A Poem by Aishangi Chakraborty

What does poerty mean to me?

Is it the flow of ryming words

Or the power of of emotional verse?

Is the deapth of the heart’s desires

Or the meaning that inspires?

Poetry to me is the calming sense of bliss.

The charming smile or the passionate kiss.

The burning fire, the eyes of a lier.

The smoldering ashes, the mind that aspire.

The legendery poets found beauty in the ruins

Found love in wastelandsand, strength in renewing.

I see poetry in the fleeting bird’s wings.

In the heart of a believer, in the baker’s brewing.

As poetry is something to be savoured and tasted.

Not just a tought that go wasted.

It’s the art of experssion, the power of possession.

It is the warmth of words where my heart rested.

© 2018 Aishangi Chakraborty

Author's Note

Aishangi Chakraborty
I think that pretty much sums up what poetry or writing for that matter means to me. Let me know your views!! Thanks for reading!! :)

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Poetry is the Biom where poets live!!
It was really amazing to read those expressing lines........Thanks for sharing @writerscafe!!😊

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Aishangi Chakraborty

6 Years Ago

It means a lot to hear from a fellow writer!! Thank you so much!!

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1 Review
Added on April 24, 2018
Last Updated on April 24, 2018


Aishangi Chakraborty
Aishangi Chakraborty

Delhi, Delhi, India

An 18-year-old aspiring writer on her path to seek success. more..
