Nuts and Teeth

Nuts and Teeth

A Poem by Andrew John

Personal poem

I am munching nuts and waiting for a friend.
Both activities tend to lengthen the day -
until a dental alarm. Lazy time has stopped
and forced me to think,
examine the object
held between finger and thumb:
a fragment of tooth or of filling.
I wonder from where it has emerged.
The left? The right? The middle?
No pain, just jumble among a mouth 
of confusing teeth, and lacks thereof,
so neglected, forsaken, abandoned;
until now, until my finger examines in earnest. 
But what to do?
So I take a further handful of nuts.
And am still waiting for a friend.

(January 2022)

© 2022 Andrew John

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Andrew John,

very true to life piece that tells it how we are ... We gaff off the obvious indications of pain and trouble to come in favor of enjoying our favorite snacks ... Enjoyable Read ...

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Posted 8 Months Ago

I wanted to see where you were coming from & was not disappointed .. that's the tooth, the whole tooth and noth .. 🦷🪥🦷 :)

Posted 1 Year Ago

still waiting, still munching, still neglecting.

Hope that friend shows up soon.

there are things that are important to us, and things not so much.


Posted 2 Years Ago

it is amazing what one can think about while awaiting for someone,
and then they never show up, was it worth the ponder on? LOL
enjoyable read

Posted 2 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on February 15, 2022
Last Updated on March 25, 2022
Tags: teeth, nuts


Andrew John
Andrew John

Carmarthen, Wales, United Kingdom

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