Reviews & me(reviewing reviews)

Reviews & me(reviewing reviews)

A Story by Akash gaikwad

Its has been an amazing experience on this website. I have received really valuable reviews which has helped me. Reviews has pushed me to rewrite some of the stories and make it better.

Reviews for me is exchange of ideas,pointing out grammatical mistakes, different perspective on the same topic,compliments and constructive criticism. I have managed to review 100 stories and poems.

Now I am unable to review anything. Which I don't know why. Most of the stories and poems that I have read their main ideas or the main messages are very similar. Which makes it boring for me. Reviewing poetry is more difficult for me compare to stories because lot of poetries are very personal.

Their are many poetries with new vocabulary which i don't read because 1) it takes time to understand 2) I have to open dictionary many times which makes it boring and waste of time when I am unable to connect it.

I have decided to stop myself from giving reviews.I write reviews with honesty and don't want to be fake.

One honest truth which i felt about writerscafe is that to get reviews you need to give reviews.

© 2018 Akash gaikwad

Author's Note

Akash gaikwad
Looking for opinions and suggestion which can be helpful.

My Review

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So, basically what you're saying is that you're too lazy to spend the time to progress your literary understanding and vocabulary to give any more reviews? Well, at least you're honest. (i'm only half serious about that... a tongue in cheek kind of thing)

You do speak the truth that most writers on this site, especially writers of stories, write about the same crap over and over again. It's the reason I don't review that many stories myself, I just can't get through them because it's so boring. They are mostly fantasy nonsense cloned from Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or Hunger Games or Twilight vampire garbage etc.. And when it's not that it's just stereotypical teenage angst, generic love and/or depression, or just awful poorly written high school romance. You are right in saying it's a waste of time reading that crap in depth enough to leave a legitimate review. But to be fair... most of your stories are part of that crowd; you could apply this to your own writing which makes you either incapable of self reflection or a total hypocrite. Either way, your honesty is still refreshing and I'm glad that you wrote this. We all have our moments of hypocrisy and we all have blind spots in regards to self evaluation. (also only half serious about that)

The real problem this site has is that people take s**t way, way too seriously. Too many people here think they are future literary genius's about to be famous and garner worldwide respect. Not enough people realize that this s**t really is just a hobby and none of us are actually very good compared to proffesionals who write for a living. When I see people write crap in their about me section like "i'm a published author" and then find that their "books" are all published via a vanity press that they had to pay for it makes me cringe. Or when I see someone write "i'm a freelance editor" only to realize that means they review other people on sites like these for free. It's almost like a mental illness stemming from a severe narccissistic personality and delusional view of where they see themselves in this world. It's funny to me, but it does make me cringe sometimes.

Posted 6 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Akash gaikwad

6 Years Ago

Empathy is word we both should learn here. Now that you have gave me a bit of context. I can see you.. read more

6 Years Ago

I don't think you can see anything clearly beyond your own nonsense. Anyway, you've already showed m.. read more

6 Years Ago

Oh, I get it now... you're trolling for traffic. You suck at life kid. Bye bye now.


'To get reviews you need to give reviews'-I agree with this. But it's not really a fake or bad thing. There are so many writers in this website. But we don't review all of them . We choose right ? Why do we choose ? Cause we are attracted to their way of thinking. We can relate to it. When like minded people review each others work it will help them grow.
As for similar content - let's face it . Most of us are deep thinkers or maybe even overthinkers who like solitude who observe a lot and try to be frank .
So when we choose similar subjects our thoughts are bound to overlap.
Pls dont think I m defending too much. Its just that even though I feel the way you do I still like it .

Posted 5 Years Ago

I am completely on board with your comment.
It's difficult for me to get into a mindset to critique or give suggestions because the material is too similar in too many cases. It has becoming boring to read another story that has the same elements as the previous. I understand that these are mostly beginners or people putting their toes in the water, but it's stupefying to see the same thing over and over. Be original and daring for once. I'm tired of elves and dystopias and emo stuff without context or believability. Perhaps you should critique. Honesty will be the best policy for many writers granted that the criticism is fair and constructed towards making the work better. It's up to them to decide what they want but if they are posting here on the site to be read, they should possess the necessary backbone that allows them to accept criticism.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Akash, i'm assuming English is your second language, i understand what you're writing.
Include a poem in your native language then everybody will have to use google to find out
what it means, then they will see how difficult it may be for you to write reviews or understand a
poem because you're going off its true definition
in English of the word, but people redefine the
meaning of word, a type of slang.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Akash gaikwad

6 Years Ago

Ohhh I needed this empathy. You are right English is my second language. I have already posted a poe.. read more
So, basically what you're saying is that you're too lazy to spend the time to progress your literary understanding and vocabulary to give any more reviews? Well, at least you're honest. (i'm only half serious about that... a tongue in cheek kind of thing)

You do speak the truth that most writers on this site, especially writers of stories, write about the same crap over and over again. It's the reason I don't review that many stories myself, I just can't get through them because it's so boring. They are mostly fantasy nonsense cloned from Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or Hunger Games or Twilight vampire garbage etc.. And when it's not that it's just stereotypical teenage angst, generic love and/or depression, or just awful poorly written high school romance. You are right in saying it's a waste of time reading that crap in depth enough to leave a legitimate review. But to be fair... most of your stories are part of that crowd; you could apply this to your own writing which makes you either incapable of self reflection or a total hypocrite. Either way, your honesty is still refreshing and I'm glad that you wrote this. We all have our moments of hypocrisy and we all have blind spots in regards to self evaluation. (also only half serious about that)

The real problem this site has is that people take s**t way, way too seriously. Too many people here think they are future literary genius's about to be famous and garner worldwide respect. Not enough people realize that this s**t really is just a hobby and none of us are actually very good compared to proffesionals who write for a living. When I see people write crap in their about me section like "i'm a published author" and then find that their "books" are all published via a vanity press that they had to pay for it makes me cringe. Or when I see someone write "i'm a freelance editor" only to realize that means they review other people on sites like these for free. It's almost like a mental illness stemming from a severe narccissistic personality and delusional view of where they see themselves in this world. It's funny to me, but it does make me cringe sometimes.

Posted 6 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Akash gaikwad

6 Years Ago

Empathy is word we both should learn here. Now that you have gave me a bit of context. I can see you.. read more

6 Years Ago

I don't think you can see anything clearly beyond your own nonsense. Anyway, you've already showed m.. read more

6 Years Ago

Oh, I get it now... you're trolling for traffic. You suck at life kid. Bye bye now.
Everybody write different. Here at the W.C. We have everything. Sometime you must read the older poetry of your favorite. I hope you are doing well and having some fun this Summer.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Akash gaikwad

6 Years Ago

Thanks for suggestion I might consider it. I am enjoying my monsoon.
Coyote Poetry

6 Years Ago

A monsoon. I hope a easy one and you are welcome my friend.
i understand how you feel. im not all that good at reviewing work.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Akash gaikwad

6 Years Ago

Reviewing is difficult but a learning process too.
I understand what you're saying with the looking things up in the dictionary, and how time wasting it is. I personally, just ignore the word I don't understand, but when their's several in a poem often I give up.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Akash gaikwad

6 Years Ago

It is waste of time for me when I put effort in learning new words and at the end I am unable to con.. read more
Ace Jaxon

6 Years Ago

No problem, anytime!
I love it when I find words in the poems or writing of others that I don't understand. If that forces me to use a dictionary, so be it. That is how we learn. If we find learning, boring, then, well, our learning curve will be slow...:)

So keep that dictionary handy......yes, it is hard work, but rewarding in the long run. That is what separates the amateur writer from the professional one......that hunger to learn, to know, to know a dozen adjectives to describe an apple, and not just one or two....:)

Posted 6 Years Ago

Akash gaikwad

6 Years Ago

I surely have hunger for learning but there are two views I have presented that I have reviewed 100p.. read more
Many people ask me to review their work and I am happy to do so,( time permitting.) With one or two exceptions the people who ask me, don't call on my poetry. Some people have asked me to review up to six of their poems in one day! I thought the idea of this site is for two way traffic. I also like to check the board to see if any of my contacts have posted new work. You don't have to give a complex review, but I think any writer should be capable of saying something about another's work. A review doesn't have to dissect the lines. A simple response about how you felt about the poem on an emotional level, or whether you liked the message would be more than sufficient in my opinion. The best way to learn about poetry is always to read other poetry. That is how I learned. I really believe that the more effort you put in, the more responses you get. If you want detailed analysis, ask for it, but not everyone will be able to do that for you. I have only been here just over two months myself, so consider myself a newbie still. Any way, good luck with your writing.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Akash gaikwad

6 Years Ago

Its interesting that you are newbie and I have always seen you on top reviewers. Interesting that a .. read more
Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

You are welcome. I think the more reviews you give the more you will receive. That's what I did.
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Reviews can be really tricky. Some people can give you review cause they wanna show how they are clever. Another people give nice review cause they want same from a you. I am not sure if I ever get honest reviews. How you said if you want reviews you have to give reviews. Sometimes just people told me my writing is nice cause I say some about they writing. I give more reviews then I get. Sometimes people even don't reply on my reviews maybe my reviews are stupid. Sometimes you can get agrresive reviews but that's just about ego . Nothing to pay too much atention. I just realy stop care to get reviews cause how many people can give you really honest reviews. I am here for my writing that's my reason why I am here. I always give every day like 3 reviews but minimum response .

But that's fine cuse writing oof poems is more important then this tricky bussines with reviews.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

I think also some give review cause they want communicate with you. That's why some reviews are too .. read more
Akash gaikwad

6 Years Ago

I totally agree with you. I will surely review you. once I am ready to.

6 Years Ago

Will free if you waqnt to. I think it was great you brough this issues and we can have some conversa.. read more

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12 Reviews
Added on July 6, 2018
Last Updated on July 6, 2018


Akash gaikwad
Akash gaikwad

mumbai, worli, India

Find you - A kid that misses his father Youth - story of a spirit monster Mate um bonito hone mesmo - not reviewed yet by anyone Cursed empathy - a poem about why am i empathetic. Bury the note - .. more..

u u

A Poem by Akash gaikwad

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