In the Yards of My Reason

In the Yards of My Reason

A Poem by Ahmad Alhour

Written : November 2nd, 2010 - Tuesday - 2:21 PM


[ In the Yards of My Reason ]

'Tis all this reeking denial
   That's most self burdening
Deriving the light into setting vial
   That spares revisions forgoing

How came this to happen?
   Such trial longing for the old
And reason cheated has been
   Sanity twisted and sold

Why threads of denial do
   linger in my yards of reason?
Why threads of negation do
   linger in my seas of assent?

And why would a self do
   negate it's very reason?
As thoughts verily come & go:
   The evidence of this treason!

But why would a mind do
   confirm the self's negation?
As thoughts might come & go:
   The very source of this treason!

( © 2010 - Ahmad Alhour, All Rights Reserved )

© 2010 Ahmad Alhour

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A splendid read and write...Thank you for sharing poet...:)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 30, 2010
Last Updated on November 4, 2010
Tags: Self Denial, Denial, Existence, Negation


Ahmad Alhour
Ahmad Alhour

Athens, Greece

"My humanity is a constant self-overcoming" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche more..
