Band Aids, Old And Michael

Band Aids, Old And Michael

A Story by Michael Reisman

A painful paper cut that drew a little blood was covered with a band aid by mom. Five year old Zelda never forgot that first instance of a healing as she grew to a mature twenty five year old young lady. Mom had since passed away and her daughter Zelda wished that someone would heal the broken and torn relationships that followed her life into her early forty's. Successful in business with a six figure income, but no luck in keeping a boyfriend. The twenty five year old mail clerk delivered her mail at the office as usual, but this time a personal letter was included. It read something like this..."Dear miss Zelda, I have watched you get on the elevator to go home and you and you always have a sad look in your eyes. I know you make a lot of money so it can't be a financial state of depression you are in. If you happen to be lonely and need someone to talk to, then I am here for you. I may be a lot younger but I also experience the pain of not having someone. When I was five year old I had a painful paper cut that my mom fixed with a band aid that I shall never forget. She is gone now, but maybe the healing still remains." Zelda cried at the personal letter and thought how he went through the exact same experience. Age and circumstances didn't matter anymore as they dated and eventually became a couple. He placed an engagement ring on her finger as both moms smiled from up above. Their wedding rings seem to resemble a band aid with some healing powers that once was...

© 2014 Michael Reisman

Author's Note

Michael Reisman
See my 17 published books of short stories on my web site

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Very short but powerful and thought-provoking. It truly gets my imagination going trying to fill in what was left unsaid. I'll make it a point to read some more of your works.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michael Reisman

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much Jennie for enjoying this short story. It is people like you that inspire me to wri.. read more
Jennie Baron

9 Years Ago

You're very welcome!

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1 Review
Added on November 10, 2014
Last Updated on November 10, 2014


Michael Reisman
Michael Reisman

Eastchester, NY

My new website is My new website is My email address is [email protected] more..
