Christmas HeadlightsA Poem by sweetsaltywordsbleh.An animal, dead in their tracks. A deer in headlights, not knowing left from right or right from wrong. And the driver, invisible. The car is traveling in light years and my body is bracing for impact… for the light after the headlights. Only the driver knows where I will go and where I will be for eternity.But I can't see their face. I calmly recall the way my grandmother’s Christmas tree lights looked two years ago and the colors they glowed as I walked around the house sleepless at night. Red, green blue. Blue, red, green. Choking the tree but also embracing it as the lights shined through the night, directing me to its light. To the light after the headlights. © 2017 sweetsaltywords |
StatsAuthorsweetsaltywordsLutz, FLAboutWell I love to write. I find myself writing when i've had a really bad day and even when i've had a really good one. Writing helps me get in tune with my emotions and helps me process things. I unders.. more..Writing