My heart moans gently
As my eyes follow the crows ahead
I watch them swoop through the sky
Free without worry
Feeling strength in numbers
And I appreciate their placement
I shamefully break from my brothers
I walk a straight and narrow path
My skin torn from restraints
My mind scattered in a labyrinth
The crows invigorate me
My heart screams with agitation
Beauitful, this resonated with me personally because as someone who suffers from social anxiety and longs to fit in with the crowd. Never feeling part of something, feeling different, worn, and torn.
Interesting piece. I would suggest refraining from the overuse of first-person nouns such as "I" and "My," but that's a personal preference. Good read.
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Thank you for your review! I will keep that in mind. thanks(:
My ELA teacher taught us, a long time ago, about the Formalist point of appreciation. In the Formalist, way, it is to look at how well the piece is put together.
From a formalist view, I nearly peed myself in glee. I love this so much! You keep it short, sweet, simple, and to the point. Your imagery, as well as comparing your message to a murder of crows is really clever.
However, I am a little disappointed that you used crows; I would have used a dove. Why? Well, the character/person would be splitting from something that is, religiously speaking (as far as Christianity and other mythology go), supposed to be purely good. To split apart from something held so highly just to break the cast would be even more powerful. Basically, that even the most inherently good things that do not encourage individuality may not be worth sticking to.
From there, you could bring morality and all other sorts of good stuff into the mix, and expand on your message to the reader.
Thank you for this wonderful piece of work!
Keep Writing-
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Thank you so much for your awesome reviews. I apologize for not reviewing your work as much as you d.. read moreThank you so much for your awesome reviews. I apologize for not reviewing your work as much as you do mine. I don't have much time to go on the internet due to working so much.
I used crows in this poem because I actually did see several hundred crows gathering together in the sky a little before I wrote this.
Very moving with the faint promise of rebirth. Still feeling the shame of breaking your mold but ready and itching to become something else. At least that is what I took from it. Excellent write!