Tara Louise..by Michael

Tara Louise..by Michael

A Story by Michael Reisman

My birthday present was quite a pleasant surprise at the age of ten years old. It awaited me on the outdoor terrace from the twentieth floor on which me and my parents lived on. Co op City in the Bronx during the first weekend in June that glorious summer. The present was covered by a thin blanket over a  cage of some sort that I immediately and anxiously pulled off. There sat a baby gray and white bunny rabbit as tears fell from my ten year old eyes. Big hugs were exchanged between me and my parents as they knew this was the best birthday present ever. I named her Tara Louise as mom and dad also liked that choice. Taking care of her was easy and no big chore on my part. Fresh food and water everyday as cleaning the cage three times a week was not a problem. Her little black nose would press against the cage door to let her out as we played together on the terrace that summer. We loved each other and looked forward to our playing time together. During the cold winter months Tara Louise was often let into my bedroom where she would cuddle with me on my pillow. Her wet black nose rubbed my face as her kiss goodnight. Seven wonderful summers and winters came and went until one June morning. She was laying in her cage as usual, but this time her little black nose didn't press against the cage door as I went to play with her. Permission was given to bury her in the Co op city garden as me and my parents cried after saying our final goodbyes. I eventually moved out of my parents place and got my own apartment. Something woke me up in the middle of night. Impressions on my pillow followed by a little black nose rubbing against my face as a kiss goodnight. Two sets of tears dripped on my pillow as we both eventually both fell asleep. I put my arm around Tara Louise...

© 2015 Michael Reisman

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Added on May 2, 2015
Last Updated on May 2, 2015


Michael Reisman
Michael Reisman

Eastchester, NY

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