![]() My Own WorldA Chapter by Jessica![]() The sixth chapter of A Day Dream.![]() “Dakota insisted that we should sit over here,” Will began, I could almost feel his eyes burning into me as I looked down at the table, “and when we said we weren’t going, he left, so we decided we might as well come over.” I smiled, hiding it behind my hand, pretending to yawn. The fact that Dakota was going to sit over here regardless of the others was, at the very least, uplifting. “Jessica?” I looked up, Brittney was standing. “Oh right.” I stood up, and followed Since we had been in line, Dakota had started talking to the other guys. I had two choices: talk to As the song ended the next song on my playlist came up, Vermilion. I had to hear more of The song ended, and Dakota returned my ear bud. “If that wasn’t your favorite song, then what is?” I asked him, now in my own little world. I loved that music could do that for me, make everything seem unimportant. “A Little Piece of-“ I cut him off, “Heaven?” I held up my iPod up, ‘Avenged Sevenfold’ crossing the screen. He laughed, “You have a great taste in music.” He commented. “So do you.” We spent the rest of the lunch talking about what music we liked, and what we hated. I laughed each time he added someone like the Jonas Brothers to the hate list. He didn’t listen to the boy band, but regardless there was something about them that he just didn’t like, the same was true for me. With four minutes left in the lunch Brittney, Sara (She had shown up halfway through the lunch, leaving me guilt free from ignoring Brittney.), Dakota, the others, and I stood and made our way to the door. I stood by the stack of tables, Dakota next to me. I could feel a warmth spreading through my body, starting with the area closest to him. I didn’t want this time to end. The one time I wasn’t wanting the bell to ring, it did, loud and piercing.
© 2016 Jessica |
Added on September 11, 2008 Last Updated on February 18, 2016 Author![]() JessicaAtlanta, GAAboutI am a random person, and I sometimes keep to myself. I try to be more outgoing, but I can't seem to unless I am with my close friends. I do, however, become the most out going person you could ever m.. more..Writing