Listen For the Answers

Listen For the Answers

A Poem by AK

Written for a young man who was struggling with his introversion. He thought there was something "wrong" with him. He didn't realize yet that it isn't a handicap, it's a gift!

I have been chief among the introverts all my life.
All that you mentioned I have experienced, and more.
I thought for a time that there was nothing more than loneliness and pain for me for the rest of my life.
A time or two I wondered who would care if I just folded my tent and went home. Who would even notice I was gone? Maybe Mom and Dad, no one else.
But I was not willing to give up. You know that feeling. You know there is something more for you, somewhere, somehow.
Call it stubbornness, call it tenacity. We introverts have it deep within us. Deeper and harder to reach than in our extroverted counterparts, but stronger too.
I finally recognized that my life as I knew it was simply not all I was meant to be. There were things that burned deeply within me that were screaming to get out.
We have talents that no extrovert could imagine.
We have a passion for life that they only dream of. No, they don't even know it exists!
We have gifts that stir our souls every day.
No one knows they are there but you and me.
I have been there at your side my friend; I've stood in your shoes. The pathway we walk as introverts may be rugged and narrow, but it is rutted and worn from those who have gone before us when the way was far less traveled.

Take a look within yourself this weekend. Consider what you want to do for the rest of the world that so desperately needs your help.
Is it you who insults and bullies? No!
Is it you who won't reach out to the quiet kid? No.
Is it you who is blinded by all that is flickering and buzzing around in this fast paced world? No.
Does your mind fly from one thing to the next without ever acknowledging the simple and quiet things of beauty? No!
It's others who do that. Not you and me.
We see the subtle changes in the shadows on the mountainside as the Sun moves across the sky.
We smell the faint fragrance of a tiny flower others would simply trample. 
We think, and consider, and imagine.
Others only respond to their environment.
We see, and taste, and smell, and know what can be.
We are the ones who consider, and dream, and invent, and design, and write, and bring tears of joy to others.
We weep for the beauty of a piece of music.
We must touch and absorb a work of art.
We experience life. Others just live in it.

We need them, don't get me wrong! But we are needed more!
Our talents are needed more!
Our vision is needed more!

So look inside.
Do you want to write? Take up your pen.

Do you want to create a work of art that will bring others to tears?Take up your brush!
Do you want to help them understand what they could have been? Show them what you are.

I have learned that I can stand before a room full of people and have them screaming with laughter at my humor. And with my next sentence have them weeping in acknowledgement of some thought or situation. I've done it. And not just once. I have another series of meetings to present next week that I volunteered to lead. Every morning next week the conference room will be all mine for an hour with seventy plus people each day. Managers, engineers, craftsmen, project leads, superintendents. And only me up front.
Scare you? Me too... every time I've done it. Many, many times now. But people always shake my hand and pat me on the back and tell me they wish they could do that. They have no idea what it took to get up there. But when it's over I feel absolutely alive.
I'll be wringing wet with sweat and exhausted when I'm finished, but they don't know that. All they know is they had a blast and want to know when I can do it again.
How did I get there? Stubborn tenacity!
I have suffered through too many presentations from flighty and disconnected extroverts.
I love extroverts, I do. But I knew I could do better. I just had to get up and do it!

At church I can kneel down with someone in prayer and bond in complete unity with them in God's spirit for a few moments. I know exactly what they are feeling and what they need. If only for a moment, we are one before Him. And I receive as much as they do. More.
I can look into the eyes of someone and see their hope, their pain, and their apprehension. Not I really, rather God in me. He knows my heart and He knew what He had for me to do.

I'm just man. No one special. Nothing really. But isn't that the perfect vessel? One that will allow something precious or valuable to dwell within? To keep the contents safe until it is needed?

There is a place for you. There is something only you can do and be. There is someone for you to walk with.
You have great worth. Do not waste that. It is rare and precious.

Seek your gift. Seek God. Get quiet, as only we introverts can, and listen for the answers.

© 2008 AK

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This is an incredible service you did for this young man. Being this shy is so painful and takes so much courage to push through. I believe you gave him an idea of just what he may be capable of. Often, that's all it takes ~ someone offering a hand. It's pretty gratifying to realize that conquering our own demons can actually inspire another. Thank you for posting this. Fine job. ~j

Posted 17 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


thank you for sending me this write; you do have a point; us introverts see the world differently; somewhat more peacefully but extroverts go out for the reward just perform for another
writing has been a private outlet that helps me express what i see on the outside from the inside and there have been plenty of times i felt crazy or not at ease because i have respect for others choice in expression and understand that not every one wants to listen but i have no problem listening to others....i guess because i listen to myself all the time

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I used to think I was an extreme extrovert but after reading your poem I realized I'm also an introvert. I guess I'm half and half! aahaha Good write got me thinking!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dale, I don't know how I ever missed this. I was certain that I had read everything you had ever posted. But, this is amazing. Amazing. What an inspired write! You are too modest. You are full of talents and gifts and I can't imagine you've even reached the height o fit--yet.

thank you

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

An amazing inspirational piece, Ak. I can't imagine a single soul reading this and not being inspired to be all that they can be...You spoke to the masses here, to reach inside and let the gifts that have been placed within us for the moral majority to flow out of us and accomplish what only they can. I think both the introverts and the extroverts are important pieces of the puzzles. Both have weaknesses and strengths and I can't help but think that just like the scripture says, "Our weaknesses are made perfect with His strength," that the Lord takes the weaknesses in each and makes them perfect. God gave me such a beautiful message for our small church out of Corinthians about the importance of every part of the body and how each one of us bring to the table our giftings and in so doing, weave a beautiful tapestry or quilt to complete the whole.
Your encouragement to the introvert to unleash that well on the inside is unmatched. Bountiful blessings, Carole

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What an incredible piece, I related to, and have grown out of being only in that place. My husband is there also and he is being stretched and moved out. yes, as Lorrianne said, still waters run deep.
I also enjoyed the comments between you and Alice. Everyone has the 'more' of God, but I am with you on yours, I especially liked the way you explained 'not being quick to lay hands on someone'. very weel put. Move with the Spirit of God, it's the only way to live!! :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i love the 9th and 10th stanza (at least i think thats the two stanza that talks about appreciating life and living it)
i feel that it is so true
"Get quiet, as only we introverts can, and listen for the answers."

it seems that you are taking a peek into me and telling me that i can do so much more...
if i can only find the courage

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thanks for submitting! This is a really good piece. Very good use of imagery.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Still waters run deep. This is moving and wonderful. Thank you a million times! Whatever inspired this write, I am seriously curious. Regardless, you touched me today!

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well done! Well spoken. Well put.
Love All, Mejasha

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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17 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on February 18, 2008
Last Updated on February 18, 2008




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