colored sand. His eyes were drawn to
his hand as he tentatively clutched the soft earth and watched it trickle
between his fingers back down to where it belonged. A few moments went by until
he willed himself to his hands and knees, taking in his surroundings with
confusion as his eyes adjusted to the lighting, or lack thereof. It was dark, and
nothing showed itself in the empty grey sky above. The dim atmosphere gave a
stone throw of grey vision before the world blurred, making the variously dark
jagged rocks that protruded from the sand take on the form of shadows that
watched silently from the darkness. He stood and brushed the stray sand off his
clothing, which he found was only a simplistic ragged tan tunic. He was alone. No
understanding of where he was or why he was here came to him. His mind was an
empty shell waiting to be filled in this place that was so foreign, yet he did
not know what it was that was so foreign about it. He did know that the gloom
brought him the inescapable feeling of dread. He whispered, “Hello?” His only reply was
the noise that rested inside his head. He turned to look for
a sign of anything that could help him understand, when a glimmer caught his
eye. Far off in the distance a small white light shone through the grey haze.
From what he could see it was not touching the ground but instead floating
aloft high above the disoriented horizon. The word “Star” came to him from the
nothing inside his skull and although it could not perfectly describe what he
saw, it felt right. He began to stumble
forward in an attempt to walk, much like a child taking their first steps. There
was no sense of time here, no way for one to know how long they had walked, for
that was all one could do in a place like this. The sound within
continued, acting as his companion in the dark of the unknown. He could not
escape it, could not will it away or actively silence it for it was on a medium
that he could not control. He walked on through the fields of rock that grew as
thick as forests, his sight set on the Star that lay far off in the distance. Its
white glow brought him a feeling of hope and purpose that somehow beckoned him
to come closer. He stopped when he heard
faint footfalls in the sand. It was something he did not recognize, so he
waited to find out what this new sound was. A few seconds passed until a
silhouette appeared at the end of his vision. It was running. The entity came a
few feet closer as it weaved through the rocks, near enough now for him to make
out what it was. Running towards him was a girl, brown hair flowing behind and
a gaze that was transfixed upon him with wild eyes. Streams of tears fell down
her cheeks and soiled the colorless tunic she wore, much like the one he
himself had. He could see she was frightened. “Help!” she yelled
in desperation. Help. He remembered
the word faintly. Did this mean she was in danger? If so, what could he do? He
did not know what she needed or how to help someone here, a place he himself
had not long ago spawned from. He took a step closer. A second silhouette
appeared, running at a greater speed in a hunched form. It dwarfed the girl in
size and although it appeared the same shape, it was all too much slimmer than
the girl. It sprinted after her and into view. It was human, yet at the same time
anything but. The body was completely exposed with grey skin that clung tightly
to the bones beneath its surface. The belly was a bulbous ball, which instantly
sparked the word “pregnant” in his empty head. Patches of its essence appeared
to simply float away leaving empty holes amongst its body revealing nothing but
pitch black deep within. Hanging from its chest was a metal chain, no more than
two feet in length. Weaving its way through the links of the chain were purplish
veins that rooted themselves into the creature’s skin. In the place of a nose
were two thin slits that flared rapidly. The eye sockets were empty like the
sky. He did not know
what to do at first, until a long-forgotten feeling peaked inside of his body. Fear. He dove to the
nearest rock large enough to hide behind and attempted to silence himself. His
breathing began to increase in pace and sweat dotted his forehead. He heard a
screech that pierced his ears and deafened all other sound. Tears welled in his
eyes as he heard the girl screaming between sobs of anguish. He fought himself
to look around the rock to see what was happening. The thing had
picked the girl up, holding her in its hands at arm’s length and examining her.
She cried and writhed, attempting to escape the creatures grasp. It looked
around quickly, seemingly to make sure nothing else could steal its prize from
it, then pulled her close to its chest like a mother holding a child. With deft
speed, it darted off into the darkness, leaping on rocks and traversing them
with great skill, until the cries of the girl could no longer be heard. He fell to the
ground in a fetal position, softly crying and not knowing what he had just
witnessed. Minutes passed by before movement came to him. He was weak and
couldn’t stand, so he began crawling through the sand as much from nausea as
from fear of standing and catching sight of another one of the creatures.
Slowly he dragged himself towards the light, the only thing that felt right
about this place. Time passed and he
went on, picking his way through the maze of rocks that stood in his way on his
path to the light. He crawled for what felt like an eternity in this place with
no time. He took a short break, although he did not necessarily feel tired.
Leaning his back against a rock, he stared toward the Star and attempted to
understand what its significance was. His mind was still nearly empty, save for
a few of the recollections he had made thus far. He looked to the
ground a few yards ahead. His heart stopped and he sat completely still, not
daring to breathe. His body tensed and fear took hold of him once again. One of
the creatures was resting on its side with its back to him. Time that was not
apparent hung in the air and froze him, his gaze locked upon the horror.
Neither he nor the creature made a move for a long moment. Averting his eyes, the
tears began to well up once again. He did not wish to be taken away like the
girl before, alone in its embrace. He looked back and
noticed that it still had not moved. The creature was between him and the
light, so he slowly laid on his stomach once more and agonizingly began to
crawl. His trembling fingers dug in to the sand. Every labored breath was his
death, and he knew it so well. He picked his way left around the creature in a
wide arc. The sand began to pile in front of him as he pushed his body closer
and closer to the ground, trying to slip away beneath the surface. Finally, he reached one of the rocks and
rolled behind it. He closed his eyes, trying to stop the flow of tears that
rained down his face. Slowly he peered around the corner, now able to see the
creatures front. It looked similar to the other creature he saw, but this one
was significantly different in the fact that its stomach had erupted.
Lifelessly staring at him from within was a tiny fetus. It was connected inside
of its prison by a chain much like the one on the creature’s chest. He turned away from
the display and fought consciousness for a few moments, eventually slipping
into unconsciousness. He was back in the nothing that spanned his mind.
Eternity passed by gently as everything was still, lackadaisically floating
among itself. He woke where he
had passed out. Nothing had changed and there was no way to tell how long he
had been in this spot. He took a breath and began to drag himself through the
sand once again. The light was his savior in this dark place, a shimmering hope
that burned him to his core. His only goal was to reach it and bask in its
warmth. It was then that he
heard the movement. It was fast and came from behind him. He flipped over to
his back to see three of the large hunched creatures running his way. He froze
for a moment as they approached. A screech pierced his ears above the crackle
and it drove him to action. He jumped to his feet and ran towards the light. It
was still distant but he had no choice now. Tears welled up in his eyes as he
heard the multiple screeches from behind as they gained on him. Hands grasped his
back and lifted him off the ground. He was violently turned around to peer into
the face of one of them. The empty sockets showed the inside of the head,
seemingly empty like his own mind. The nostrils flared wildly yet the creatures
face showed no emotion, showed no hint of motive or feeling. Half of the
creature’s head was gone as if burnt away, small pieces floating to the heavens
like the rest of the patches on the body. The texture of the skin was rough and
he could feel only the bone beneath as he grabbed at the arms in an attempt to
escape. However, his yelling and squirming did not deter the thing. One of the other
two suddenly tried to snatch him out of the first’s hands. They pulled at him
and he felt like he would be torn in half. The one holding him released a hand
and hit the other across the head, which then caused the other to grab hold and
violently rip at the first’s head. He was dropped as
the two attempted to tear the other to shreds. He spun on the ground and began
to run but was hastily picked up by the third. It looked at the battle between
the other two then pulled him close and began to sprint through the forest of
rock. He yelled until his lungs gave out. Cried until no tears were left.
Writhed, punched, and bit until his energy left his body. Finally, they
stopped. He was turned and saw the chain swaying back and forth on the
creature’s chest, felt the pulse emanating from within its belly. He suddenly
felt weightless. An orb of white light left his body, and he turned to see his
body being held by the creature. They were frozen in that moment and a dark orb
released from the creature to meet him between the two husks. They were one.
They meshed and rejected the other, yet made a whole. His name was Joseph,
and the Sin was Nolan. Forty years they clashed, always in a constant battle of
morality. They watched from birth a boy by the name of Cayde. In the early
years Joseph’s voice was heard the most, but there came times when Nolan’s
screams and blood lust could not be ignored. So it went, a battle that could
not be seen by the naked eye but burned deep within Cayde’s mind. As the years
passed Nolan’s voice grew louder and behind a curtain of release was a burning
hatred that would consume them all. It was the deceit of Nolan that brought
their demise, Joseph’s voice masked by anger and blame. Cayde gave in to Nolan and
killed, Joseph was unable to stop the massacre so he wept for Cayde, and Nolan
laughed at the victory he had won over Joseph. Alone the three sat when it was finished,
Joseph’s voice finally being heard by Cayde. Overcome with guilt Cayde could
not believe what he had done. One last time Nolan’s voice tempted Cayde to
kill. Then there was
nothing. Eternity passed
once more, a familiar feeling in a place that did not allow the luxury of
thought. The place betwixt held him in its grasp once more, caressing him like
a child. We all pass through, but we do not truly understand until our second
passing. This place that holds nothing within yet feels like you are finally
coming home, that brings hope within its endless abyss. Joseph awoke with a
gasp. His cheek rested upon the soft sand once again, the faint crackle in his
mind reclaiming its home after all these years. Pain surged in his chest as he
flipped over on to his back. He moved his hand to feel the source of the pain. Metal. With much difficulty,
he peered up at his chest to see a chain protruding from it, purple veins
coiling through it like the vines on a trellis. He sat up and looked to the end
of the chain where it lay in the sand. The chain was broken and next to it lay
its other half. He followed it with his eyes until it reached a familiar sight,
a dead creature laying on its side, stomach blown open. Only this time there
was no child to be seen inside. He started when he
noticed a familiar form held within the grasp of the creature. Sand flew about
as Joseph jumped towards the thing on his hands and knees. Sitting in the creature’s
grey hands was Cayde as he was when last Joseph saw him. Yet now he was still
and stared blankly at the sky. Joseph held him in
his arms as sorrow took him. Cayde had been the only thing he had ever loved
since the moment he awoke. He looked to the sky and moaned for the loss of his
meaning for the past forty years. “Nolan!” he roared
in desperation as he held Cayde’s limp body close to his chest. He looked down to
Cayde until a shimmer caught the corner of his eye. He looked up to see the
Star much closer than it had ever been before. He brushed Cayde’s long blonde
hair to the side and gently laid him down and began to walk again towards hope.
He no longer cared for the creatures and although the chain at his chest
weighed him down, he pushed on more determined than he had ever been in his
existence. Time that could not
be seen passed. The Star slowly grew in size and descended towards the horizon
as Joseph trekked on. It wasn’t long before he heard them, saw them swarming
out of eyeshot in the grey haze appearing as giant shadows. He walked on and
paid them no mind. They kept their distance but followed still, dozens of them
at his back. However, none dared to step in his path to the light. The Star finally
touched the ground becoming a dome of light in the darkness. He walked closer
until his vision and its pure light disintegrated the grey haze that surrounded
him. It was like a rotunda of bright electric energy that surged to a zenith,
only to be released in a soft stream of light that poured upwards. Joseph stopped and turned to look at the host
of stooped forms that gathered behind him. They moved amongst themselves like a
swarm of insects, crawling over the rocks that dotted the sand. All of them looked
as if they wished to take him, yet their demeanor showed that they were
hesitant to do so. He muzzled his fear as his stared upon the mob. Then they
made their move. As one, the
creatures lust for light drove them after Joseph. He turned and sprinted for
the dome, feeling them at his back. He jumped headlong in to the domes embrace
as they tore at his clothing, attempting to steal his light and complete
themselves. But it was too late, for he was gone. Memories poured in
to him, not only his own but every strand from the beginning of time and on. He
was all yet he was none. He was not the first and surely not the last in this
place of light that spanned on forever. His predecessors gazed upon him and
welcomed him with soft smiles. It is the end of a beginning, and the beginning
of the end. There is unity and warmth, for it was the destination. There was
everything. © 2018 Aaron K.Author's Note
Featured Review
1 Review Added on May 30, 2018 Last Updated on May 30, 2018 |