[ Diaries Forgotten, Pt.3 - Ov Cosmological Entities! ]
Set the fire,
And haunt thine pray...
For we art' born and admired
By which entities cut all clay...
None servaim or ask to say
Free all Thelemites were born
Accompanied with actions
Beyond all kingless spheres,
That were shown!
In the harmony ov body and soul
Within imperfection; emerges a perfect root
Across, thou named, Hadit...
And in the discrete body ov Nuit!
In which humanity ov existence
Become one with the univerese
And union ov mountains...
And stars ascend without deliverence!
Hear me, O brother!
And let us call upon him...
O, for a great father
That made me see beyond them...
The anthem of Unity I chant
As the symphonies ov Love
Call upon the truest Will
For all shalt gather around this treasure...
Atop this humane land...
( © 2008 - All Rights Reserved Belial )