The Hunt

The Hunt

A Chapter by Jessica

The eighth chapter in A Day Dream.


“Is everyone paired up?” Ms. Lewis asked. The class replied with yes’s and no’s, some paired up, and others looked for partners. When everything was calm, the teacher spoke again. “Good, alright everyone, because it is only the first day back we are going to take a break. As you walk out the door please grab a rope, list, and bag from the table, then head outside.” She paused, letting us think about our given directions for a minute. “When you get outside you will see a line of cones, stand by one, a pair per cone.” I tried to think of what we could be doing, but nothing came to mind.


Dakota grabbed the given supplies as we made our way out the door, I quickly grabbed the list from him, and looked it over. “I can’t believe it . . .” I muttered, Dakota looking over. “Can’t believe what?” He questioned, trying to scan over the paper, I tilted it out of his gaze. “It is a scavenger hunt.” I informed him. “Why do we have a rope?” “It is a three legged scavenger hunt.” He laughed, and I joined in. We followed the instructions, tying our legs together as we stood by our cone, smiling as we did so. How quickly things change. “Dakota?” I asked, unsure of how I would continue. “Yeah?” His voice was still light, friendly, and amused. How was I supposed to ask this? I just had to blurt it out, if I was going to say it at all. “Why were you acting like this? Back in the classroom you . . .” I paused, “well, I think you know.” Dakota’s smile vanished, and once again he became quiet. Damn it. What was I saying to make him act this way?


 “You were acting the same way.” He told me, sounding confident as he said it, something I didn’t understand. “No I wasn’t.” “When you came into the room you completely ignored me, and then when I came over and sat by you, you acted like you never wanted to talk to me again.” “No, I didn’t.” What the hell was he talking about? “’I thought I had seen the last of you’? Come on Jessica, even the way you said it sounded like you were pissed off at me.” I wanted to laugh, but at the same time I wanted to hit myself and Dakota. “I didn’t mean it that way. I didn’t think I would see you again today, and in my mind that was not a good thing.” I paused, watching Dakota’s face. He seemed to be getting it. “I was listening to music too, didn’t you see when I walked in? When I listen to music I forget everything around me.” He smiled, again I joined in. “I’m the same way.” He told me, laughing as he did so.


Without thinking, I took a step forward, the rope tugging on my ankle, causing me to fall. I hit the ground, Dakota coming down half a second later, with a thud. “S-s-sor-ry. ” I managed to get out, laughing uncontrollably. He simply smiled, shifting into a different position so he could easily stand. “No problem,” He told me while extending his hand to help me up from my sitting position, “now let’s find that apple.”


© 2016 Jessica

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Added on September 11, 2008
Last Updated on February 18, 2016



Atlanta, GA

I am a random person, and I sometimes keep to myself. I try to be more outgoing, but I can't seem to unless I am with my close friends. I do, however, become the most out going person you could ever m.. more..

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A Story by Jessica

A Day Dream A Day Dream

A Book by Jessica